Sacred Way. (1 Viewer)

This whole Sacred Way dio idea is fantastic. To expand upon it, perhaps John can, in his 'spare' time ({eek3}), make us some French Territorials (reservists) who were assigned to road upkeep. These men could be using shovel and picks (a major part of WW1) to be doing repairs to the road as the trucks and troops continue to go by. Then all that is needed is a derelict vehicle and other detritus. Perhaps one of John's fine ambulances could be found going in the opposite direction. There are many ways to go on the Sacred Way. -- Al
This whole Sacred Way dio idea is fantastic. To expand upon it, perhaps John can, in his 'spare' time ({eek3}), make us some French Territorials (reservists) who were assigned to road upkeep. These men could be using shovel and picks (a major part of WW1) to be doing repairs to the road as the trucks and troops continue to go by. Then all that is needed is a derelict vehicle and other detritus. Perhaps one of John's fine ambulances could be found going in the opposite direction. There are many ways to go on the Sacred Way. -- Al
All good ideas Al, I'd like to see the same applied to Imperial troops as well and what I'd really like to see from JJD is some general service wagons and a mobile field kitchen with cooks and a line of tommies waiting with their mess tins and ect......:wink2:
All good ideas Al, I'd like to see the same applied to Imperial troops as well and what I'd really like to see from JJD is some general service wagons and a mobile field kitchen with cooks and a line of tommies waiting with their mess tins and ect......:wink2:
Equally good ideas, Wayne. We could also use various French transport (they made use of one man hand carts) and a French field kitchen would be great. I really like this 'everyday routine' and behind the lines stuff. -- Al

This is a fantastic set up!!! Like everyone has already stated, you made great use of the tank riders. What did you use for the dirt road base?


This is a fantastic set up!!! Like everyone has already stated, you made great use of the tank riders. What did you use for the dirt road base?

Thanks Mark,
The road is a base of plaster of paris coloured with brown grout then model railway ballast applied over the top, hope this helps.

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