Scots Greys Charging (1 Viewer)

Brilliant Nicholas!!

What makers do you have in that mix?

The bulk of these are K&C, only one W Britain (so far), one Trophy (forgive me the sacrilege of having sprayed it with a matt coat)...all the CS figures are prominently displayed forward for the dramatic effect of their dynamic poses...and right out in front a few of my personal favorites...the Niena (still one the greatest values in my opinion). The Niena pieces are not in their best level of painting, but I think I will order a set of the new level of painting, as I think they will ultimately make the best centerpiece. I'll post pics once they arrive.

Hidden in the back are a load of inexpensive Cassandra figures. For the purposes of this kind of photo, the simple indication of those blurred hats in the background seems to do the trick. At $7.99 each, they make good filler.

I realize that many collectors feel partial to particular manufacturers. I appreciate many manufacturers for their unique approaches to their sculpts and painting quality. I like all of these (mostly :)) but I was surprised to see just how well they all display together.

One of these days I will get around to assembling and painting the lovely Hinchliffe Scots Greys kits that have been sitting patiently in their boxes for the past 20 years.

Thanks all for your comments and appreciation.

what ??? Still got some Hinchliffe cavalr to paint too !!!

I'm in a similar situation, but mine is the French Artillery Gun Team, with Guard of the Guard mounted bugler ... by Hinchliffe. Wish someone still had the moulds and could reproduce these wonderful models.

Thanks for thses cavalry charges too....well done.


what ??? Still got some Hinchliffe cavalr to paint too !!!

I'm in a similar situation, but mine is the French Artillery Gun Team, with Guard of the Guard mounted bugler ... by Hinchliffe. Wish someone still had the moulds and could reproduce these wonderful models.

Thanks for thses cavalry charges too....well done.


John...I have both the French and British artillery sets still packaged and a few Howitzers...but what I really want to get to is the British artillery train, which I have been putting off for years as I wanted to be sure my painting skills would do it justice...and like you appreciate the sculpts, but you never know when you will find one yes, I hoard them when I find them. I too wish someone would pick up the molds and manufacture these (cheap!) :)
The bulk of these are K&C, only one W Britain (so far), one Trophy (forgive me the sacrilege of having sprayed it with a matt coat)...all the CS figures are prominently displayed forward for the dramatic effect of their dynamic poses...and right out in front a few of my personal favorites...the Niena (still one the greatest values in my opinion). The Niena pieces are not in their best level of painting, but I think I will order a set of the new level of painting, as I think they will ultimately make the best centerpiece. I'll post pics once they arrive.

They are indeed impressive together Nick. Which ones are the Nienas?

what ??? Still got some Hinchliffe cavalr to paint too !!!

I'm in a similar situation, but mine is the French Artillery Gun Team, with Guard of the Guard mounted bugler ... by Hinchliffe. Wish someone still had the moulds and could reproduce these wonderful models.

Thanks for thses cavalry charges too....well done.


John, last time heard a company called Skytrex ( war gaming company) had the Hinchliffe molds but had no intention of casting from them. Shame!!:mad:
They are indeed impressive together Nick. Which ones are the Nienas?


In post #4, first pic - the three figures on the right (including the standard bearer), and in the pic just below it - the figure on the far left. You can tell from their distinctive oblong bases.
The last castings of Hinchliffe's cannon that I saw from Skytrex were in a very sorry state. It looked as though they had tried to make multi part moulds for ease of production and had used castings of castings as masters. In consequence the shrinkage factor had been exagerated so the the gunbarrels were oval and many of the parts didn't fit well. A great pity as they were good models.

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