Continuing along with photos of my 54 mm collection. When I finished my basement, I had display cabinets built right into the walls. This save so much space, and held some of my best pieces. Most of this is Alamo related, but there are a few War of 1812 figures thrown in
I'll show the first cabinet later on. I chose this one first, due to the high number of plastic conversions and figures. That's why it's in the plastics section.
The first shelf are converted Call To Arms and Airfix War of 1812 Artillery crews.
Next we have some more Airfix British Naps converted and painted to represent a Mexican force at the Alamo.
Third shelf are a few War of 1812 American regulars made from (again) Airfix British Naps. Next to them are another Mexican Alamo unit.
Shelf four has more American War of 1812 conversions.
Top shelf in this image shows converted American Lights made from various plastic makers. Mainly Accurate and ACTAs.
Under that are Americans AWI Hunting shirts made from various plastic makers. Three AWI artillery pieces on the right.
Shelf 3 hosts the famed 95 th Rifles and some British Artilerymen.
The last two shelves hold the War of 1812 cannons and some British Gunners.
Better shot of the cannons and the last shelf that holds some Mexcican Lancers.
Okay, last cabinet:
Top shelf shows a British artillery team wrongly painted in red coats. I have no idea why this is in there? Mexican Generals on the right side.
Second shelf has all kinds of plastic conversions I made in to Alamo defenders.
Third shelf down starts with Barzso New Orleans defenders painted and converted into Alabama Red Rovers at the Alamo. Right next to them are the New Orleans Grays.
Fourth shelf holds Marx BoonesBoro figures with some Barzso Pioneers sprinkled in. Several conversions mixed in, also.
First up, all kinds of converted Alamo defenders from many different makers.
Second shelf has some professionally painted Marx and Ideal pioneers to be used as Alamo defenders. These were metal castings, not plastic figures and the painting is just exceptional.
Shelf 3 has converted plastics, made into Alamo defender artillerymen. The guy in the middle, throwing the hatchet ,was made from a Starluxe Apache. Heavily converted, but a great figure!
Last shelf in this group shows more of those fantastic Republic Miniature Texicans. This is the "Firing Down" set with some loose extras.
That's it for the built in the wall cabinets. I'll try to take some pix of the other hanging cabinets, before I move them.
I'll show the first cabinet later on. I chose this one first, due to the high number of plastic conversions and figures. That's why it's in the plastics section.
The first shelf are converted Call To Arms and Airfix War of 1812 Artillery crews.
Next we have some more Airfix British Naps converted and painted to represent a Mexican force at the Alamo.
Third shelf are a few War of 1812 American regulars made from (again) Airfix British Naps. Next to them are another Mexican Alamo unit.
Shelf four has more American War of 1812 conversions.
Top shelf in this image shows converted American Lights made from various plastic makers. Mainly Accurate and ACTAs.
Under that are Americans AWI Hunting shirts made from various plastic makers. Three AWI artillery pieces on the right.
Shelf 3 hosts the famed 95 th Rifles and some British Artilerymen.
The last two shelves hold the War of 1812 cannons and some British Gunners.
Better shot of the cannons and the last shelf that holds some Mexcican Lancers.
Okay, last cabinet:
Top shelf shows a British artillery team wrongly painted in red coats. I have no idea why this is in there? Mexican Generals on the right side.
Second shelf has all kinds of plastic conversions I made in to Alamo defenders.
Third shelf down starts with Barzso New Orleans defenders painted and converted into Alabama Red Rovers at the Alamo. Right next to them are the New Orleans Grays.
Fourth shelf holds Marx BoonesBoro figures with some Barzso Pioneers sprinkled in. Several conversions mixed in, also.
First up, all kinds of converted Alamo defenders from many different makers.
Second shelf has some professionally painted Marx and Ideal pioneers to be used as Alamo defenders. These were metal castings, not plastic figures and the painting is just exceptional.
Shelf 3 has converted plastics, made into Alamo defender artillerymen. The guy in the middle, throwing the hatchet ,was made from a Starluxe Apache. Heavily converted, but a great figure!
Last shelf in this group shows more of those fantastic Republic Miniature Texicans. This is the "Firing Down" set with some loose extras.
That's it for the built in the wall cabinets. I'll try to take some pix of the other hanging cabinets, before I move them.