Re Releasing Figures & Vehicles (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

My friend “VICKNOR” does not like or approve of K&C re-releasing figures.
As many of you already know the vast majority of K&C figures have never been re released after retirement and that will continue to be the case.

However, certain figures lend themselves to an alternative paint scheme or adaption ... and that’s what we do ... on a very occasional basis.

If you look at our aircraft and certain fighting vehicles K&C have for many years provided more than one version of a certain tank, armoured car and / or fighter plane.

With no negative results on the secondary market. As to how it will hurt K&C’s new sales turnover ...? I fail to see that happening as we go forward continually releasing a wealth of brand-new products on a regular monthly basis compared to the relatively small number of re-released figures, vehicles, aircraft and diorama accessories.

Going back to that “Secondary Market” for a moment ... Having just returned from Australia and after meeting collectors in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne – among them many new and recent collectors ... Quite a few admitted to wanting to buy older, K&C retired items that were now only available on the “Secondary MarketBUT were frightened off by some of the exorbitant prices being asked.

That is when, occasionally, we will re release an item and give it an alternative paint job. That way the “newbie” gets a similar figure at a reasonable price or, if he so chooses, can still buy the more expensive original piece on the “Secondary Market”.

That way most collectors get what they want ... at a price they can afford.

As for the plinths and the statues ... I see nothing wrong with them. Some figures lend themselves to “bronzing” and sitting on top of a plinth ... pure and simple.

Best wishes and happy collecting,

As a "fairly new collector" (one that just started collecting K&C over the past few years), I appreciate the opportunity to pick up some new older items that go for a hefty price on Ebay. Thanks for looking out for those of us who have an interest. Thank you as well for the explanation. K&C remains my favorite!


I appreciate that my friend "ANDY" decided to post another response to feedback on here.

My credentials as a KnC collector stand up pretty well recently and so I have no axe to grind plus of course to Andy and other KnC staff I'm obviously identifiable from my posts and purchases made here in Hong Kong (and I accept that as I post on Treefrog) if not from the now defunct UK site and EBay at large.

Now there is a thread about the issue though, I'd politely suggest that a number of collectors do have some concerns relating to the re-issuing of retired items with no more than a marginal re-paint.

The WeChat, KiK and Whatsapp groups that exist in Macau, Hong Kong, Beijing, greater Guangdong province and especially Malaysia and Singapore do discuss this issue as well as the many positives that make us King and Country collectors.

My posts regarding re-issues and 'un/de-retirements' were mentioned (hopefully) in general response to posts made by others and were not intended to provoke a NEW THREAD response which I'm sure wasn't warranted.

However, it's nice to hear that King and Country do not envisage the de/un-retirement of more pieces and for that I'm grateful.
I don't want to turn this into a thread about what should be re-made or re-issued but one of my favorite pieces is the Demag that was issued many years ago. I'm sure that Desert collectors like Western Outlaw would love to see that one in the future.
Re-issues are only a problem for collectors if the resale value of a rare, old piece is undercut by a re-issue. But many of these rare, old pieces are selling for much less than they were several years ago even without a re-issue. Same for more recent, more available pieces for resale. In many cases, the retail price of a newly released piece (re-issue) is so high it will exceed the resale price the original had been selling at before the re-issue was announced. Before getting knickers in a twist, try finding some examples where a re-issue caused the price of an original issue to fall dramatically.

The Berlin Tenement SP014 was released in 2005 at $105. It was getting $400 - $600 on resale several years ago. But recent sales of SP014 before the announcement of the Berlin Tenement re-issue were $250 - $275 with no takers for ones listed at $300+. The retail price of the re-issue SP071 is $250. So the resale value of the original SP014 has more than doubled since 2005, but it's not much different in price than the re-issue.

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The good thing about un-retirement / re-issue during each dispatch, is that there is less to buy for some of us.

The bad thing is if you had bought the original piece in the secondary market at a higher price, then too bad for you.

SP071 is certainly not a re-issue of SP014. Both tenements are complementary and they will look good together. I think for those who bought the SP071, I will not be surprised if they would want the SP014 if the price is right.

To re-issue a group of figures that are long retired but now bearing insignias of 3 different states (of dealers) seem strange. The sculpts are the same as that of yesteryears but the prices are higher. Perhaps it is due to requests from fans there. But that one seem like a major un-retirement.

