Scotland says No (4 Viewers)

....the morning after the day before....and I feel no less Scottish than I did the previous day....

....extremely proud to be Scottish....the general feeling (at least round here) was "it is fit it is, just get on wi' it"....

...the people I feel sorry for are the poor sods who will now have to (hopefully) go out and gather up all of the roadside Yes/No banners......they're all over the bloody place !

...tonight I attend a BBQ at which will be voters from both sides....revelling in being friends together....:smile2:
....the morning after the day before....and I feel no less Scottish than I did the previous day....

....extremely proud to be Scottish....the general feeling (at least round here) was "it is fit it is, just get on wi' it"....

...the people I feel sorry for are the poor sods who will now have to (hopefully) go out and gather up all of the roadside Yes/No banners......they're all over the bloody place !

...tonight I attend a BBQ at which will be voters from both sides....revelling in being friends together....:smile2:


....nope.....we're a good bit North.....closer to the Granite City area....I saw the news of last night.....what an embarrassment...:redface2:
And your sense of democracy wants that everybody must agree with the "no"? Funny sense of democracy of yours, my friend....But I understand that on this forum most of the people are totally intolerant with anybody who thinks in a different way...

Personally, I am not involved in that, but, for example Catalunia will vote differently I guess!! Anyway, a man has the heart on his left and the pocket on his right, this time won the pocket :wink2:

I think Brad's (jazzeum's) point was that your remark was shallow and not well-thought-out, or perhaps better, overly frivolous for the subject. And it was not intolerant of him to call you out on your comment.

....nope.....we're a good bit North.....closer to the Granite City area....I saw the news of last night.....what an embarrassment...:redface2:

Lucky you
My cousin stays in Banff lovely scenery and wee bit quieter than down in Glasgow
Everyone wants to be free and under nobody's yoke but Scotland's relationship with England is much different than 2-300 years ago.In these times with political and economic issues it is probably better to stay together.
Hi Poppo,

I respect that every one has a point of view, you may are or agree not to agree...this is the beauty of Democracy.... but I need to correct you on your comparison with the Catalan Province of Spain!
Being Spanish myself I need to straigten out part of your statement.
The Scottish case is totally different from the Catalan one, Scotland had a separate monarchy until King James I through blood line became the King of both Scotland and England! Hence, the decission taken this week was heavily influenced by economical aspects and not just Nationalistic ones...Not that this would matter for the Scots are Scots any ware....the culture, language and heritage are present all over the world where they have settled as the British Empire grew....
Catalunia on the other hand was a Duchy vasal to the Aragon kindgom/crown and when the Aragon King married the Castille Queen ( the unification of Spain as the moors were being kicked back into Africa ) it became part of Greater Spain...
Another aspect that needs attention is that under the Rules in the UK Parliament the referendum was a legal abiding procdure that defined it as possible and happened......On the other hand the Spanish Constitution does not provide for such in its articles to the extent that if they do try to do the referendum it will be considered sedition....So do not have high hopes for the Catalan cause because it is going against the countries Constitution....Would be the same as if the Southern States looked for a dejavou of 1861-65!!
Not to mention that different from Scotland which has substantial natural resources and would suffer a bit to stand alone, Catalunia is heavily dependent from resources from the other Spanish provinces and the industries that are there based are so due to pure economic reasons ( gone are the days that the early industrialization of Catalunia verus other provinces in the country was a differential ) and if any change in the country´s composition was to happen substanital Spanish and foreign capital and assets would leave the province.....^&grin^&grin

And your sense of democracy wants that everybody must agree with the "no"? Funny sense of democracy of yours, my friend....But I understand that on this forum most of the people are totally intolerant with anybody who thinks in a different way...

Personally, I am not involved in that, but, for example Catalunia will vote differently I guess!! Anyway, a man has the heart on his left and the pocket on his right, this time won the pocket :wink2:
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Yes, but every region is different and it's by no means assured that the United Kingdom would have had the same result.

