Side Armour Plates Option? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Oct 3, 2009
I've read a few comments on the forum recently discussing side armour for the Panzer IV's and other German AV's of WW2.

As an idea, I was thinking of the possibility that K&C could maybe produce side armour as a separately add-on option? I understand the importance of keeping costs down, but like the half figure tank crew sets being produced, these side armour sets would give collectors some more options for some of the existing AV's?

Of course I have no idea how this could be done or whether or not there is much interest out there for side armour?

Just a thought.....feel free to comment.

Cheers Toddy
Actually a great idea that CAN be used on many items, either vehicles or figures. But I believe that you hit on the reason ... COST!

Many manufacturers are now making flag bearers with removable flags. John Jenkins has most that way.

All of the older K&C sets have flags that are "part of" the figure. The newer ones are now removable .. thank goodness.
That way you can change a regiment by changing the flag ... well sort of. :rolleyes2: anyway.

Most trucks have removable top canopies and then there is the "add-on" crates and baggage that can be placed in the back ..... or not.

So, I don't see that there is a huge leap between molded side plates or removable ones ....
Yes, like CS did...

Oki doki, yeah wasn't aware that any other manufacturer had produced separate add on side plates before, but regardless I still think it's a good idea and could give collector's further options with both new and maybe older existing models.

Like Larry mentioned, it's nice to be able to play around with things a bit.


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