So do you ever change your mind? (1 Viewer)

Sgt. 403

May 13, 2009
So I'm still waiting to tell my wife that I want my first K&C figure for Father's Day, but I keep flip-flopping on what to ask for. I was originally going to ask for ACW since that's my main interest. Then I watched a History Channel show on the Templars and decided Crusades. Then Memorial Day brought up my ancestry and put me back to ACW (Confederates). But then I looked at the Union figures and did some research and found that while the 83rd PA was issued its fancy uniforms, they were probably never worn in combat. So that seems to mess up an ACW diorama. So back to the Crusades? I guess it comes down to too many good lines and too little money.

So is this kind of mental gymnastics common, or do you pick and "**** the torpedos. Full speed ahead!"

On a side note, has K&C ever talked about doing the Zulu or Boer war?
Welcome to the wonderful world of toy soldiers aka. "I want it all!". What you are going through is common to just about everyone in this hobby. We all have to make decisions on what to buy and what to leave behind. Maybe you can collect a little of both. As to the Zulu War question, it has been asked many times. It seems unlikely that KC will do Zulus because it is a subject amply covered by a least 3 other manufactures. The Boer War has very little done on it and market viability is the big question there. Enjoy whatever you choose and remember, buy what you like. -- lancer

Welcome. Can't say more than what Al (lancer) has said. K & C did Zulus once back in the 1980s when they got started and I don't think they have any interest in doing them again, for the reasons mentioned by Al.
A very warm welcome to the forum:).In answer to your question,all the time:rolleyes:;).If you ask Mike or Tony of K&C UK how often i change my mind,the language would make your eyes water!:eek::D;)

Welcome to the Forum. I never change my mind. Except for the pieces that become retired and are seen in a new light and now I must have them!!! Searching frantically among dealers to see who has one. And if none do, scouring e-bay daily for one to turn up!!! But no, I never change my mind. :D:D
Are you kidd'n me?? when I travel to Phoenix (which is about 2 hours from my house) to buy soldiers at Monkey Depot,I bet I change my mind every mile marker ha!!! I usually know exactly what I want to buy, but always come home with something different, doesn't matter though as long as I get something!!...Sammy
So I'm still waiting to tell my wife that I want my first K&C figure for Father's Day, but I keep flip-flopping on what to ask for. I was originally going to ask for ACW since that's my main interest. Then I watched a History Channel show on the Templars and decided Crusades. Then Memorial Day brought up my ancestry and put me back to ACW (Confederates). But then I looked at the Union figures and did some research and found that while the 83rd PA was issued its fancy uniforms, they were probably never worn in combat. So that seems to mess up an ACW diorama. So back to the Crusades? I guess it comes down to too many good lines and too little money.

So is this kind of mental gymnastics common, or do you pick and "**** the torpedos. Full speed ahead!"

On a side note, has K&C ever talked about doing the Zulu or Boer war?

Are you kidd'n me?? when I travel to Phoenix (which is about 2 hours from my house) to buy soldiers at Monkey Depot,I bet I change my mind every mile marker ha!!! I usually know exactly what I want to buy, but always come home with something different, doesn't matter though as long as I get something!!...Sammy

I feel your pain. It is normal (for me anyway) to change minds frquently. When forced to a limited budget getting what I like becomes painful almost. I mean, what if they run out:eek: I might not be able to get that one. Or, what about those guys? They are so cool. To understand further see my signature.:p
So I'm still waiting to tell my wife that I want my first K&C figure for Father's Day, but I keep flip-flopping on what to ask for. I was originally going to ask for ACW since that's my main interest. Then I watched a History Channel show on the Templars and decided Crusades. Then Memorial Day brought up my ancestry and put me back to ACW (Confederates). But then I looked at the Union figures and did some research and found that while the 83rd PA was issued its fancy uniforms, they were probably never worn in combat. So that seems to mess up an ACW diorama. So back to the Crusades? I guess it comes down to too many good lines and too little money.

So is this kind of mental gymnastics common, or do you pick and "**** the torpedos. Full speed ahead!"

On a side note, has K&C ever talked about doing the Zulu or Boer war?

Hell when I started to read your post I almost thought we had another ACW conscript and a Reb as well-that would have been; two; three no four of us on the forum-but reading on.....
Oh well! one of these days- perhaps:D

Welcome to the forum Sgt I'm sure you'll enjoy it whatever era you end up collecting.