It seems we are going backwards to when the countries we know today, like Germany and Italy, didn't exist. Is that what we want to head to? I'm not sure it's a good idea unless the provinces (that are now countries) of a former nation enter into cooperative agreements with each other.


Regarding Italy, I can tell you that it was much better before it was a unified country..In fact nowadays Italy is a kind of "far west" ruled by mafia and politic corruption...And you can' t even imagine to which point....Think of Bulgaria or Albania and you ll get close. So better when the Lombardia-Veneto-Trentino were austrian dominions, the republic of Genova under France, the grand duchy of Tuscany and Parma also under France influence ; a state of the vatican, and the reign of the 2 Sicilies in the south. The history of Italy is a following sequence of total failures, economical, political, ethnic....
I think Brad's (jazzeum's) point was that your remark was shallow and not well-thought-out, or perhaps better, overly frivolous for the subject. And it was not intolerant of him to call you out on your comment.


You are overly frivolous :wink2:
Lucky you
My cousin stays in Banff lovely scenery and wee bit quieter than down in Glasgow

....passed through Banff a couple of times up on the North coast....nice wee place....

...BBQ went off without no confrontations about 'the' was discussed for a couple of hours....but again even with the difference of opinion as to who voted for Yes/No (it's been surprising just how open everyone is with regards to which option was selected) didn't kick off....there's now simply the waiting game to find out how many of the promises will be kept / broken....with all concerned acknowledging that should the promises not materialise then there's likely to be a massive protest vote swing in favour of the SNP during the next local elections.... our group of friends were some who had never voted before (as has been widely reported) was great to see them engage and know that they are more likely to participate in future...

...yes there will be the idiots who will try and stir it up (we all know a few of them).....but I'd like to believe that we will be able to tell them to bugger off.....we don't need that brand of nonsense.... has been a privilege to take part in the whole affair, which is now a part of recorded history......we were there, we did it.....and we are all still extremely proud to be Scottish....:)
It was a fascinating debate from the off and I enjoyed watching it unfold. I am so glad Scotland decided to stay in the union , we are stronger together .

Am surprised Sean Connery has not commented , I'm guessing Mr C is not happy with result. However for the rest of the UK the whole process was a wonderful example of democracy in action.
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I voted yes as now Westminster can continue to rape and pillage Scotland and remove powers from the Scottish parliament. It's all going to kick off soon!

Now let's move to Spain with Catalonia (possible) vote on the same topic :wink2:
Not quite that easy/fast Grognard......The Spanish Constitutional court has already ruled as not valid the move......

The Scottish case is totally different from the Catalan one, Scotland had a separate monarchy until King James I through blood line became the King of both Scotland and England! Hence, the decission taken this week was heavily influenced by economical aspects and not just Nationalistic ones...Not that this would matter for the Scots are Scots any ware....the culture, language and heritage are present all over the world where they have settled as the British Empire grew....
Catalunia on the other hand was a Duchy vasal to the Aragon kindgom/crown and when the Aragon King married the Castille Queen ( the unification of Spain as the moors were being kicked back into Africa ) it became part of Greater Spain...
Another aspect that needs attention is that under the Rules in the UK Parliament the referendum was a legal abiding procdure that defined it as possible and happened......On the other hand the Spanish Constitution does not provide for such in its articles to the extent that if they do try to do the referendum it will be considered sedition....So do not have high hopes for the Catalan cause because it is going against the countries Constitution....Would be the same as if the Southern States looked for a dejavou of 1861-65!!
Not to mention that different from Scotland which has substantial natural resources and would suffer a bit to stand alone, Catalunia is heavily dependent from resources from the other Spanish provinces and the industries that are there based are so due to pure economic reasons ( gone are the days that the early industrialization of Catalunia verus other provinces in the country was a differential ) and if any change in the country´s composition was to happen substanital Spanish and foreign capital and assets would leave the province.....
Cheers Artillery_Crazy

I voted yes as now Westminster can continue to rape and pillage Scotland and remove powers from the Scottish parliament. It's all going to kick off soon!


