Russian Spec Ops Figures (3 Viewers)

I loved the MARS comics. The enemy had night vision goggles, a prediction of our present weaponry. I recall they even looked like today's goggles. On another note, I liked all the comics where the army was fighting dinosaurs.
I loved the MARS comics. The enemy had night vision goggles, a prediction of our present weaponry. I recall they even looked like today's goggles. On another note, I liked all the comics where the army was fighting dinosaurs.

I remember that - was that in "Our Army at War"? I remember one about a B-17 being attacked by pterydactls.
Yes, it was. There were also these two Indians who fought dinosaurs. Not sure, but I recall a bunch of frontiers men from the French and Indian war fighting dinosaurs.
Yes, it was. There were also these two Indians who fought dinosaurs. Not sure, but I recall a bunch of frontiers men from the French and Indian war fighting dinosaurs.

Boy that brings back memories. I also remember a cover of a tank (I think it was a Stuart tank similar to the "Haunted Tank") being airdropped by parachute with the crew inside while being attacked by pterodactyls - what a hoot. Even ignoring the dinosaur angle, totally beyond belief - but what fun as a kid.

I remember the colonial stories, but some of the Pacific WW2 stick out in my mind. There was a sort of "None but the Brave" story where a unit of US GIs or Marines have to team up with a unit of Japanese soldiers to fight off dinosaurs. Great stuff.

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