Scottish Regimental Number 1 Dress (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 25, 2008
I've been reading about the different Number 1 dress uniforms worn by the British Army over the years & have become quiet interested in the different changes that happened as it evolved.

The one thing I'm a bit confused about is what colour doublets the Scottish Regiments wore for the 1937 Coronation of King George VI & the years afterwards, some websites I've read state that every regiment were issued Dark Blue uniforms as there Number 1 dress from that point onwards & some websites state that only the British regiments wore Dark Blue with the Scotish wearing Dark Green?
I was wondering if anybody knows which one is correct? Or if they have worn both at differents times?

You may be getting confused between the Coronation of George VI and Elizabeth II. The blue No1 dress was appproved in 1936 and was worn with the kilt by the Scottish Highland regiments. Rifle regiments had dark green. After the war a new walking out dress was approved based on the previous pattern but the Highland regiments ackets were now to be of "piper" green. The post war version was worn at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth and the pre war at that of George VI. If a publication just refers to "the Coronation" it can easily lead to confusion. Trooper
Thanks Trooper that makes more sence to me now, your right the one I was reading about where everybody was issued Dark Blue just said 1936 coronation which is Georges & the other that said Piper Green just mentioned "the coronation" which I just asumed was Georges not Elizabeth.

Thanks Craig
Hi Trooper

Is this the same as Royal Reg wereing Royal Blue facings?When I played in Toronto Scottish(Hodden Grey facings),Nova Scotia Highlanders,Canadian Scottish,they had red facings.But when I was with 2RCR they had blue facings.2RCR was a Royal Reg.
Yes, Royal regiments have dark blue facings, however there are exceptions. When the Royal Scots Greys amalgamated with the Carabiniers to become the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards they adopted the yellow facings of the Carabiniers rather than continuing with the dark blue worn previously.A very generous gesture by the Dress Committee which indicated a happy amalgamation unlike some of the other groupings. Trooper

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