Now let's move to Spain with Catalonia (possible) vote on the same topic :wink2:
I disagree about Cataluña. They do have the natural resources to go it alone as Cataluña is heavily industrialized but also has agriculture. In fact they contribute more to Spain than they get back. They would probably be welcomed into the EC. Their geographic location has made them more Eurocentric than other parts of Spain and contributed to the separatist idea. Moreover, they have a separate regional identity from Spain with its own language. Independence has massive support from the people.

Although Luiz is correct about the national government not permitting the vote, so what? The referendum will go ahead because the idiot who now runs Spain, Rajoy, knows it will win and win overwhelmingly.

Im not for independence but to try to ignore it or defiantly try to repress it will not work. I lived in Barcelona during the Franco regime and the separatist movement was strong even then. It's only got stronger.

If there is one symbol that represents Independence, it's the official motto of Barcelona FC, "Mes que un club,"more than a club, the symbol of Barcelona independence.
I disagree about Cataluña. They do have the natural resources to go it alone as Cataluña is heavily industrialized but also has agriculture. In fact they contribute more to Spain than they get back. They would probably be welcomed into the EC. Their geographic location has made them more Eurocentric than other parts of Spain and contributed to the separatist idea. Moreover, they have a separate regional identity from Spain with its own language. Independence has massive support from the people.

Although Luiz is correct about the national government not permitting the vote, so what? The referendum will go ahead because the idiot who now runs Spain, Rajoy, knows it will win and win overwhelmingly.

Im not for independence but to try to ignore it or defiantly try to repress it will not work. I lived in Barcelona during the Franco regime and the separatist movement was strong even then. It's only got stronger.

If there is one symbol that represents Independence, it's the official motto of Barcelona FC, "Mes que un club,"more than a club, the symbol of Barcelona independence.

From what you are saying the central Govt is right not to allow a referendum. I doubt Washington would let a state vote to separate from the USA.
Hi Jazzeum,

In a nut shell......

Toy Soldier Collecting is also Culture/History and Geo politics:eek:....what is the fun of collecting ACW Armies, WW1 Armies and dios or Napoleonic troops if you do not know the history that lead to these armies joining battle in the battlefields of history.....:D

My family and I, we are Spaniards borne and raised in Catalunia/Barcelona/Spain....and our view differs from yours, I guess more due to the fact that yours is that of a foreigner that lived in Spain for a while and has limited INDEPTH UNDERSTANDING of the Historical ties that wove the Spain we know and enjoy in our vacations today...and although respect your point of view, after all we live in modern democracies - I need to discount part of it due to the fact that you were not borne in Spain ( hence not required to know our complex history ) and for having lived through a period in Spain that had many harsh decisions being taken in order to have the country we now have. Had these harsh decisions not happened I doubt we would have a Spain we have today....:eek::eek:
Yes, we cannot dissociate the industrial presence the province has today, but that is due to the entrepreneuship of the Catalan, just like you had the Northern States in the USA generating all the industrial wealth while the Southern States were monoculture focused on exporting cotton, sugar, mellasus and tobacco...... After the Civil War the province , just as in the Southern Sates of the USA, Catalunia was in shambles and as in the USA the central government helped it get back on its feet. when we then consider the generation of wealth and the Federal tax distribution of this wealth via investment in $ from the Central Government, just as in the US, you have States that generate more Federal taxes than others and the redistribution is not it?.......Currently the risk of the province going rouge and if they were given the secession route National banks would withdraw from the overall predominant presence in the province, they would not have as currency the EURO nor be allowed to join the EUROZONE...that is a fact for it needs all votes from all member countries and for sure Spain and Italy for sure would not allow, hence dwarfed away of all the security and benefits of the common market. If you are curious as to why Italy - that is due to the Northern Provinces in Italy have the same wish as Catalunia.....{eek3}:eek:

The idiot that runs the country( Spain) is just acting on the Magna carta that defines what are the constitutional rights of the country and its member states, not out of his wish....and would be the same action that one the same would do in the USA if to say TEXAS and Florida wished to go their own way ( although they tried to do so back in 1861-65 and a few million dead later were brought back into the Federation ).. All that is for a simple reason, there is a Constitution to be followed and it does not allow.....

