It was not about resale value as far as the Tommies or Germans are concerned. These never really went up much in prices in the first place. These four years are the Centennial years of the Great War. Being big fans of K&C, I guess expectations were running high. Nothing to do with nationalities either, I collect Light Horse as well. If those FW were different sculpts, I would have collected the different states. But, letting you know my choice should not draw flak if you are mature enough to understand what expressing an opinion and giving feedback means. You like it, you buy it lor... (Singlish).
As far as Surrender of Singapore, the Japanese figures of Yamashita and staff got reissued. I guess Japanese figures are getting popular. But FOB080 figures and their poses as is, are really meant to be combined with FOB079. So, maybe FOB079 will get even more highly sought after. But, who knows and who cares, if you already have both sets.
I already have the Matilda. If another one appears, it is likely that I will still buy it if there are some differences. And I have been buying repaints of vehicles. E.g., 3 T34s, 3 38Ts, 2 winterised T34s, as long as it make sense on the diorama. However, do it too much and see what happened to Dragon tanks.
But, as far as figures are concerned, just less receptive. But, the manufacturer (any of them) can do what it wants to do, and if it sells, it is a good biz strategy. Some collectors have feedback to me that currently, it is just harvest time. Perhaps, it was wrong to wish for different sculpts? Wishful thinking?
And someone mentioned to collect shares and trading cards, but I am not sure if these even go up in value. Not so good advice. Stick to toy soldiers.