Russian Flats (2 Viewers)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
I've seen some people posting photos (rarely) of Flat toy soldiers. Does anyone know if a store that sells Russian flats? I don't have any and would like to add some to my collection
Do you mean flats depicting Russian subjects, or flats made in Russia? I'm not sure there are very many of the latter, if there are any. The flat originated in Germany, and though there have been makers in other countries, the overwhelming majority of makers are still German. However, many of those makers have Russian subjects, like Napoleonic soldiers, Cossacks, 18th century, in their catalogs.

There are Russian toy soldiers from the Soviet period, produced in a half-round style. They're distinct from the German half-round figures (eg, Ideal or Schneider) in the style of the sculpting, but still toy-like. I have a set of Russian sailors in this style.

I didn't realize all that ... thanks for the info. Where in the US can one find the German flats?
Hi Zach,
Russian flats are my favorite subject and I pursue them every opportunity I get, which are few. Some Russian sets were produced Years back a large variety of mostly Russian, mostly Napoleonic sets were relatively mass produced at a very high level of quality in groups of 10 to 12 foot and 5 cavalry in nice but cheap wood presentation boxes with a plastic slip cover. not cheap but available. I have 10 or 12 various sets.
As Brad said flats are a Euro centric hobby centered in Germany so we here in the states are definitely on the outside looking in, but the hunt can be as much fun as the having.
Michigan toy soldier shop has a nice selection of flat sets from various era's
I didn't realize all that ... thanks for the info. Where in the US can one find the German flats?

As Ray mentioned, you could try Michigan Toy Soldier Company. If you don't mind ordering from overseas, however, I recommend looking at Hans-Günther Scholtz' Berliner Zinnfiguren, That is perhaps the premiere shop for flats, whether you ever get to Berlin and visit, or online. A huge selection of catalogs, including the one founded by Scholtz' father in the 30's, as well as a selection of modern and classic toy soldiers, kits, supplies and books. The site has an English version, for those who don't speak German, and their service is excellent. I'm a long-time Internet customer. The shipping time for surface mail runs to about 12 days from order (I don't mind the wait).

Brad is correct, Berliner is a great brick and mortar establishment with the best stock of flats but you will pay premium prices and there shipping is Expensive!
It would be good to add at this point that I am a collector, not an artist, my skills are not good enough to fit into the standards I collect. Berliner has a huge selection of unpainted and painted sets but the painted sets are for the rich only! Michigans are not cheap but they are painted to a very good standard, I have many of there sets.
I have the figures I want painted by an artist Ironically in St. Petersberg, I buy the blanks I want painted give him the detail, usually printed and shipped with figs he does the work and ships them back.
If you get serious later down the road send me a PM and we can talk some inside baseball.
Thanks Ray
Once I get settled with what I want to do, I'll be sure to be in touch!
So Igor, naturally the nature of painting flats is different from a 3 dimensional figure and I collect 30mm flats, do you or your firm have expertise in this area?
If so I would be interested in knowing how to go about a commission and pricing.
Hi Guys,

While I agree with the places mentioned to find these often over looked figures do check on ebay. I see a lot of them there for wide and varied prices. But hey if you want to play sometimes you will have to pay a little extra. Keep an eye open at Flea Markets as well. I found a bunch of them in Wisconsin this past summer at a local bi monthly flea market so they are out there in the States as well.

Good luck and happy hunting

Hi Ray
Yes, painting flats is different from a 3 dimensional figure
We have experience
Look a link

"I made figures for many collectors and even a few museums.

You can buy painted figures or paint them yourself. Isn't it fun?

If you have unpainted figures I would appreciate getting your orders.

Please email me at"

He is from St- Petersburg and now he lives in Toronto

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