The European picture is more complex than that of the US ,for as you know, the current Modern European States were forged from the unification of many smaller dutchies, principalities, city states and kingdoms ( with their own customs, languages and common bonds ) some as recent as late 1800s......such as Belgium, Germany and Italy to mention a few.....To try to take a simplistic approach that Catalunia should be split out from Spain as you say, is the same as if I were to tell you that the original colonizers of Texas, California and New Mexico decide based on their common historical bonds chose - for some given reason...common language and heritage- to go back to Mexico{eek3} After all they were part of Mexico until Huston and Alamo came around....^&grin^&grin What would be the reaction of every American...of course say NO...

So as you may see it is not so simple nor straight forward as you make think or is written in the moto of a football team ( I support the Barcelona squad by the way ) ....Humm in the same line if I am not mistaken there is a lot of stickers flying around TEXAS....and they read United States of Texas....:cool:So we cannot take for face value what we read now a days in the papers, nor the old grudges some nationalistic groups of opportunists may try to breed by adding gasoline to a dormant fire of NeoNationalism, present in many parts of Europe, to name a few, the Northern States of Italy, the recent split of Yugolsavia and the on going mess in the spliter states, parts of countries such as Belguim and the Northwestern part of France ( Basque Country ) to name a few.....



I disagree about Cataluña. They do have the natural resources to go it alone as Cataluña is heavily industrialized but also has agriculture. In fact they contribute more to Spain than they get back. They would probably be welcomed into the EC. Their geographic location has made them more Eurocentric than other parts of Spain and contributed to the separatist idea. Moreover, they have a separate regional identity from Spain with its own language. Independence has massive support from the people.

Although Luiz is correct about the national government not permitting the vote, so what? The referendum will go ahead because the idiot who now runs Spain, Rajoy, knows it will win and win overwhelmingly.

Im not for independence but to try to ignore it or defiantly try to repress it will not work. I lived in Barcelona during the Franco regime and the separatist movement was strong even then. It's only got stronger.

If there is one symbol that represents Independence, it's the official motto of Barcelona FC, "Mes que un club,"more than a club, the symbol of Barcelona independence.
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To begin with, I lived in Spain one and off for nine years, both in Barcelona and Madrid (not to mention Uruguay and Brasil before that) and one thing I do not have is limited understanding of the country as I've studied the Spanish Civil War in great detail and Spanish History in college, had many Spanish friends and traveled throughout Spain. In fact, I'm just starting Henry Buckley's long lost eyewitness account of the Civil War recently re-published early this year, so, I'll forgive you for your statement. By the way, if you think the Barcelona motto means nothing, I would recommend reading Fear and Loathing in La Liga, an excellent book.

No offense, but I see in your post a great deal of speculation as to what certain banks would do. However, after a life in the private sector for large corporations, I find that people do what is in their self interest not what they say they will do.

I found your statement about many harsh decisions being taken somewhat curious. I hope that doesn't indicate a Francoist bent.

Frankly, in 1939, the whole country was in a shambles not just Barcelona but, of course, we know why that is. I also believe you make the mistake of comparing the Spanish situation to United States history but you just can't compare different historical experiences. Comparing the present day secessionist movement in the United States to the movement in Cataluna or the Basque country really makes no sense. Apples and oranges.

I don't wish to see Barcelona split from Spain as this could cause a chain effect in the country but I do believe they have the capability of going it alone and to try to suppress it will not lead to a positive result. Human nature shows that the more you deny something to a person, the more they want it.

By the way, I'm a Madrid supporter through and through and look forward to the Clásico in a few weeks time.

