Sergio Leone Movie Set Diorama (1 Viewer)

As you know this diorama has two completely different sides to it. One side will be for outdoor shots of what looks like a real passenger car.The other side will be a movie set.
In this pic you can see the beginnings of the set side.The smaller of the two openings is the door used in the opening scene, but film was taken from inside of the car or on another set altogether.The other larger opening may only be temporary until I figure out how much of the passenger car(if any)was here.In the movie I cant recollect anything here at all just the shack built over top.The shack seems to take up about half of the scene.It is supposed to be a real early station that is for cattle and passengers,long before a more permanent structure could be built and it consists of anything that happened to be handy while they were pushing the railroad through the area.
I have never seen a real film set so I will be using my imagination on how the various shots were taken.
This sure is a lot of fun to do as all the reference I need(except the set itself) is right there in the movie which I can view frame by frame whenever I want to
Hi John. I just noticed this thread and was both intrigued and a little embarrassed to see that you have been on here talking to yourself for nearly a week now. Lest you decide your creative talents are not appreciated I just wanted to let you know I will be looking in regularly to see how this one shapes up. I love the concept and the subject matter you have chosen for this one. I have also enjoyed watching your progress on the old airplane hangar project you've done previously by the way.

This is easily the most interesting thing I've seen on here in a looooooong time, so thanks for sharing it all with us.

Well thank you MD,I am happy that you are enjoying it,I didn't have much more to say with the airplanes,so before I got stale I thought that I would strike out in a new direction.I will be finishing up the "Backyard Flyer" at the same time.;)
The plastic in these Bachmann cars is perfect for bashing.It carves well with both hand and power tools and does not clog up your burrs at low speed.It is flexible enough to stand some pretty rough handling and doesn't scratch easily.It sands well with not to much airborne dust around.There is a warning on the box however so a good mask and other safety stuff would be advised ,especially when working indoors.I should have no problem working with this stuff at all.
This door on the set is open so I cut it out with the Xacto knife and plastic cutter thingy.In this era did the doors open inward or outward ? I wonder....maybe I can find a frame from the movie that will tell me.....
This door on the set is open so I cut it out with the Xacto knife and plastic cutter thingy.In this era did the doors open inward or outward ? I wonder....maybe I can find a frame from the movie that will tell me.....

Enjoying viewing this thread John and following the progress. I believe the doors opened inwards as the train could be boarded from both sides. If the door opened outwards the passenegrs would have difficulty boarding from the one side of the train.
Hi John. I just noticed this thread and was both intrigued and a little embarrassed to see that you have been on here talking to yourself for nearly a week now. Lest you decide your creative talents are not appreciated I just wanted to let you know I will be looking in regularly to see how this one shapes up. I love the concept and the subject matter you have chosen for this one. I have also enjoyed watching your progress on the old airplane hangar project you've done previously by the way.

This is easily the most interesting thing I've seen on here in a looooooong time, so thanks for sharing it all with us.


I'm with you Dave, I have followed all of John's threads and find them pretty amazing. Not always posted comments but view on a regular basis.

Great work John, please keep them coming.

I'm with you Dave, I have followed all of John's threads and find them pretty amazing. Not always posted comments but view on a regular basis.

Great work John, please keep them coming.


I'm afraid I am guilty of the same passive viewing in the case of the older threads Jeff. :eek:

Really wish I had the creative talents and patience to put together such work. This project will have me checking out the film that has inspired it next I suspect. Thanks again John and keep us posted on your progress.

The fellow who owned "The General" kit many years ago had already painted up the base so I am using it here to sit the old coach on with the railway tracks running through the middle.Judging by the distance between the old coach's original floor and the rail ,there are no wheels at all on it but it is only resting on the track.Cool idea because right away you know that this flick is about a railway.
I opened up another hole on prop side because there was a little room built off to the side next to a brick wall which is part of the shack.
On the set side I will have to open another large hole and move the car's wall outward to become part of the shack's wall.Clear as mud right ! Well I hope to get this done tomorrow and a pic posted when finished.I temporarily put in the WC and wood stove to see how it looks.
I'm afraid I am guilty of the same passive viewing in the case of the older threads Jeff. :eek:

Really wish I had the creative talents and patience to put together such work. This project will have me checking out the film that has inspired it next I suspect. Thanks again John and keep us posted on your progress.

If you rent the movie check out the facial closeups and the magnificent landscape shots and of course the music , Beautiful !:)
I forgot to mention Dave,get the 3 hr uncut letterbox edition of the film.Hollywood cut it to two hours and made a mess of the whole thing.:confused:
I forgot to mention Dave,get the 3 hr uncut letterbox edition of the film.Hollywood cut it to two hours and made a mess of the whole thing.:confused:

No worries John. It looks like the netflix version is 180 minutes long. :)

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