Some guys I did over the weekend (1 Viewer)

Italian Fusilers: These were started earlier then life got in the way. Finished them tday also

You did not think I would leave out the British did you? How about these guns Ron?

Great figures kV. Well done. Did you make those British line infantry moulds from the old Britains Deetail Napoleonic figures
Factory produced mould. They did copy some airfix Highlanders, so it is possible
Figures look good. You been a busy guy with casting and painting. John
Hi Vamp,

Very nice figures! I am amazed that you can accomplish so much during a single weekend! If you had a week's vacation, you would be dangerous! ;)

Now that I think about it, with molten lead flowing everywhere and coffee mugs exploding in the kitchen, you are already dangerous! :D

Great work! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Lol, that wasn't the "did" I was thinking of, but I see what you mean :)

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