SNOW... What To Use (1 Viewer)

Hey Marc

I use Woodlands Scenic soft snow flake, product code SN140. It comes in a big container and you can get plenty of coverage out of it. It can be a bit pricey in Oz but you can get a container from the U.S. for around $12 to $13 USD.

Marc if i want a figure to look like he has been in the snow i dust on talc powder it comes off later gives anyone the snow look.
thanks lads... im hoping to start a snowy bulge dio in the near future so the white stuff is key...

I use baking soda, applied over a thin layer of white glue. If you go this route, make sure it's baking soda, and not baking powder. Many baking powders contain a starch,like corn starch, added for stability. This causes the baking powder to discolor over time, when used this way.


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