Rome 43 a.d. New releases! (1 Viewer)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006

TCS is proud to present the Claudian invasion of Britain! Once again the Roman Legions descend upon the barbarian, witness this last attempt to subdue the Celtic horde! From war elephants to catapults, from Celtic chariots to scorpions there has never been a Roman release quite like this. With our now infamous sculpting and connoisseur paint you’ll get more of the action you’re looking for.

TCS takes sculpting to a new level with these little beasts. Each piece moves like the wind. Every paint stroke convinces one that the pieces are alive. Our new Roman release is due our in 45 days with many other goodies: Slated for the July catalog we know your gonna love ‘em. We’ve started the series at the eye of the storm and will work out from there.

Pricing: no change.

Don’t miss a beat. Make sure your getting you're mini-mag in the mail, register at :

Tally Hooo!!!
Best regards,

At TCS every sculpt has to move, every paint stroke must shine, every piece must tell a story. We think we’re creating more than military miniatures, That’s TCS and that’s what we do. Welcome to our world.





Well, we go from virtually nothing related to ROME to everyone seemingly popping out of the woodwork with Romans.

These guys look great. The barbarians look fantastic. Little disappointed with the lack of action from the Centurion and standard bearer- the hornicen looks really good. Lots of animated poses.


THIS REALLY REALLY PUTS ME IN A DILLEMMA!! TCS scalewise will work better with my KC and Conte figures but artistry will probably (perhaps) be better with FL.

This is Truly a Golden Age of TS collecting for this trooper!! {sm4}{sm4}
I guess the message here is "if you are a Gaul, and you want to live- Take your shirt off!! {sm4}{sm2}
I always thought that if CS took a shot at the Roman empire that they would nail it. Great job CS. Like you Chris it is definitely decision time
Like you Chris it is definitely decision time

Your birthday came too soon my friend!! {sm2}{sm2} Mine is in September- already called my wife and she remined me of that fact!! {sm4} Should make the pain of turning 39 much easier to bear. :D

Interesting to read in the announcement the chariots and scorpios- sounds like they have a LOT planned for this!!
It's an embarassment of riches for you Chris. Congrats on getting what you (and many others) want from many companies :smile2:
Spectacular figures{bravo}}
the Romans are in fashion, I have roman Conteco, K & C and East of India company

I be more happy when Union cavalry figures released^&grin

... that's it - now my credit card will NEVER recover !!! {sm2}{sm3}{sm4}
Brian...these are quite nice...I love the idea of moving armor...will you be at the San Antonio show and will you have protoypes on display or sets ready to take home...

also...your post says..."pricing no change"...can you expand on pricing please...
I don't "do" Rome, but these new releases look superb. Lots apparently planned for this line, as well. For all the Rome collectors (read CC), congratulations and happy collecting! ^&grin -- Al
Brian...these are quite nice...I love the idea of moving armor...will you be at the San Antonio show and will you have protoypes on display or sets ready to take home...

also...your post says..."pricing no change"...can you expand on pricing please...

Sure, we're pledging to maintain pricing at the $32 per figure level for the immediate future on all releases.

We know its a tough economy and we really are commited to ensuring reasonable pricing for the good of the hobby. Currently we are absorbing price increases and can do so for some time if need be.


Sure, we're pledging to maintain pricing at the $32 per figure level for the immediate future on all releases.

We know its a tough economy and we really are commited to ensuring reasonable pricing for the good of the hobby. Currently we are absorbing price increases and can do so for some time if need be.



Thanks Brian...that's a very attractive price...
It's an embarassment of riches for you Chris. Congrats on getting what you (and many others) want from many companies :smile2:

Thank you (Lancer too :))

interesting choice of words as just yesterday, I accepted an offer with the Department of the Navy, salary is woefully less (to start) than I am making as an independent contractor. I cannot possibly put into words how ironic this is as last year when Figarti released the Abrams, I was in limbo waiting for my contracts to get signed so I could get back to work. {sm2}{sm2}

Still, I am doggedly persistent and will find a way to get these guys in my new display cabinets.

Gotta admit, I recall Sahara's statement about CS doing Rome and didn't think it would be nearly as spectacular as it looks. They have come a looooong way!!
Sure, we're pledging to maintain pricing at the $32 per figure level for the immediate future on all releases.

We know its a tough economy and we really are commited to ensuring reasonable pricing for the good of the hobby. Currently we are absorbing price increases and can do so for some time if need be.



You're a good guy Brian ! Thanks !
Well I am aboard, shaping up to be an exciting ride, must save money, walk more, eat less food, to pay for my army. So long FL. Cheers, Robin.
Exciting new development from CS! This Roman line certainly goes somewhere the competition is lacking. More Ancients for me Woooo Hooooo!!!!^&grin
WOW!The Legions are marching to conquests.I'm glad I don't collect this period or I would go nuts (and bankrupt{eek3})trying to get them all.Congrats Roman collectors.
Finally, I'm done with work and can comment on these figures. The Legion portrayed is none other then the famous and feared 14th Gemina Martia Victrix Legion, the old trustworthy eagle wings and thunderbolts. It is still up for debate when this legion obtained the eagle wings and thunderbolts but one thing is for certain is that it was definitely given the honor sometime between 43 and 61A.D. Surprisingly this legion was sorta of the laughing stock prior to 43 when it nearly got wiped out by the Eburone tribe in 54 B.C followed up the previous year by losing another 2,000 men in an engagement with Germans. Germanicus turned the legions fortune in 14-16 A.D. where it fought bravely against German tribes and in 43 AD it was the 14ths time to shine during the invasion of Britain. Although 43 AD earned them a reputation among the legions it was not until Boudicas revolt in 60-61A.D. that they became feared by their enemies when they beat back Boudicas 230,000 rebels with the odds heavily against them 23 to 1. I can see it now as Seutonious Paulinus tells his troops "Close up the ranks and having discharged your javelins, then with shields and swords continue the work of bloodshed and destruction" as he engaged Boudica.

As far as I can tell the figures are pretty well done with a couple picky things here and there that I as a collector can exclude. One of which is what Chris has brought up before about spice up the Barbarians. I will have to check but I'm not sure if the Brits sported the blue war paint yet. Also the modified cruciform did not take effect until the Dacian wars due to the dreaded Dacian short sword (Falx or Sica) that was known to slice Romans heads into two until the adjustment of equipment had been made.

All in all I have alot of decisions to make. It would have been alot easier if one of the three manufacturers focused on the republic, one on the current focus and one on the late empire such as Constantines era. None the less I'll probably cave and buy them all.

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