Seeking... (2 Viewers)


Jan 18, 2017
This will be like the golden unicorn but I'm working on a perpetual diorama and would like to add Iron Brigade right shoulder shift poses - if anyone is willing to break up sets or somehow has these guys standing by...

The figures are from "The Chosen Ground" sets - including the coolest pose ever of the advancing officer with his sword on his shoulder and pistol...

I just have no use for the mounted figures... I'd be willing to take the two flag bearers as well...

Also looking for the Conte pose (the middle guy)

Mahalo from the 50th state!

This will be like the golden unicorn but I'm working on a perpetual diorama and would like to add Iron Brigade right shoulder shift poses - if anyone is willing to break up sets or somehow has these guys standing by...

The figures are from "The Chosen Ground" sets - including the coolest pose ever of the advancing officer with his sword on his shoulder and pistol...

I just have no use for the mounted figures... I'd be willing to take the two flag bearers as well...

Also looking for the Conte pose (the middle guy)

Mahalo from the 50th state!

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Glen,6 boxes..400++ pieces..a lot of digging for 10 pieces.I have everything you seek but.......would
consider $36.00/per figure in 'cherry picking' fees.
Good luck in your endeavor,Sir.

Randy - I have no problem with said cherry picking or the associated fees therein...

Glen,6 boxes..400++ pieces..a lot of digging for 10 pieces.I have everything you seek but.......would
consider $36.00/per figure in 'cherry picking' fees.
Good luck in your endeavor,Sir.

Re: Seeking..5th N.Y.

Glen,And I have about 3-400 54mm metal Duryea's Zouaves to boot.Again,every make
known under BarryO's sun.
Scrounge up those Iron Brigade poses and let's talk turkey...

Standing by on Oahu!

OK fine,just the ones on your site or all right shoulder shift fellas(I probably have more than one or two or. ?.sets of each)?
Do you want casualties?Flagbearers from all 5 Regts.?Drummers? (Left shoulder shift was more common)
Britains,Conte,Frontline,Ted Toy,Fusilier,Troiani,Soldiers Of The World,Collector's Showcase,Shenandoah+ many painted
metal kits..all makes.....a vitual Pandora's box,Eh?
Just the following black hats from the attached pics my good man...

Britains - Officer w/ pistol and sword and the 3 right shoulder shift poses
Conte - Middle pose - corporal at right shoulder shift

5 poses total - if it sweetens the deal and makes it more worth your while, I'll take the two flag bearers and other two Conte poses too - rock on!


OK fine,just the ones on your site or all right shoulder shift fellas(I probably have more than one or two or. ?.sets of each)?
Do you want casualties?Flagbearers from all 5 Regts.?Drummers? (Left shoulder shift was more common)
Britains,Conte,Frontline,Ted Toy,Fusilier,Troiani,Soldiers Of The World,Collector's Showcase,Shenandoah+ many painted
metal kits..all makes.....a vitual Pandora's box,Eh?
OK fine,just the ones on your site or all right shoulder shift fellas(I probably have more than one or two or. ?.sets of each)?
Do you want casualties?Flagbearers from all 5 Regts.?Drummers? (Left shoulder shift was more common)
Britains,Conte,Frontline,Ted Toy,Fusilier,Troiani,Soldiers Of The World,Collector's Showcase,Shenandoah+ many painted
metal kits..all makes.....a vitual Pandora's box,Eh?[/QUOTE]

Here's the amount of room I have to work with (it's at my desk at work) and as you can see I don't have much wriggle room hence I'm only looking for the specific guys I've inquired about... Mahalo Randy!

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