Sons of South SOS005 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (3 Viewers)


Private 2
Oct 4, 2009
Conte Sons of South SOS005 Firing Set #1. Displayed in my home; no known flaws. I have the box.
Chrismas Special: Free, except you pay shipping. Just send me a PM. In that PM, tell me one charitable act you did in the last year (hey, I have to decide who to give it to somehow). I will pick from the first 25 PM's that I recieve. I will ship to the winner, who will then send me a check for the postage.
Deadline: Dec. 9.
Good luck. Chris Elder
Chris, Tell you what. I sent a 100 check to the Secret Santa fund at Woods Services school for the disabled in Langhorne, PA. Send the set to them and I'll pay you the postage.........Bill
Well, I am always entertained by elaborate stories without a grain of truth. Or, you can say what you plan to do in regards to future charitable acts. Or, simply sending a check to a charity is a charitable act. Chris
Tried To Send You A PM


I really wanted to share with you some of the things we, my family and I, have done. However, I feel that if I do, then I would lose some of the reason why we do things like that. Hope you find a winner. hopefully there are plenty to chose from.
Contest is over. I am trying to give away three prizes so that everyone who submitted input gets something; plus mikemiller1955 gets the warm glow that comes with doing the right thing. Chris
Tried to PM again. I do not think it went through.

Please understand my heart. I was not trying to say that you or others should not share what they do. I think it is great!!! Just for me, right now, it seemed a little misplaced.

As far as the other thing. Sure I would love to have it! If that is what you really want to do. Think about it some more and if you are positive. I will send you my address.

Thank you
OK - I have an idea. Below is info on the SGTMAC Foundation. I am on the Board of Directors and run the National Wreath Project. How about you sell the SOS005 and donate the money to this cause. We put Christmas Wreaths on gravesites in Gettysburg and Quantico National Cemeteries. OR - if you send it to me - I will donate $ 75.00 to the Foundation. It is a registered 501(c) 3 not for profit foundation named in honor of Gettysburg native Sergeant Eric McColley, United States Marine Corps who was killed in a CH-53 Super Stallion helicopter accident while performing counter-terrorism exercises off the Horn of African on February 16, 2006.

Thanks and Merry Chrsitmas
Stan Clark
Gettysburg, PA
PM me the adrress or let me know if adrress on package is correct to send the $$ for postage. I love the book you sent. I have wanted that for a while now.

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