Roman fort preview (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Mar 2, 2014
This is a sneak preview that is not completed but will be in a week's time and some photos from last Roman diorama.






Your new version Fort looks pretty good already Greg, Now the gateway has a roof it looks much different from you first one. All in all. Impressive Greg ! :salute::

A nice combination of TG, TCS and JJD figures. The diversity of styles adds interest IMO. Excellent photos.
This is a roman fort! Roman forts were made of wood when the legion stopped on their way {sm3}
The Roman Cohort Fortress of Vindolanda was wood as late as 105 AD. The Fortress was converted to stone by 200 AD. Vindolanda was located near Hadrians Wall. Many Roman Fortresses followed this pattern; first a wood fort and if justified later conversion to stone.

I agree that marching camps of wood were temporary structures. Roman Forts were not designed to withstand siege; but to prevent a surprise attack and allow a Legion to form up march out and fight the enemy in the field. Legions lost in battle were in many cases ambushed on the march before they could deploy. Boudicca destroyed the IX Legion in this manor as it marched to relieve Camulodunum in 61 AD

This is a roman fort! Roman forts were made of wood when the legion stopped on their way {sm3}
The Roman Cohort Fortress of Vindolanda was wood as late as 105 AD. The Fortress was converted to stone by 200 AD. Vindolanda was located near Hadrians Wall. Many Roman Fortresses followed this pattern; first a wood fort and if justified later conversion to stone.

I agree that marching camps of wood were temporary structures. Roman Forts were not designed to withstand siege; but to prevent a surprise attack and allow a Legion to form up march out and fight the enemy in the field. Legions lost in battle were in many cases ambushed on the march before they could deploy. Boudicca destroyed the IX Legion in this manor as it marched to relieve Camulodunum in 61 AD

In The Gallic Commentaries at least twice low numbered cohorts or Auxiliary cohorts defended marching camps from sustained attacks while the bulk of the Legion was otherwise deployed.
Excellent work on the fort.Will we be seeing some of these scenes at the dinner in July?Well done that man.
Maybe Tony, but I have a lot of other things to show. I will be doing a few other dioramas as well. I can't elaborate at this stage and will keep it a suprise.
Take a look at my King and Country Scenes, titled Waterloo1. With your knowledge on horses' I think it will interest you. I will catch up with you at the dinner.
Regards Greg.
Great photos. The JJD Celts and TG Auxilary Cavalry look very realistic IMO. I would put a CH Scorpion in the gate house. Artillery was one of the Romans greatest advantages over Barbarians.

Completed Roman Fort diorama.







Love the action, your fort provides a great back drop to all the action. Please keep posting your dios.

Plenty of action going on in your scene Greg. I really like your Fort which is probably giving other collectors a nudge towards making their own to display their figure in. I think you deserve a Beer or three for that ! :salute::

Thanks all for the comments and likes. Two last photos for showing. Regards Greg.


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