Ron! Hood's Arrived (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007

Old Sam Hood has arrived this side of the pond. Many many thanks for tracking him down and shipping on to me (have e-mailed you)

As you can see UKRebs army have sure held a grand meet and greet for the Fighting Texan with a big welcome from Lee himself.


However, across the field I don't think the Yankees are that one bit pleased at all

"I thought that one armed, one legged varmit was in Atlanta"
"Well, looks like he's back here now"
"Hmmm! John Bell Hood himself. That gentlemen could spell a whole passel of trouble for us"


Again Ron many thanks with much appreciation and if you ever need a UK Red Cross parcel or whatever sent over just shout!



That was great ! I am glad he made it there safe and sound.

LOL - Njja - UK Reb takes dioramas to an artform :D

Hey - UK REB

What did you think about all those brochures ?? Did you have those already ??
I agree UK Reb's work is unreal.......Can a video, or book be far in the future?

I would love to know his backround! The way he blends the photos with the

story.......seems just a bit to professional!:D

Does he have first hand knowledge?:eek:

Was he at the battles he speaks of?:eek:

Is it a case of........."There Can Be Only One":eek::eek:
Yea - UK Reb

Lets hear the BIO on you ! Inquiring Minds want to know :D
I agree UK Reb's work is unreal.......Can a video, or book be far in the future?

I would love to know his backround! The way he blends the photos with the

story.......seems just a bit to professional!:D

Does he have first hand knowledge?:eek:

Was he at the battles he speaks of?:eek:

Is it a case of........."There Can Be Only One":eek::eek:


I wish I could say just like your George S Patton I too have been re-incarnated and I was a young Virginian trooper marching up Cemetery Ridge or a US Cavalryman frantically trying to reload his single shot carbine behind a dead horse at Little Big Horn. Alas just a dull Brit who is neither a professional artist or a professional photographer (I did read the manual though) but with an avid interest in US history and the toy soldiers to suit.

Come from a family with a long line of military duty to King/Queen & Country but became an engineer instead of joining the army much to the chagrin of my father.
Got bit at an early age-as most of us have in this hobby- with history. But after years of studying Brit Hist got a little bored with it being steeped in squabbling monarchs, the majority of them not worth the reams of paper that have been written about them and most descending from French or German families.
The first British king to be able to speak English we would understand was Henry IV-400 years after the Norman invasion (not a lot of Brits realise that)-the Middle Ages of Britain were spent fighting the French and the Spanish in endless wars-we were unable to conquer either but history depicts this as our Golden Age-pure schoolbook rubbish- then came Catholics deposing Protestants and vice versa-then the dreaded German Hanoverian George's-hence a famous little ditty we learned at school
.......and when to hell the fourth descended
Thanks be to God the George's ended.

Thought it wise not to dwell too long on us giving Bonaparte a bloody nose-but we did get quite a bit of help from the rest of Europe (is that acceptable Ron :D)

Then into Victoria who sulked and mourned in widowhood for close on 40 years but lucky for her reigned during the real Industrial Age where the British Empire did become historically interesting and made her famous as Victoria the Great (she wasn't-the only persons to see her for 30 years were her prime-ministers and servants.)
But two World Wars put paid to all that empiric age and without you guys would have left the Brits drifting alone in the Atlantic or even conquered.

Brief and perhaps unfair synopsis that makes me sound anti-Brit and down with the monarchy. Not at all I am proud to be British and firmly believe our Queen has done a marvellous job for the past 50 years, however, the above was why I majored in 19th century US history and was able to make a lot more sense out of a young but flourishing country turn itself into a powerhouse of a nation within a very brief period of time-in less than a hundred years and without a monarch-Always considered that amazing and still do.

Now I am not stupid and realise that the above was achieved with a lot of land-grab and sometimes downright murder in the name of Manifest Destiny and I'm sure there is a lot wrong with the US today but a hell of a lot right with it-you appear not to be so ham-strung with political correctness like Britain is. One topical example- recently there have been dozens of knife and gun killings in London, not a single politician or policeman has a clue how to deal with it-as all of them are manacled by the PC brigade who look at each of the lifeless stabbed bodies of the victims and state "the person who did this needs our help":confused::confused:

Not sure that would happen Stateside!

Thanks for the civil war brochures only had a couple of them- package posted today to Washington DC. Thanks again.


Thanks for the insight! And we just love your on going saga! The US is great

but we do have our issues!:eek:

One of the best things we have is freedom! You can pretty much live your

life as you choose, where you choose, and do what you like!:)

You are free to raise your children, and have a nice life.......but these

freedoms come with a certain responsibility.

We must remain always vigilant, because there are always those that seek to

tell us what we SHOULD DO, and HOW WE SHOULD DO IT!:eek::eek:

They say guns are dangerious.....and no one should have one, even though

the right to keep and bear arms is stated in our Bill of Rights!

We should all go green:confused: Its not enought that they do it, if they like

EVERYONE MUST DO IT. Freedom is more then just a right, its a responsibility

to respect other peoples freedom, to make decisions by the majority, for the

majority......not just for the individual who feels he knows best.

I do not smoke, never have, but I do not feel I have the right to insist that

others do as I do. Freedom means they may do as they wish!:)

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