"Rebs at the edge of town" (2 Viewers)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
The pickets just reported seeing Rebs at the edge of town along the fence line...

Looks like there are a lot of em...
Introducing our new stone and wood fence sections. High density polyurethane foam and resin casting from our original patterns.
Each section measures 11" long, 5" wide and 3" at the tallest point. each section is three runs of stone in a zig zag with 4 cross braces and rails. Each one is hand painted as shown and completely ready to use... $35.00 ea.

In this image and the ones above we have placed two sections end to end on one of our shelf scenics with a photo backdrop printed on archival paper stock. The image was taken at Gettysburg a few years ago and blends everything together very nicely.

I will try to post a few more images soon, I hope you enjoy these.
Totally awesome Ken!:cool: Hope to be able to make it to Chicago this year to be able to see these in person!:)

Very nice Ken !!!

My crystal ball shows a whole heap of these heading to Wisconsin :D:D:D

You can take that statement to the bank Scott . . . . . and while you're at the bank please put some money into my account :p;):rolleyes:

Ken these look fantastic and certainly a must have for me. I can't wait to see them first hand.
:) Mike

Nice addition there. Do you plan any more new building releases (European) WWI WWII era including maybe some bombed out versions?


We have 4 new additions to our Normandy range and I hope to post pictures at the end of next week. I am still making molds for some of the detail parts here between everything else. Ericka just finished painting up 30 sets of the new ACW walls.
A couple of these new Normandy additions are damaged and I hope you will like how they work with the buildings already released.
We should have a few sets finished and for sale at OTSN.
See you there!
We have already had a few requests to see images the new ACW stone and wood fences as single units.
Here are two pictures front and back, of one section @ $35.00.

This has been placed on one of our 'Wild Grass' bases with a photo backdrop. The W. Britain Reb is for scale reference.
The hornets started buzzin around our ears... it looks like we are going to get a visit from Bobby Lee's whole Army of Northern Virginia!
Beautiful Ken, nice to see you getting in some playtime. Are these all figures sculpted for WB or are they figures that you have sculpted over the years?
There are 6 figures in this picture that I sculpted while working for Richard Conte and the rest are all 1st Gear/W. Britain figures. I like to mix them together with the ONWTC ACW figures I sculpted for some variety in the set ups.

There are also 5 figures in this mix that are conversions of 1st Gear/ W. Britain. These are simple head swaps, arm movement and repaints.

Hopefully as we add to the ACW line we will be able to get even more realistic mixes so we can stage dioramas without too many repeats.

We will be adding some ACW structures to our H&A offerings soon... we will keep you posted.
As always, very impressive work Ken. Looking forward to acquiring several of the new stone and rail fence sections. I am also really looking forward to the line of ACW structures you have mentioned.
:) Mike
As always...fantastic...the fence is particularly nice. I'm not sure who ultimately produced these figures, but the rebs' rolled blankets are terrific...love the detail!
Hi Guys,

Another great example of Ken and Ericka’s handiwork. As a big fan of their work I look forward to seeing them (and more of their fine work) in Chicago!

Best wishes and congratulations!
Andy C.
Ken...the fence is a great addition to your diorama pieces...your photos are stunning also...great clarity...really vivid shots...
Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I really have fun dragging out figures for photography. I wish I could do it more often.

We have been busy little bees around here for some time. With that said we never seem to finish as much as we would like to, it seems like eating and sleeping get in the way!

Andy, we are also looking forward to seeing all of the goodies that will be rolled out at Chicago. What a great show, defiantly one of my favorites. We will be chatting again soon.

Mike, Thanks... we use an inexpensive Nikon Coolpix 12. 0 Megapixel, 3.6X Zoom camera with two photo floods. The backdrop is one of our 28" X 15" photos we took at Gettysburg some years ago. The Grassy bases make the set ups easy, as you know.
And by the way, these fences would look great with your F&I figures too.

Back to the bench, there are new figures for the Sudan that need finishing.
All the Best,

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