I think if the Egyptian chariot would ever be re-released. Even the people that had the original one. Would not mind having another one. That among so many wants....
The good thing about un-retirement / re-issue during each dispatch, is that there is less to buy for some of us.

The bad thing is if you had bought the original piece in the secondary market at a higher price, then too bad for you.

SP071 is certainly not a re-issue of SP014. Both tenements are complementary and they will look good together. I think for those who bought the SP071, I will not be surprised if they would want the SP014 if the price is right.

To re-issue a group of figures that are long retired but now bearing insignias of 3 different states (of dealers) seem strange. The sculpts are the same as that of yesteryears but the prices are higher. Perhaps it is due to requests from fans there. But that one seem like a major un-retirement.


The new release in this case then could cause a demand for the older piece thus creating a price increase on the secondary market.
Came across a b&w WWII photo of Napoleon mounted statue on a plinth surrounded by US servicemen after D-Day. Would make a nice dio. Looks identical to the K&C piece.:salute::
Came across a b&w WWII photo of Napoleon mounted statue on a plinth surrounded by US servicemen after D-Day. Would make a nice dio. Looks identical to the K&C piece.:salute::

Are all the released statues real and in existence today somewhere? Any idea?
Are all the released statues real and in existence today somewhere? Any idea?


the statues are all recasts of retired figures, then repainted to represent bronze.

I would have liked to see a more realistic weathered bronze or even stone as an alternative because these 'statues' seem to have just come out of the foundry, and not like the ones that I have seen around Europe or on our local war memorials.

This is interesting that this has come at a time that seems a real turning point in the hobby and with re-releases or repaints etc whatever you like to call it. I have put much thought in this the last year or so. I am not much a fan of it and my father was not before me.

From my fathers collective times and mine here is how I see it today.

There was the quirky Del Prado period where many were confused on sculpts that were crossing the line painted here sold there etc. There were the Hong Kong club figures that meandered over to Halchit. Then on the releasing issues with the club figures that were sold cheaply at the Chicago show when some paid hundreds and hundreds to get them from the Kings x club. I read where someone said show me where the decreased value is in one of these threads, this move significantly decreased the value of John Wayne, Quincannon and the entire range and largely those that purchased them in Chicago for 32 bucks sold them on E Bay and made big bucks and the collectors lost value on the collectors items they bought to save as special and low run. It has been awhile now for a new release on them so like the Hong Club it looks like truly exclusive Kings x figures may be gone as well. Then we have new so called Kings x figures in the John Ford line that are available everywhere and those stating they are exclusive and again turning profits while others figure it out they can get them and again lowering value for the true collector. That and truly new show figures that are not just repaints seems gone as well for the most part from California, Chicago and Texas shows.

To me the painting of war vehicles different ranges was easier to stomach. But the re-release of figures painted differently was and is not liked much. Like the British WWI being painted in three or so Australian and New Zealand uniform patches. Or the yellow uniform IC Chinese being painted in red. Then re-release WWI German storm troopers painted in different uniforms.

Then there is the figures coming out that are smaller then the norm making it hard not to see them before buying. The new Apache indians are like that. Geronimo is OK but the foot Indians look like kids and feel like it when you hold one. This smaller concept also ruined the continuation of the Crimean range from the now gone KC UK store. This applies to the Eagles Dare set and most unfortunately for me the Duelist set was a let down on one of my favs. Some ranges like market garden, pike and musket and most the real west have remained true commanding sizes and painting but you never know what to expect and when it comes in the mail there are some disappointments. This and when you start collecting a new range until a bad release comes out and it does not move and then it seems discontinued.

Now we have British Navy repaints in white uniforms. The US Navy steam boat painted for Gallipoli. Lawrence Of Arabia re-released as a new figure when all that is changed is the camel saddle tassels are painted a different color. Now SP diorama pieces. Well enough of that.

The new sculpts large size in your hand weight is what it is all about.

The secondary market is showing a huge devalue of most but say 2006-2007 and back to the 90's look on Ebay and it is clear other then dime-store's attempt to hold the front.

KC is among my favorite but things feel a bit strange of late with this type of releasing.

