Crazy is one thing...evil is another!
Some of you seem to assume that having Asperger syndrome or autism is mental illness or that it would lead to what happened yesterday. I'm surprised to see a comment like that; they are birth defects. I've met and known a few people who have Aspergers and they are incredibly smart and well adjusted individuals.
At what point do we as a country say enough is enough and take action to prevent another mass shooting ? The war on terror is here in the streets of America, not in some far away foreign country.
To prevent this from happening again we need armed security at schools, movie theaters, shopping malls, and all places where large groups of people are gathered. Use controlled access points of entry/exit
for these type of facilities to keep armed killers out. It would not prevent everything but it would be a good start ! At least kids can go to school, people could go to see a movie or visit their shopping mall
without fear of being shot by the next lone nut !!! Trying to implement some type of gun control at this point would be very difficult as there are currently way too many assault weapons and guns with high
capacity magazines out in the hands of the public right now.
Unfortunately, this approach just cultivates more fear with little result. A shooter will simply move to another soft target and it's impossible to fortify every public place. I agree gun control is not a viable option at this point. Too many guns in circulation and too much political clout from those who oppose and it would have no impact on a situation like this one where the guy gets his guns from a relative. Somehow there needs to better screening and treatment of those who suffer from mental illness.
The school had a controlled access point. However, the principal recognized the shooter and let him in, an act which sadly cost her her life. She was considered a fine educator.
I dis-agree with having armed security gaurds or police officer's at the schools. These killer's would simply walk up to the gaurd, or police officer and quick draw to kill.
This is a good point, but my mother (who is a school administrator) pointed out that most urban schools already have guards, and urban schools are rarely attacked. Could this be cause and effect? It is unlikely we will ever know, but I don't see it hurting to have an officer on school grounds.