Signatures (1 Viewer)

Hey Guys

Who sent this Canuck our script and pictures of Simon in London? Didn't our senior officer warn us of fifth columnists amongst our own ranks-
Orf with his head I say orf with his head :D


In a further update, the '......and the Horse you rode in on!!' Group has announced the selection of the famed Norwegian Blue as their group mascot shown below in a very rare sketch of the extinct bird. In order to identify themselves as members, admission to the Bar prior to the December toy show in London will require the showing of a perched Norwegian Blue. One unidentified member was overheard to say "That will keep out the silly people."


  • blueparrotADON_468x301.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 63
I can only assume that the phrase, "you and the horse you rode in on" has multiple meanings?


  • gal_and-the-horse.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 56
  • horserider.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 57
Are you building a bridge over the Kwai?:D



The guys can't even spell Kwai after a few drinks Mike!.

Guys,i could tell you the Legend behind the 'Horse'....i'm sure theres a filthy joke there somewhere..but it would be breaking an ancient and sacred Bond.A Bond forged in Battle and strengthened in comradeship...listen to me..i'm really getting into this!!:D.

When i say 'Forged in Battle' i mean in the Bar of course.You see to all you decent forum folk some of my men must seem like true Gentlemen,but its all a sham my friends,for they are a low down bunch of bar brawling sheep bothering fiends,who would rob there own grandmother to afford Figarti's latest Tank....if they hadn't already sold her for vivisection!.

Simon,Kevin,James are all Desperado's who rob old ladies for Toy soldier money.Kevin distracts them with polite talk,Simon kicks away their walking stick and James legs it with their pension books!.

We also have UK Reb who i overheard asking the attractive young Barmaid 'Would you like to see my Alamo'...'Your what? ' She replied!.Theres Jeff,who SAYS he is photographing soldiers,but is in fact gathering evidence to produce to our wives!.

Then theres Clive and Tony, the Toy soldier worlds versions of the Child catcher from Chitty Chitty bang bang,luring us poor and befuddled collectors to financial doom with a smile a drink and a promise of discount!.

And then there is your poor author dear readers,little me who asks nothing more than a glass of Lemonade,perhaps a mini Mars Bar, who despite a painfully retiring,shy nature has to try and control this hoard,this rabble,this Biblical plague of loutish behaviour and foul language...spare a thought for poor me.I ask nothing more dear readers than your sympathy.


To take a line i love............'What Iz your name??.......Dont tell him Pike!'

Tony..........oh look !! i just noticed it as well

The guys can't even spell Kwai after a few drinks Mike!.

Guys,i could tell you the Legend behind the 'Horse'....i'm sure theres a filthy joke there somewhere..but it would be breaking an ancient and sacred Bond.A Bond forged in Battle and strengthened in comradeship...listen to me..i'm really getting into this!!:D.

When i say 'Forged in Battle' i mean in the Bar of course.You see to all you decent forum folk some of my men must seem like true Gentlemen,but its all a sham my friends,for they are a low down bunch of bar brawling sheep bothering fiends,who would rob there own grandmother to afford Figarti's latest Tank....if they hadn't already sold her for vivisection!.

Simon,Kevin,James are all Desperado's who rob old ladies for Toy soldier money.Kevin distracts them with polite talk,Simon kicks away their walking stick and James legs it with their pension books!.

We also have UK Reb who i overheard asking the attractive young Barmaid 'Would you like to see my Alamo'...'Your what? ' She replied!.Theres Jeff,who SAYS he is photographing soldiers,but is in fact gathering evidence to produce to our wives!.

Then theres Clive and Tony, the Toy soldier worlds versions of the Child catcher from Chitty Chitty bang bang,luring us poor and befuddled collectors to financial doom with a smile a drink and a promise of discount!.

And then there is your poor author dear readers,little me who asks nothing more than a glass of Lemonade,perhaps a mini Mars Bar, who despite a painfully retiring,shy nature has to try and control this hoard,this rabble,this Biblical plague of loutish behaviour and foul language...spare a thought for poor me.I ask nothing more dear readers than your sympathy.


Some leader. You give up the names of all of the '.....and the Horse you rode in on'!! Gang, list their crimes, and implicate your evil suppliers (Clive and Tony), then whine that it wasn't your fault. You probably exterminated the poor Norwegian Blue to keep it from talking. By God, you'll hang for this, if your mates don't get you first :eek:

The guys can't even spell Kwai after a few drinks Mike!.

Guys,i could tell you the Legend behind the 'Horse'....i'm sure theres a filthy joke there somewhere..but it would be breaking an ancient and sacred Bond.A Bond forged in Battle and strengthened in comradeship...listen to me..i'm really getting into this!!:D.

When i say 'Forged in Battle' i mean in the Bar of course.You see to all you decent forum folk some of my men must seem like true Gentlemen,but its all a sham my friends,for they are a low down bunch of bar brawling sheep bothering fiends,who would rob there own grandmother to afford Figarti's latest Tank....if they hadn't already sold her for vivisection!.

Simon,Kevin,James are all Desperado's who rob old ladies for Toy soldier money.Kevin distracts them with polite talk,Simon kicks away their walking stick and James legs it with their pension books!.

We also have UK Reb who i overheard asking the attractive young Barmaid 'Would you like to see my Alamo'...'Your what? ' She replied!.Theres Jeff,who SAYS he is photographing soldiers,but is in fact gathering evidence to produce to our wives!.

Then theres Clive and Tony, the Toy soldier worlds versions of the Child catcher from Chitty Chitty bang bang,luring us poor and befuddled collectors to financial doom with a smile a drink and a promise of discount!.

And then there is your poor author dear readers,little me who asks nothing more than a glass of Lemonade,perhaps a mini Mars Bar, who despite a painfully retiring,shy nature has to try and control this hoard,this rabble,this Biblical plague of loutish behaviour and foul language...spare a thought for poor me.I ask nothing more dear readers than your sympathy.


This may be one of the funniest posts I've ever read here, certainly Rob's best. If we gave an award out for post of the day, he would get it. Course, not sure what he'd be entitled to :eek:
This may be one of the funniest posts I've ever read here, certainly Rob's best. If we gave an award out for post of the day, he would get it. Course, not sure what he'd be entitled to :eek:

Great idea mate,now what do i deserve?????;)

I can only assume that the phrase, "you and the horse you rode in on" has multiple meanings?

I don't know, in the US, I've only ever heard used with an f-bomb and "you" in front, and in the sense, "you're an idiot, get outta here"

We used to use a variant in college, instead of "and the horse you rode in on", it was "...if you can't take a joke!"

In a sense, the same idea was expressed to the Germans at Bastogne, just is a slightly more polite fashion.

To take a line i love............'What Iz your name??.......Dont tell him Pike!'

Tony..........oh look !! i just noticed it as well

If i remember rightly mate it was you who started us on horses some years ago,suddenly the tag line has a whole new meaning!!:eek::D;)

If i remember rightly mate it was you who started us on horses some years ago,suddenly the tag line has a whole new meaning!!:eek::D;)


I guess you heard it from the ..............


  • nov262007_2.gif
    59.9 KB · Views: 39
I seem to note a lot of members now using the same signature.
"and the horse you rode in on"
It seems there is a degree of pent up and suppressed anger here.
Or am I imagining things.:D:D

There does seem to be a bit of stress un penting lately,or is it me only,,,,,,,,,,,or as the Female said to the axemurderer who told her he killed his wife,,"so your single now?"

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