Site Re-organization (1 Viewer)

dog soldier

Mar 7, 2007
Now this i like, roaming around the site and having it change on you very second :)
This is a really nice format coming, you just keep improving and improving and improving and making this a better place.

Keep it up :cool:
Yep really like it,excellant work Shannon

Okay, so there's the general new layout in terms of new categories. I will probably move some older threads into their new proper categories as time permits.

There was a suggestion to make the forum colors match the new website colors. I have to say this not an easy task! We've given it our best shot but if people hate the new look we can keep tweaking them or revert back to how they were before (red-eyed treefrog colors!).

The neatest thing about the new category headings is that each one has a little arrow on the right side. With this toggle arrow you can "fold up" entire categories so all you see is the category heading. This is a great tool for customizing the main page to show only your favorite categories.

Many manufacturers scored their own forums in the new layout and are no longer sub-forums of the "Other Manufacturers" forum. This is a fluid arrangement and if a forum rarely gets posted to it can return to the "Other Manufacturers" area. We are not penalizing the manufacturer, just keeping the place tidy.

These are the main changes for now and we hope they meet with your approval and add to your toy soldier forum experience.

Thank you all for your support in this forum venture!
Very nicely done Shannon. Kind of took me by suprise, but it grew on me very quickly.

I like the new forum arrangement very, very much. It seems very well organized. Also, the new colors seem easier on my eyes. Thanks for all the considered work you have done to make this a well organized and comfortable forum.

Warmest personal regards,

Quite nice indeed! It was a very nice surprise when I popped in earlier today!

All the best

...There was a suggestion to make the forum colors match the new website colors. I have to say this not an easy task! We've given it our best shot but if people hate the new look we can keep tweaking them or revert back to how they were before (red-eyed treefrog colors!) ...
I like the organizational changes, but I find the red used on the forum menu bars and at the top of each post to be somehow tiring on my eyes.:(
Oh know it's getting more organized, me thinks me see a new color, please just don't do pink. Great job Shannon. Mike.;)
I am just grateful that we still have a site with so many others being crashed or had been crashed. Whatever you need do, is fine by me........Michael
As Shannon stated, this was an attempt to 'match' the colors of our web site. Apparently that didn't work as well as we'd hoped. We'll do some playing with it today to try to get a better look for you.

We're thinking it's the cream and red that may be overwhelming to the eye.

Did people really like the old 'treefrog' green?
The old colors were fine, but so are the new ones. Go with whatever makes everyone happy.
I think the old colours were way better!!!!!!!!!!What about blue and orange?????????:D;):confused::cool::D
Any colour is good to me. Just keep the site going. Consistency with the main site is probably preferable and less confusing to new users. I like the reorg going on too!
Very happy with the new forum Shannon,good job!

Why did you reorganize it anyway???????:confused::confused:

Hi Scott,
The site needed some organizing because of all the growth that's occurred in the past year. At first people just talked about specific sets they liked and what they had in their collections and what was coming out from their favorite manufacturers so we didn't need very many categories.

Now we have great threads on everything from how to cast your own soldiers (or what NOT to do in some people's cases ;) --note to all, do not pour molten lead into coffee mugs merely because they are within reach at the time) to how to make a foam diorama building from scratch.

In order for people to find the information they want to read about we needed more specific categories. A general "how-to" category with all the different topics jumbled together wouldn't be very useful to someone searching for tips on painting plastic figures for example.

As far as the color changes, someone suggested matching the forum colors with the new website colors but we are having trouble not only finding close color matches but also figuring out which color should go where.
You will probably notice us working on colors again within the hour. We could shut down the forum and experiment out of everyone's line of sight but we try to keep the forum open and accessible unless there's some major issue we need to address. If you like cheap entertainment you can just hang out on the forum and hit the 'refresh' button every 10 seconds or so and watch the show. Or give us an hour or two to play with the colors and come back and tell us what you think.

I'm about to add one last new category that seems to be missing and that is for vintage and new traditional glossy figures. It will be a great place to discuss vintage glossies, but also current companies that produce the true 'toy soldier'-type figure. This has been a popular topic as of late and it should have its own place here on the forum.

Best regards to all,
I am just grateful that we still have a site with so many others being crashed or had been crashed. Whatever you need do, is fine by me........Michael

At first, I didn't like the color scheme but you get used to it over time and I'm just grateful to Shannon that this place exists. You too Pete!

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