Welcome to the forum, YES this is a big issue my friend WE want everything but you have to choose at least in the beginning.

Personally if I say this weekend Im going to order such and such a piece(s) by the time the weekend actually comes I will have flip flopped so many times I might not even remember what it is I originally wanted. At the end of the year though Ive usually picked up most of the pieces I wanted. Anyways, welcome to the forum.
This thing happens to me too!It's so true!I have many favourite historical eras so it's dramatic, because the passion for one usually lasts 3 month(at least), then subsides a little and another historical era's passion that period i'm capable of buying books, prints and ...soldiers of that particular era..not mentioning the pre - order of items that in the moment they arrive are not so cheerfully met by myself as in the moment i pre-ordered my passion is the WW1, i'm reading "Tommy" and my last orders were all WW1..but the tide is changing i know..Victorian Period is coming again...with the beautiful britains redcoats and KCUK Crimea (i want to buy a few items in that particular range..Cpt.Morris in primis..) ..
I think we all meet with this problem at least a couple of times.
I can say for myself i was very interested in Zulu war by the WBritain but than i see some of the figures get retired(this is the most unpleasant words for the collector RETIRED,or "temporerly unavaliable") and after i saw a diorama photos from UKReb and some other collector who teach us how to make Alamo diorama,i make my mind-I WILL COLLECT ALAMO.And this is my advice to you that you choose one period(one type) and just work on this.Because if you by random figures just because you like them than you will have a lot of figures but nothing to show.But if you collect Civil war,Alamo,Zulu, can make your own battlefield and keep bringing new figures,so the battlefield is bigger and it is something.Like my plan with the Alamo is that first i will buy only Defenders,and i will build this Alamo Fort,put the defenders inside,and than the next shopping will be Mexicans,but because the Mexicans was more number i will keep buying them until there is enough mexicans so that it is show on the Diorama that they have a big army.And i think this will make figures alive the battlefield.If i buy a few of one era and a few of other era,...i will end up with 200 no related figures and what can i do with them?
Just think what is the most interesting era to you and start collecting that era.
If you have more monney you can start collecting two eras than or more,....
I think we all meet with this problem at least a couple of times.
I can say for myself i was very interested in Zulu war by the WBritain but than i see some of the figures get retired(this is the most unpleasant words for the collector RETIRED,or "temporerly unavaliable") and after i saw a diorama photos from UKReb and some other collector who teach us how to make Alamo diorama,i make my mind-I WILL COLLECT ALAMO.And this is my advice to you that you choose one period(one type) and just work on this.Because if you by random figures just because you like them than you will have a lot of figures but nothing to show.But if you collect Civil war,Alamo,Zulu, can make your own battlefield and keep bringing new figures,so the battlefield is bigger and it is something.Like my plan with the Alamo is that first i will buy only Defenders,and i will build this Alamo Fort,put the defenders inside,and than the next shopping will be Mexicans,but because the Mexicans was more number i will keep buying them until there is enough mexicans so that it is show on the Diorama that they have a big army.And i think this will make figures alive the battlefield.If i buy a few of one era and a few of other era,...i will end up with 200 no related figures and what can i do with them?
Just think what is the most interesting era to you and start collecting that era.
If you have more monney you can start collecting two eras than or more,....

That is why I have rigorously kept to WW2. I was so tempted to get just the 3 Napoleonic era field gun sets and Napoleon and his generals tent, but getting any of these would open the floodgates. The same with the WW1 tank, armoured car, trench mortor, field gun etc. But if I do win a lottery, I will be furiously acquiring the Napoleonic figures.
That is why I have rigorously kept to WW2. I was so tempted to get just the 3 Napoleonic era field gun sets and Napoleon and his generals tent, but getting any of these would open the floodgates. The same with the WW1 tank, armoured car, trench mortor, field gun etc. But if I do win a lottery, I will be furiously acquiring the Napoleonic figures.

