ROM094-ROM101 Fighting Imperial Roman Praetorians Release 1 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
We are pleased to present our "fighting" variant of the Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard! The first time we did Praetorians, we portrayed the Praetorians marching. This time we've portrayed them heavily engaged in combat protecting the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The Roman Praetorian Guard was the personal bodyguard of the Roman Emperors. In addition to their political role of being the strongest armed military force within Rome, they took part in various campaigns and battles including those of Marcus Aurelius as they were at least the equal of any other Roman Legion in terms of combat effectiveness. Presented here in striking combat poses, these figures are designed to be fully engaged with our enemies of Rome. With their imperial purple colors, black leather lorica segmentata, and photo etched steel pilum and gladius, this release is certainly the most striking Roman release we've done for our incredibly popular Glory of Rome figure range. This is the first group of 8 figures and another 8 figures will follow in November for a total of 16 different Praetorians!


ROM094 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Centurion $69.95
ROM095 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Signifer $84.95
ROM096 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Optio $69.95
ROM097 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard Cornicen $79.95
ROM098 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard with Gladius #1 $64.95
ROM099 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard with Gladius #2 $64.95
ROM100 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard with Gladius #3 $64.95
ROM101 Imperial Roman Praetorian Guard with Pilum #1 $64.95
Shipping End October

















ROM102-ROM109 will follow in November. We sincerely you enjoy the new release!


First Legion
Wow, love these!

What would be the time span of the Praetorians given their armor and equipment? The description says fighting for Marcus Aurelius (about 150AD to 180AD), but beyond this brief period how far would these figures stretch? How compatible would they be with the Alesia and Imperial lines?
Wow, love these!

What would be the time span of the Praetorians given their armor and equipment? The description says fighting for Marcus Aurelius (about 150AD to 180AD), but beyond this brief period how far would these figures stretch? How compatible would they be with the Alesia and Imperial lines?

They are Imperial Romans as they were created by Augustus after he became Emperor. Further, the Lorica Segmentata didn't really come into being until early 1st century AD. So these guys are useable for the Imperial period but not for the period under Caesar including Alesia as that pre-dates their formation.


They are Imperial Romans as they were created by Augustus after he became Emperor. Further, the Lorica Segmentata didn't really come into being until early 1st century AD. So these guys are useable for the Imperial period but not for the period under Caesar including Alesia as that pre-dates their formation.



Awesome! Thanks for the quick response! Now I have to update my Christmas wishlist! Hmm... may I can get a few for a Thanksgiving present... :cool:
Well worth the wait. I'm glad to see that they made this release. My preorder is already in.
The fighting Praetorians look great! I really like the leather armor. Also, a new embellishment caught my eye....some of the Praetorian's tunics have fabric lines painted on them. You can see them most clearly on ROM099. I don't think I've ever seen fabric lines on anything other than Russian figures before, so this may indeed be a first. Nice touch FL!

I don't collect the Romans but I find these to be very striking looking figures. The black armor is very nice. Very impressive figures. -- Al
These are absolutely stunning figures and to me the best of the Roman releases, their quality clearly improved comparing them with the previous releases (which were already fine figures!). I guess this marked improvement started with the Caesarian Romans but now these are looking even better. Love the poses, the new shields and the faces. FL is really going bananas...^&grin

These look great.

They are very distinctive.

Look forward to seeing them at the December show and then adding them to my Imperial Romans

FANTASTIC looking figures love the poses and facial expressions :salute:: and also that its entitled RELEASE 1 Which can only mean one thing more are coming . regards Gebhard
I didn't manage to complete all of them yet and see ROM094 Centurion is already gone...
Will this be restocked?
I didn't manage to complete all of them yet and see ROM094 Centurion is already gone...
Will this be restocked?

Yes, additional stock will arrive around January 20th. We will turn the catalog back on for dealers and direct customers in about a week at most.


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