Snow Tiger (WS177) (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Jun 17, 2008
Hello guys,

I never bought this Tiger because of the paint scheme. So that's my ?. Is it for real? I dont think myself I have ever seen that type of paint scheme on a tiger. I'm sure this has been discussed before,but I must of missed it. And I think I am correct its a repaint of the S33 Tiger? It look's like the same tiger.

Hello guys,

I never bought this Tiger because of the paint scheme. So that's my ?. Is it for real? I dont think myself I have ever seen that type of paint scheme on a tiger. I'm sure this has been discussed before,but I must of missed it. And I think I am correct its a repaint of the S33 Tiger? It look's like the same tiger.


It's an early production Tiger and the sculpt is almost identical to S33. The colour scheme is that of a grey Tiger (not green) with a disruptive pattern of whitewash. The early tigers were painted grey. It looks grey in person.


I have this Tiger and as Terry says, it is most definitely gray with white camo. It is my favorite KC Tiger and is quite a nice model. -- Al
Terry and Al are both right
I add a drawing of an Early Tiger I ausfürung H in its winter camo-Schwere Panzerabteilung 501- Russia - January 1943
bteilung 501.jpg
Mate its a beauty and if you haven't got one get one you won't be dissapointed if you like TIGERS.





Some of the added features that makes WS177(SL) stand out as a favorite, along with paint scheme and concept.


  • WS177(SL).jpg
    142.9 KB · Views: 240
Some of the added features that makes WS177(SL) stand out as a favorite, along with paint scheme and concept.

Yep agree mate its the little things that make a huge difference like a piece of black wire for a antennae,im sure that's isn't going to break the bank for company's to do.
Yep agree mate its the little things that make a huge difference like a piece of black wire for a antennae,im sure that's isn't going to break the bank for company's to do.

This particular Tiger was not equipped with radio's, therefore the antennae was not installed..............................
Is the Snow Tiger Turret Number "111" historically correct or just a make-believe turret number is used ? :confused:

I googled and can't find any Snow Tiger with Turret "111"
How is this for a "Supplied Antenna" It's there included in the box !


  • WS177(SL).jpg
    121.9 KB · Views: 167
Is the Snow Tiger Turret Number "111" historically correct or just a make-believe turret number is used ? :confused:

I googled and can't find any Snow Tiger with Turret "111"

Tiger Tank 111 in the vicinity of Mga ,September 1942 . Vehicle repainted in lighter grey (Ral 7005) Mausgrau over a first coat of darker grey Ral 7021 Schwarzgrau

I found one with an oil barrel.... ^&grin

But this is a late war Tiger though

Another KnC snow Tiger - Turret 132


But I can only find Turret 123


So is this KnC piece historically "correct" ? :confused:

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