Richthofen and Company... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 2, 2013

I may have found a solution to a personal dilemma in these little videos.

I've never been comfortable with using file-hosting services to house the images that I post to groups like this. The answer seemed obvious, here, in that I could always reduce my 4k x 3k pics to the more modest parameters that TF requires for the pics to be warehoused locally. That was fine, but I was very much aware that some of my posts contain 10+ images. Even at the reduced resolutions, I was eating up a ton of space on somebody's server.;) Realizing that, I was reducing the pics even more, often to 1280x1024, AND I was limiting the total number of pics as much as possible, often times, to five per thread, regardless of how many pics I had taken.

Well, sports fans, these little movies take care of virtually all of the difficulties that I cite above. If I want to do a model review, I can still post away on my favorite new set, as I've done in the past. However, if I simply want to show off my collection and display all the pics that I like, I can condense the effort into a single video. If the service fails me, then I'm only out a single link, and I've saved myself all the effort that I used to expend trying to format my posts to make them more readable. What a relief!

All that I can say is {sm3} and thank you Ollie!{sm4}

Another stellar production. By golly Moe I think you figured this video business out and have really gotten it "off the ground" . . . . Very well done and you have proven your production skills to be something other than a "fly by night" operation ^&grin . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Fantastic job, Moe, very atmospheric. Love your choice of music, as well. Is Paris Burning?:wink2: -- Al
Another stellar production. By golly Moe I think you figured this video business out and have really gotten it "off the ground" . . . . Very well done and you have proven your production skills to be something other than a "fly by night" operation ^&grin . . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Hi Mike,

If the first one was easy, this go-round was stoopid easy. All you need to start is a folder with some pics in it. From there, you can spruce things up as desired. However, I'm just talking about window-dressing in that respect. Creating the base file requires no such effort.:D Thanks for the encouragement!

Another nice one Moe.

Duke, the Photo Bucket debacle got me thinking about this. As of late, I run into the PB SOL icon every time I do an image search on Google. I click on an item in the results, and there's that sorry icon demanding ransom. In pursuing the image to the source, often a forum like TF, I'm finding the threads simply ripped apart. I'm seeing this so frequently, that its essentially wrecking the content base of a lot these venues. Don't mean to get you going, but that's just what appears to have gone down.:(

Fantastic job, Moe, very atmospheric. Love your choice of music, as well. Is Paris Burning?:wink2: -- Al

Hehe, Manfred doesn't wanna burn Paris. However, me thinks he'd definitely like to occupy the City of Light.;)

Thanks Al!

Nice clip and warbirds Moe, the scene is also great as usual. You'll be knocking on Hollywood's door soon mate..:wink2:

Nice clip and warbirds Moe, the scene is also great as usual. You'll be knocking on Hollywood's door soon mate..:wink2:


Thanks Tom. Keeps me from TS-shopping all the time!:wink2:


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