In a nutshell, please take the time to find out to whom you are talking the next time :wink2:
Great Stuff Jazzeum...

At the end of the day, we should let the rule of law to speak! That has worked for everyone......

Fantastic that you have lived in other great and happy countries as Uruguay and Brazil.....complementary to each others recent histories and very happy and colourful cultures........
I promise not to bring to the conversation that some Brazilians still consider that Uruguay is a " UK forced spin off" of the Brazilian first Empire....that is a total different ball game ;);)
But History is written in interesting ways and most of the time by the winning side......:)

The best part of conversations like these at least for me is that it sprouts the interest to further read about a specific topic and period in History and even review the TS collections for they in their midst may hide some Regiment or single figure that can either be touched by something you see or read....

As to Spanish History....the Spanish Civil War was the closing chapter of a very turbulent and sad period that started with the decline of the Spanish fortunes in the New World, the Napoleonic invasion that blurred the whole Royal succession by sticking a Bonaparte as the King of the Spaniards ( eventhough for a short period ) and got very grim with the loss of the last colonies of Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines during the Spanish- American War of 1898.
My family lived through the Civil War, I did not have to read about it in a book, many had to leave Barcelona to the countryside moving to safer heaven towards the Spanish/French border others went to Switzerland ....and some had to stay in the seiged Barcelona....not a nice story to hear of while growing up as a kid.....But we all take it as it comes......My grand Dad fought for Fanco and an Unified Spain in the Civil War and had the scars to prove.....I was always very impressed when at the beach and would see him in his large swimming trunks and see those living proof of the war...brrrr...but he was one of the lucky ones that survived the struggle many of his relatives I only know by visiting the Montjuic cementary for they died young fighting.....But again that is History and they all lived and died for an United country.....No romatic NeoNationalistc novel written by a member of the International Brigade.....

We should be greatful to leave in peaceful and stable democracies that our grand parents gave blood to build and let the old Historical bounderies stay in the History. The new fully integrated world of today does not allow space for secessionist movements....

Having said that, all I can say is HAPPY COLLECTING and that this bit of History chat may trigger some one reading what these two guys are chatting about to additional interest in the John Jenkins Spanish Civil War Series.....They are just great and very correct in every aspect both in the uniforms and AFS...Just great stuff....Or may be going back to the topic of the thread the Jacobite Rebellion with all the Scots, pikes, broad swords and the English soldiers....who knows!



To begin with, I lived in Spain one and off for nine years, both in Barcelona and Madrid (not to mention Uruguay and Brasil before that) and one thing I do not have is limited understanding of the country as I've studied the Spanish Civil War in great detail and Spanish History in college, had many Spanish friends and traveled throughout Spain. In fact, I'm just starting Henry Buckley's long lost eyewitness account of the Civil War recently re-published early this year, so, I'll forgive you for your statement. By the way, if you think the Barcelona motto means nothing, I would recommend reading Fear and Loathing in La Liga, an excellent book.

No offense, but I see in your post a great deal of speculation as to what certain banks would do. However, after a life in the private sector for large corporations, I find that people do what is in their self interest not what they say they will do.

I found your statement about many harsh decisions being taken somewhat curious. I hope that doesn't indicate a Francoist bent.

Frankly, in 1939, the whole country was in a shambles not just Barcelona but, of course, we know why that is. I also believe you make the mistake of comparing the Spanish situation to United States history but you just can't compare different historical experiences. Comparing the present day secessionist movement in the United States to the movement in Cataluna or the Basque country really makes no sense. Apples and oranges.

I don't wish to see Barcelona split from Spain as this could cause a chain effect in the country but I do believe they have the capability of going it alone and to try to suppress it will not lead to a positive result. Human nature shows that the more you deny something to a person, the more they want it.

By the way, I'm a Madrid supporter through and through and look forward to the Clásico in a few weeks time.

In a nutshell, please take the time to find out to whom you are talking the next time :wink2:

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