1st Lieutenant
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Thanks for your responses. I think the real key is to find a happy medium, ie, an amount the buyer is comfortable giving and an amount the seller is happy with. It shouldn't be slanted heavily in eithers favor, because then it is not a fair deal for one of the parties.
Don't get me wrong, I've walked away from collections because the amount the seller wanted was more than I felt willing to pay factoring in I need to turn a profit in the end.
No harm, no foul, it's all good.
As long as you are willing to take everything and not cherry pick, collections are out there..........
Yes, my experience is with Lionel Trains and old toys.
I first begain buying Lionel Trains 35 years ago long before there were any price guides, or information on what we were looking at, outside of the catalogs we
might find.
Lionel went out of business in 1964 so there was little interest in the sets. A few of us found a way to advertise and perhaps went out on 1 or 2 calls a week
looking at trains. Usually it was pretty slow until the holidays. Then as people pulled out their decorations and a set of trains or two we would have more then we could handle.
Everyone was glad to pick up the extra cash, and most of us would trade with other collectors or attend a small show on the weekends to try to recover our cash for the next week.
It was a lot of fun, we all learned together, their was a lot of competition, and if you were lucky once or twice a season you might find something really special.
I don't do this any longer, but I keep up with a lot of different fields, and I regularly make very interesting finds when I visit antique shows, and shops in our travels.
Its all about knowing just a little bit more then the next guy, so you know what you are looking at.