Me too!.Although i don't know how long i'll be able to hold off on the WW1 range for much longer!:rolleyes:

I think we all meet with this problem at least a couple of times.
I can say for myself i was very interested in Zulu war by the WBritain but than i see some of the figures get retired(this is the most unpleasant words for the collector RETIRED,or "temporerly unavaliable") and after i saw a diorama photos from UKReb and some other collector who teach us how to make Alamo diorama,i make my mind-I WILL COLLECT ALAMO.And this is my advice to you that you choose one period(one type) and just work on this.Because if you by random figures just because you like them than you will have a lot of figures but nothing to show.But if you collect Civil war,Alamo,Zulu, can make your own battlefield and keep bringing new figures,so the battlefield is bigger and it is something.Like my plan with the Alamo is that first i will buy only Defenders,and i will build this Alamo Fort,put the defenders inside,and than the next shopping will be Mexicans,but because the Mexicans was more number i will keep buying them until there is enough mexicans so that it is show on the Diorama that they have a big army.And i think this will make figures alive the battlefield.If i buy a few of one era and a few of other era,...i will end up with 200 no related figures and what can i do with them?
Just think what is the most interesting era to you and start collecting that era.
If you have more monney you can start collecting two eras than or more,....

You're right Ales..if i could make my mind and focus from the start on a range (and i had this idea starting THIS range) i'd say too ALAMo..for some simple's very good in every respect (the Alamo chapel costs only 39$!!!!) and on KINGS X its figures are always available because it's in San Antonio!!!Retiring some pieces (for example some of the famous defenders) could be a commercial suicide and it's a very good choice!!!!!!!
You're right Ales..if i could make my mind and focus from the start on a range (and i had this idea starting THIS range) i'd say too ALAMo..for some simple's very good in every respect (the Alamo chapel costs only 39$!!!!) and on KINGS X its figures are always available because it's in San Antonio!!!Retiring some pieces (for example some of the famous defenders) could be a commercial suicide and it's a very good choice!!!!!!!

thank you
"So do you ever change your mind?" Ofcourse not. Well sometimes. O.K. frequently. Ummmmmmm never errrrrrrrr sometimes, well...........hopefully you get the picture! :eek:
This thing happens to me too!It's so true!I have many favourite historical eras so it's dramatic, because the passion for one usually lasts 3 month(at least), then subsides a little and another historical era's passion that period i'm capable of buying books, prints and ...soldiers of that particular era..not mentioning the pre - order of items that in the moment they arrive are not so cheerfully met by myself as in the moment i pre-ordered my passion is the WW1, i'm reading "Tommy" and my last orders were all WW1..but the tide is changing i know..Victorian Period is coming again...with the beautiful britains redcoats and KCUK Crimea (i want to buy a few items in that particular range..Cpt.Morris in primis..) ..

I feel your pain.
So I'm still waiting to tell my wife that I want my first K&C figure for Father's Day, but I keep flip-flopping on what to ask for. I was originally going to ask for ACW since that's my main interest. Then I watched a History Channel show on the Templars and decided Crusades. Then Memorial Day brought up my ancestry and put me back to ACW (Confederates). But then I looked at the Union figures and did some research and found that while the 83rd PA was issued its fancy uniforms, they were probably never worn in combat. So that seems to mess up an ACW diorama. So back to the Crusades? I guess it comes down to too many good lines and too little money.

So is this kind of mental gymnastics common, or do you pick and "**** the torpedos. Full speed ahead!"

On a side note, has K&C ever talked about doing the Zulu or Boer war?

Got my first batch of the Union ACW figures, although the fancy dress uniform isn't what they probably wore into batttle, they are still fantastic pieces. You def. need to check them out.
I think we all meet with this problem at least a couple of times.
I can say for myself i was very interested in Zulu war by the WBritain but than i see some of the figures get retired(this is the most unpleasant words for the collector RETIRED,or "temporerly unavaliable") and after i saw a diorama photos from UKReb and some other collector who teach us how to make Alamo diorama,i make my mind-I WILL COLLECT ALAMO.And this is my advice to you that you choose one period(one type) and just work on this.Because if you by random figures just because you like them than you will have a lot of figures but nothing to show.But if you collect Civil war,Alamo,Zulu, can make your own battlefield and keep bringing new figures,so the battlefield is bigger and it is something.Like my plan with the Alamo is that first i will buy only Defenders,and i will build this Alamo Fort,put the defenders inside,and than the next shopping will be Mexicans,but because the Mexicans was more number i will keep buying them until there is enough mexicans so that it is show on the Diorama that they have a big army.And i think this will make figures alive the battlefield.If i buy a few of one era and a few of other era,...i will end up with 200 no related figures and what can i do with them?
Just think what is the most interesting era to you and start collecting that era.
If you have more monney you can start collecting two eras than or more,....

If you want to see a nice Alamo diorama,go to and click on museum installations.I think you'll like it.

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