Scotland says No (1 Viewer)

Shouldn't this thread rather be titled, "Scotland says, 'Nae'"?

My point also Rob

Well said that man! I also hope Scotland gets all that's promised to them and reap benefits of such:salute::
Well said that man! I also hope Scotland gets all that's promised to them and reap benefits of such:salute::

I hope so Rob
because I think that was a big turning point for many voters
I hope so Rob
because I think that was a big turning point for many voters

And if it's not delivered I can well understand Scottish voters never trusting politicians from down south ever again, if they do now!

Politicians are slimy
Always have been
If there had been a bit more political leadership and integrity one hundred years ago a century of blood shed and tragedy in Ireland might have been avoided
Hope the politicians have learnt the lessons of history.
That's easy for you to say since you're not Scottish and can kibbitz all you want but it would have had consequences to the UK as a whole and as approximately 85% of the eligible voting population voted, I think they carefully considered the decision. That, my friend, is democracy in action.

And your sense of democracy wants that everybody must agree with the "no"? Funny sense of democracy of yours, my friend....But I understand that on this forum most of the people are totally intolerant with anybody who thinks in a different way...

Personally, I am not involved in that, but, for example Catalunia will vote differently I guess!! Anyway, a man has the heart on his left and the pocket on his right, this time won the pocket :wink2:
Seriously, Poppo, I have to wonder sometimes how you come up with this stuff.[/QUOTE]

Surely, I am not so lucky to have such a big intelligence as yours...:wink2:

ps: I remind you that almost half said "yes"
Hi Guys,

Interesting times to be sure!

Hit the nail on the head Brad! Amazing how short sighted some folks are when they look at this issue. I am sure the people who were in favor of independence had not thought much about the ramifications to all their favorite Social programs and Free Universities and Taxes Jobs etc etc etc. The days of Brave heart are long gone and the countries are bound economically and any split would be massively destructive to both countries and the EU. Heck even the Spanish Government made a bold threat over what would happen if they had become independent. Thankfully there will not be a massive shake up to deal with.

Hi Guys,

Interesting times to be sure!

Hit the nail on the head Brad! Amazing how short sighted some folks are when they look at this issue. I am sure the people who were in favor of independence had not thought much about the ramifications to all their favorite Social programs and Free Universities and Taxes Jobs etc etc etc. The days of Brave heart are long gone and the countries are bound economically and any split would be massively destructive to both countries and the EU. Heck even the Spanish Government made a bold threat over what would happen if they had become independent. Thankfully there will not be a massive shake up to deal with.


ok, I am short sighted and you are very long sighted, and we are all so happy that Scotland voted " no"{sm3}....Ok now?

PS: CEzch and Slovakia separated and all went well.
Hi Poppo,

Interesting comparison between England and Scotland and Czech Republic and Slovakia. Both have or had nationalist issues before there was a vote to dissolve or not. One thing they dont really have in common is the EU. While the EU technically existed in 92 the monetary issue did arrive until 99 so the issues of an EU member breaking up were not felt by the whole or collective economy. Still its an interesting comparison.

And your sense of democracy wants that everybody must agree with the "no"? Funny sense of democracy of yours, my friend....But I understand that on this forum most of the people are totally intolerant with anybody who thinks in a different way...

Personally, I am not involved in that, but, for example Catalunia will vote differently I guess!! Anyway, a man has the heart on his left and the pocket on his right, this time won the pocket :wink2:

That is not my sense of democracy. My sense is that the people of Scotland and considered the issue and voted no. For better or for worse, that was their decision.

I believe Cataluna will vote as you say but, having lived in Spain for several years, I think it's a tragedy. If Cataluna goes so will the Basque region. In the 2010 World Cup, some Catalans were rooting against Spain in the final. I find that hard to understand. Moreover, the government will not sanction a vote so I'm not sure what will happen.
PS: CEzch and Slovakia separated and all went well.

Yes, but every region is different and it's by no means assured that the United Kingdom would have had the same result.

It seems we are going backwards to when the countries we know today, like Germany and Italy, didn't exist. Is that what we want to head to? I'm not sure it's a good idea unless the provinces (that are now countries) of a former nation enter into cooperative agreements with each other.

Canada went through this process in 1995 with a smaller margin(approx 1%) for Quebec to stay in Canada . We are much better together and so is the UK.

Democracy at work but still very tense times

Proudly Canadian and proud of Scottish heritage

Hi Guys,

Interesting times to be sure!

Hit the nail on the head Brad! Amazing how short sighted some folks are when they look at this issue. I am sure the people who were in favor of independence had not thought much about the ramifications to all their favorite Social programs and Free Universities and Taxes Jobs etc etc etc. The days of Brave heart are long gone and the countries are bound economically and any split would be massively destructive to both countries and the EU. Heck even the Spanish Government made a bold threat over what would happen if they had become independent. Thankfully there will not be a massive shake up to deal with.


Well said Dave. The people of Scotland did not vote with some misty eyed, Mel Gibson inspired nostalgia, they voted with their brains knowing all the facts in front of them.

Yes, but every region is different and it's by no means assured that the United Kingdom would have had the same result.

It seems we are going backwards to when the countries we know today, like Germany and Italy, didn't exist. Is that what we want to head to? I'm not sure it's a good idea unless the provinces (that are now countries) of a former nation enter into cooperative agreements with each other.


I would hazard to suggest that the United States would not today enjoy the standing and position in the world that it currently does, were it not for a man who said " A house divided against itself cannot stand"

I am not a big fan of regionalism and separatism by and large.

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