If this is the case then lets go out with pride and not like an overage rock star passing out on the stage.

The secondary market is showing a huge devalue of most but say 2006-2007 and back to the 90's.

So, that is my opinion.
But the re-release of figures painted differently was and is not liked much. Like the British WWI being painted in three or so Australian and New Zealand uniform patches. Then re-release WWI German storm troopers painted in different uniforms.
Lawrence Of Arabia re-released as a new figure when all that is changed is the camel saddle tassels are painted a different color. Well enough of that.

The secondary market is showing a huge devalue of most but say 2006-2007 and back to the 90's look on Ebay and it is clear other then dime-store's attempt to hold the front.

KC is among my favorite but things feel a bit strange of late with this type of releasing.

If this is the case then lets go out with pride and not like an overage rock star passing out on the stage.

"It's better to burn out, then to fade away. My, my, hey, hey"

You took the words out of my mouth for those re-releases above, plus the reissued parachuters from DD and MG.

Dime-store is good at buying low and selling high. So, as long as acquisitions are bought at relatively low prices, perhaps it is still a viable biz model. Last week, a Char Bis was snapped up by him for $118.50 and now listed at $299. Whoever the collector that really wanted it, was just not desperate enough.

the statues are all recasts of retired figures, then repainted to represent bronze.

I would have liked to see a more realistic weathered bronze or even stone as an alternative because these 'statues' seem to have just come out of the foundry, and not like the ones that I have seen around Europe or on our local war memorials.

I have no real issue with re-releases as it comes down to if 'you don't like it don't buy it', but I do have to say the 'statues' are disappointing, most simply would not be what you would see on memorials, would've been better to have more realistic new sculpts , but that is just my humble opinion.
I had not seen an older piece at a "good" price for quite a while on eBAY.... shipping cost is also arghhhh....

Consignments in TF and Sierra also at selling at premiums - not the original retail price.

Maybe I am missing some online sites which maybe I could get them at a better pricing - anyone can share with me {sm4}

I'm not angry about this topic but the collector mafia wants to deny me the opportunity to purchase reissued vehicles or figures just to maintain their monopoly ???

What about the newbie who just wants their particular favourite or essential figure for that diorama ? According to this thread no Panzer 1,2,3, 4, kubelwagen, truck , T34, ambulance or artillery piece will be re -issued ever again. Too bad if I missed out on an issue 20 years ago.

I don't hear Tamiya collectors complaining about reissues. No I don't use ebay and yes I have used consignment at particular shops to purchase deleted items.

If you want "resale value" I would suggest you purchase shares or bubblegum cards.

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Are all the released statues real and in existence today somewhere? Any idea?

That'd be a long bow to draw Chris, but I was quite surprised to spot Napoleon on horseback on just that shape of plinth. I wasn't that taken by the whole statue thing up to that point...more taken by the de facto sale of castings :wink2:
I had not seen an older piece at a "good" price for quite a while on eBAY.... shipping cost is also arghhhh....

Consignments in TF and Sierra also at selling at premiums - not the original retail price.

Maybe I am missing some online sites which maybe I could get them at a better pricing - anyone can share with me {sm4}

Contact Pam at Brunton's Barracks.
I recently purchased from her King and Country WS 180 at the original price of $289.00, not inflated prices that you see on ebay.

I'm not angry about this topic but the collector mafia wants to deny me the opportunity to purchase reissued vehicles or figures just to maintain their monopoly ???

What about the newbie who just wants their particular favourite or essential figure for that diorama ? According to this thread no Panzer 1,2,3, 4, kubelwagen, truck , T34, ambulance or artillery piece will be re -issued ever again. Too bad if I missed out on an issue 20 years ago.

I don't hear Tamiya collectors complaining about reissues. No I don't use ebay and yes I have used consignment at particular shops to purchase deleted items.

If you want "resale value" I would suggest you purchase shares or bubblegum cards.


Having started collecting nearly 3 years ago and spent a lot of money purchasing retired K&C items and being hit with huge international postal bills I should be on the side of keeping secondary prices up but it's not fair on new collectors who we need to encourage into this hobby why can't they get a Desert Matilda or two.

I personally support Andy in re issuing some of the older figures and vehicles if they are repainted or slightly altered the better as that means the original is still that.


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