Sad new from Wilson Edwards Toy Soldiers (1 Viewer)


Aug 27, 2009
I received this email last night from a friend of Craig Pearse (Wilsonedward in Forum) of Wilson Edwards Toy Soldiers:

My name is Greg Blake. I am a good friend and fellow model soldier enthusiast of Craig Pearse of Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers.
It is with immense sadness that I have to tell you that Craig passed away today.
This is as you can imagine a massive shock to his family and all his friends.
I know that you have had some connection to Craig through his beautiful toy soldiers and thought you would like to know.
Could I ask a favor of you John?
Could you please make use of your extensive contacts in the Toy Soldier world and let them know that this has occurred.

Regards and best wishes.


I am deeply shocked about this, as I have been dealing with Craig for over 10 years, since he commenced making toy soldiers in Australia.

I was in contact with him this week, after receiving a shipment of castings I am about to paint, and there was even a message on his BLOG page today, so that’s even more of a shock.

As soon as I find out any more details, I'll pass the onto you all, but at this time my thoughts condolences go out to his family, and friends, especially his brother Jason who is in partnership with the business.

Further news just in from Greg ..

Craig apparently was mowing the lawn when he collapsed and died.
I am not sure exactly why this occurred.
It happened this afternoon.
As far as I am aware, and I knew him very well, he was in the prime of life and had no health issues at all.
The random suddenness of this is a massive shock and a real tragedy as he was really one of life's true blue fellows and a great mate.

He was a Sergent in the Victorian Police force, stationed in Ballarat, and his toy soldier business was he relaxation for the day job.

Any condolences can be sent to his WETS email <>

Hi John ,
This is very sad news indeed , while I personally don't own any of Mr Edwards fine pieces I have always enjoyed seeing them from a far . My heart and Prayers go out to his Family and many friends . This is a great loss and one that will never be filled , the Toy Soldier community has lost one of our own , Very very sorry to hear this .. With deep sympathy Gebhard
Horrible news, I only spoke to Craig over email and pm, but I always found him to be a fine and decent fellow and own quite a number of his wonderful pieces. Wow, I am just shocked to say the least. My thoughts go out to his family.

This news comes as a terrible shock. Craig was a good friend and a thoroughly nice man. Modest to a degree it was only by chance I found that he had beeen decorated for bravery for dragging a fellow officer back under cover while under fire in a shooting incident. He came over to the UK a couple of years ago, and stayed with me for a couple of days and I remember with affection a riotous evening in the local pub. He had plans to repeat the visit next year, an event we were both looking forward to. My deepest sympathy goes to Jason and Leesa, his brother and partner. Trooper
I'm really sad about's a shock that a fine gentleman so young should die abruptly...a terrible shock for his family and all the people he touched during his existence...i'm sad.
"Bonum Certamen certavi , cursum consummavi , fidem servavi"
R.I.P. Craig Pearse
My uncle also died, lived in Australia for 20 years
My condolences from Spain

The holidays are sometimes the happiest and sometimes the saddest time of the year.I'm sorry for your loss Francisco.

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