Shooting in Virginia (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with all the good people of Virginia who have been affected by this shocking shooting today.

Gentle Friends,

My deepest sympathies and best wishes go to all affected by this shocking series of events at Virginia Tech.

Warmest personal regards,

It would appear to have been a lone shooter, but the early reports are still truly shocking if they prove accurate - several deliberate barricades and chokepoints established, sustained fire at prone wounded. It would appear that 2 specific locations were targeted, so there was some coherent plan in that sick mind. My thoughts are with the families of the dead and wounded.
This type of event seems to be growing and growing. Very sad day.
I'm trying to wrap myself around all of this and am having a difficult time with it. The facts are sketchy at best at this point, but it appears he acted alone, shot his girlfriend and an RA at a dorm, then went on a rampage on campus.

Why shoot all those kids in classes, what was the connection? What was a student doing with two guns and all that ammo on campus, didn't anyone see the guns and ammo prior to all of this?

I'm just in a state of shock, what a senseless, terrible thing. All I can say is what a waste of life, I can't even begin to think what the parents of those kids are going through right now............
We look in horror at the horrible
We try to make sense of the senseless.
We apply logic to the illogical.
We use rational thought for irrational situations.
We try to make human inhuman actions.
We try to understand the incomprehensible.:(
Well said Michael. My sympathies to the families of the victims. Leadmen
Those poor kids, and their poor families. My deepest, sincerest sympathy to all of the victims' families.
I know this is an obvious question but WHY?.What have the deaths of these innocent kids and teacher achieved?.This world is still a very sad place indeed.God bless the parents and loved ones that are mourning today.

We should all just pray for the lost and their families. This world is screwed up right now, God Bless the World.
A very sad affair. We had a similar incident in Australia back in 1996 when a guy killed 35 people at a tourist attraction in Tasmania:

You just can't stop people going crazy and lashing out at society by killing random people. These people have lost all feelings for others and do not care about the consequences to themselves or others. The only thing you can do is limit their impact by restricting the firepower of these people.

The Port Arthur massacre in Australia resulted in much stricter gun laws and we feel much safer for them.
My friends, Cho took the real answers with him. He was a sad type of person who kept his pain with him until he wanted to destroy himself and make others feel his hurt and pain. He takes no responsibility for his actions. He will blame a parent, a student, faculty, anyone but him.

There was some kind of message sent to a news network, We shall see horrors and hatred of a very small man with a very large problem.

Politicians will now commence to over react. Families will look for answers where there are none. Lawsuits will begin. No good will come of this.

I am not big on Christianity , but Jesus said really only two things"Love one another" and "Feed the hungry." Two simple bloody things and we can not seem to get it right. My faith teaches me that everything is as it should be. Pretty hard to swallow sometimes ain't it? Maybe , somewhere some good will come of this.It will probably be hard to find. When it does, no one will record it.

With humility Michael
Yes, it was a terribly tragic event. It will grip this country for years and we will never forget it.

My birthday is September 1st and in 2004, over in Russia there was that just unimaginable terrorist attack at the elementary school there in Beslan where hundreds, HUNDREDS of young children lost their lives. I find myself still now unable to fully enjoy my birthday because of the tragedy of that time. I feel like I will always have a link to that horror.

The good thing is that it always puts in perspective for everyone the privilege we have to be alive and that no matter what we should strive to love our families and friends for you never know when you may part.

God Bless VT!!


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