Sculprey and Icing sugar Dio's (1 Viewer)



One.jpgTwo.jpg The above dio's made with icing sugar and sculprey.....mainly because that is all I have available.......icing sugar for big things...sculprey for figures and vehicles ... loco's ,,,stagecoach's etc...reasonably cheap and easy to use......overall a cheap hobby that keeps me outa trouble...cheers TomB
You are amazing Tom, you make it look easy to make these and they are so perfectly finished. Still have trouble in coming to grips with the materials you use. I have said it before, you are one talented man. Your only limitation is what you cannot imagine, otherwise you can turn your hand to anything, cheers, Robin.
View attachment 117676View attachment 117677 The above dio's made with icing sugar and sculprey.....mainly because that is all I have available.......icing sugar for big things...sculprey for figures and vehicles ... loco's ,,,stagecoach's etc...reasonably cheap and easy to use......overall a cheap hobby that keeps me outa trouble...cheers TomB

Icing sugar me old China. You mix it with water and then add it to a frame you have build. Or does it become hard and expand quickly like plaster of Paris. Tell me more. Chris.
Icing sugar me old China. You mix it with water and then add it to a frame you have build. Or does it become hard and expand quickly like plaster of Paris. Tell me more. Chris.
The icing is a special mix of gelatine...melted in boiling water and mixed with iciing sugar can be pressed into moulds,,,rolled shaped good for modelling 54mm figure's though.....I heard about it...never did find out the right proportions but with a bit of trail and error it aint too hard to get it oakly dokey ( or is that dopey ?).......a thick object will take a few days in the sun to set....can be hard on the outside but yukie in the middle and not set evenly....If you want to give it a' the drum... (in my smoking days that was a good strong tobacco).... get a teaspoon of gelatine ,,,,,1/4 cup of boiling water...melt G in water......add to icing and mix into a firm dough.......sounds simple...well it aint.....because...icing sugar is very fine..and melts quicky in water and you need heaps of icing sugar for a very small amount of water.....I suggest you start with about 2kg of icing sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of G melted in about 12 teaspoons of boiling will be surprised how much icing sugar it takes to make a dough with a small amount of water.....let a female do the mixing at starters..they have a clue on mixing cakes will probably stuff it up at your first few attempts (being kind)...anyway it is all trail and error to start can sort out the mix as you go along...there is something else you have to add...but....I forgot what it was..did not matter as everything turned out okay may have slowed the hardening down a bit.....the surface hardens reasonably quick so you have to watch it.....if your hunk of dough starts to harden before you can use it again....lightly spray water over it and knead back into a dough.........if you aint turned off by all the fooling around...give it a only only requires rolling and cutting and no great modelling skill......well that is my best description I can give,,,,if you dont get the drift...I dont blame you.....if you try it out and need more info,let me know...we can sort it out as you go along....cheers TomB .
Tom, that is quite incredible! How long does the icing sugar last for? Does it become brittle and break down after a while? How did you first come by this method? Sorry for all the questions but I've never seen anything like it before.

{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}

Tom, that is quite incredible! How long does the icing sugar last for? Does it become brittle and break down after a while? How did you first come by this method? Sorry for all the questions but I've never seen anything like it before.

{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}

Sorry but I have no idea how long the icing will last for....I have pics dated 2010 of a castle and a ship ...the items were made yrs before I bothered to get a camera.....they are still in good nick....the castle is approx 1 inch thick...very strong...should last for a long
time yet....I think they are about 10/15 yrs old now......the icing sugar is strengthened with gelatine which causes it to set like cement...I found out about the method from an apprentice cook whom I was teaching how to break up a side of beef ....actually at one time I taught apprentice cooks,butchering and margarine modelling as part of their trade.......time flies dont it eh !.......the reason I use icing sugar is it is cheaper to use on large items than sculpey is.........doing anything an inch thick with sculpey would cost a mint......hope this sheds a bit of light on the subject for you ...cheers TomB

Your dioramas are very creative, so is your choice of sculpting material.

Rgds Victor

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