Retired Items (3 Viewers)


Private 2
Jun 14, 2007
Hi everyone

I've just had a quick look at the TT web site, KandC section, and noticed at least three items highlighted as 'retired'. I currently don't have any of them and started to panic :eek: - maybe signs I'm becoming an addict, :( - because I wasn't planning to buy them yet.

However, having looked on the Sierra TS site, and the K+C UK site, and the K+C HK site, I can't find any reference to these particular sets having been retired. So, my question is, I bet you can guess it - ;) - are they or aren't they being retired imminently, and who do I 'believe' with regard to this issue in future?

BTW, I'm referring to three Waffen SS, Normandy sets - one of the three seated soldier sets for the prime mover, the kneeling mg34/42 set, and a set with a walking officer in a greatcoat.

Can someone please put my anguished mind at ease - :confused::D
I'm pretty sure none of those 3 sets have been retired yet, and are widely available.

Ack! Which ones are you talking about?? We'll get it fixed right away!

No reason to start a panic!!
ummm, if I'd read your posts ALL THE WAY through I'd know which ones.....:mad:
They are fixed!! Thank you for pointing it out to us.

If ANYONE finds an error in our web site, PLEASE let us know and we'll make it right!
They are fixed!! Thank you for pointing it out to us.

If ANYONE finds an error in our web site, PLEASE let us know and we'll make it right!

I found an error Peter,it doesn't say on your website 'All shipping to UK totally free of charge':D

They are fixed!! Thank you for pointing it out to us.

If ANYONE finds an error in our web site, PLEASE let us know and we'll make it right!

Thank YOU, for a) the quick response and affirmative action and b) putting my mind at ease and saving me from having to rush out and buy them straight away - :)

Talking of 'buying' stuff, I know Rob was only joking, BUT, do you offer any kind of shipping discount to the UK - :)
Thank YOU, for a) the quick response and affirmative action and b) putting my mind at ease and saving me from having to rush out and buy them straight away - :)

Talking of 'buying' stuff, I know Rob was only joking, BUT, do you offer any kind of shipping discount to the UK - :)

Its funny how it does send you into a panic when you think you've missed a retired item isn't it?.I'm relieved i'm not the only one:D

Thank YOU, for a) the quick response and affirmative action and b) putting my mind at ease and saving me from having to rush out and buy them straight away - :)

Talking of 'buying' stuff, I know Rob was only joking, BUT, do you offer any kind of shipping discount to the UK - :)

We charge actual shipping costs (or pretty darn close). When ordering on-line, the web site automatically calculates the international postage for you based on the items you order. While this isn't always perfectly exact, we've found that the actual shipping costs are virtually the same.
Its funny how it does send you into a panic when you think you've missed a retired item isn't it?.I'm relieved i'm not the only one:D


Certainly not the only one. With the sets I've decided to collect, which is a very limited number, I'm determined to collect almost everything 'current' and newly released from the moment I started collecting - I'm a bit 'anal' like that I'm afraid - and what with K+C releasing new product at the rate they do, trying to keep up is pretty hard. As soon as something is retired I have to buy it straight away just in case I miss it - :)
Certainly not the only one. With the sets I've decided to collect, which is a very limited number, I'm determined to collect almost everything 'current' and newly released from the moment I started collecting - I'm a bit 'anal' like that I'm afraid - and what with K+C releasing new product at the rate they do, trying to keep up is pretty hard. As soon as something is retired I have to buy it straight away just in case I miss it - :)

I hear you mate! My wife says i'm Anal about my collecting,with all my lists and pictures etc.Still i have a plan and generally stick to it.

Thank YOU, for a) the quick response and affirmative action and b) putting my mind at ease and saving me from having to rush out and buy them straight away - :)

Talking of 'buying' stuff, I know Rob was only joking, BUT, do you offer any kind of shipping discount to the UK - :)

hi, is it so difficult to put an eye in the k&c site?:)
It is kinda like the little boy looking through the window of the Candy Shop - when you look at the K&C Website !!

You just want it all :D ;)
He may well have meant, referring back to the original query regarding which items are being retired, that surely the easiest thing to do is go and look at the 'official' K+C website - can't be that hard to keep an eye on it, can it? :)

My point being, however, that when 'trusted' and 'authoritative' sites are saying contradictory things about product it does make you wonder. I have known one or two occasions, for example, when certain site managers have been a little slower updating their product information than others. For all I knew, TT owners may have been privvy to something not widely known and been particularly quick off the mark posting the info. on their site.

Anyhoo - all things being equal, [;)] it would indeed be the surest and simplest thing to do to 'keep an eye on' the official site - which, BTW, I did refer to doing in the original post - :D

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