Sons of the South (4 Viewers)

No sets yet. I was getting excited about the sets that we all saw.I had planned on picking some up from Sierra where I am known to haunt frequently.
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You are a most wise vampire to avoid getting a stake thru your wallet. You told me to go ahead and paint my casualties and forget about value, You were correct, I was wrong. I guess that makes me Renfield. Are you going to eat that bug? Yes master yes master.:rolleyes:
Yes Renfield. Eat your bug. Starving vampires in Transylvania would be happy to have that.

It is not about right or wrong but having fun. History may well prove me wrong.
Don't think that will happen now oh most noble nightstalker. I was basing my assumtion that it was all going to mesh and the new stuff, Conte and Britains would give a boost to the civil war era. Britains kept up there end but even if Conte's stuff pulls in new collectors they will not go back and get the old sets ( to small in their opinion). K&C and collectors showcase might have been thinking along the same lines because they both announced ACW lines. K&C has stated theirs will be 54MM, smaller than their old sets and from what I can tell about Andy is, if he said it you can bank on it. Don't know about scale of the collectors showcase stuff but would guess it will be close to Britain's size. I have already got my eye on another set of Conte casualties with my paint brush in mind. Gonna paint the faces on my other ones to.:cool:
Goog on you my friend. I am hard at work painting Italian Carabinier. I am, however on a Civl War jag as soon as my new molds I will be casting an painting Zouaves
I own almost every Conte ACW figure, and been collecting them since they first hit the market. I was a little shocked when I opened the first of my new SOS sets and saw the size difference. I was also disappointed that they are not compatible with all of my other figure sets. They are nice figures, but I still may send all of them back or I will have to just display them by themselves. I'm also curious if this is going to be the size of all of Conte's future Civil War releases ? Or if they plan on releasing some Union sets in this new GIGANTIC size !


Have you put them up next to the old K&C Civil War figures?? Maybe you can create a scene with those guys with these new SOS figures from Conte?

Thats a shame about the size factor - I was looking at getting some for my other Conte CWs I own.

My luck is going from bad to worse. Somebody bought the Confederate casualties whil I was trying to get a game plan together, cheap to. I am trying to decide which way to go now. I am still in a funk over this.
My luck is going from bad to worse. Somebody bought the Confederate casualties whil I was trying to get a game plan together, cheap to. I am trying to decide which way to go now. I am still in a funk over this.

Well there is always K&C. Those figures looked really nice.:D
Well there is always K&C. Those figures looked really nice.:D

yes, very nice indeed, but a complete different perspective on poses,

"it is what it is"

instead of "beating this horse" to death and getting carried away, how about if we could get someone here, to whip out his digital camera, place some figures on a table, the old and the new and see a real photo and compare, none of this digitially enhanced stuff,

the picture brigade posted is good, but lets just see them on a table or counter, and more than one figure, use like several figures.

anyone be able to help out with this?

maybe TSB could re-shoot a couple photo's just on the counter opr something.
I am with dog soldier what an exellent ideal. RC posted on the other forum that this is all hogwash and there is no size difference. Well the proof is in the pudding. SOS versus old Conte sets side by side no doctoring, no diorama even up.
I posted this on the other forum.

"Some of these figures are almost 70mm high from the bottom of the base to the top of the hat. And they aren't even standing straight up. Given the base is 5 mm high that makes some of them 65mm ! The heads and bodies are also a lot heavier. Kind of comparing Hulk Hogan to Woody Allen. The exception in my view is the new mounted figure. I never said I didn't like the figures, they are nice, but Ray Charles could see the size differences. I own almost every Conte ACW set, and have been collecting from the first releases. I think we need a few other opinions, because in mine RC is not impartial."

My picture is not doctored in any way the white background is so the figures can be seen more clearly. My suggestion would be to buy a set or two and see for your self. I am just as disappointed as any of you with this new size. I have nothing to gain by posting negative info. I do not sell toy soldiers or manufacturer them. My business is 1:6 action figures. Any opinion I have about the new figures is a fellow collector.
I posted this on the other forum.

"Some of these figures are almost 70mm high from the bottom of the base to the top of the hat. And they aren't even standing straight up. Given the base is 5 mm high that makes some of them 65mm ! The heads and bodies are also a lot heavier. Kind of comparing Hulk Hogan to Woody Allen. The exception in my view is the new mounted figure. I never said I didn't like the figures, they are nice, but Ray Charles could see the size differences. I own almost every Conte ACW set, and have been collecting from the first releases. I think we need a few other opinions, because in mine RC is not impartial."

My picture is not doctored in any way the white background is so the figures can be seen more clearly. My suggestion would be to buy a set or two and see for your self. I am just as disappointed as any of you with this new size. I have nothing to gain by posting negative info. I do not sell toy soldiers or manufacturer them. My business is 1:6 action figures. Any opinion I have about the new figures is a fellow collector.

I think you did us all a great service by bringing this to light. I have put any purchases on hold awaiting a time when I can see the figures in person. Most likely Chicago in Sept. I operate on a tight hobby budget so try to make as wise a decision as I can. I have made some errors in the past and they still haunt me, that's why I became active on the forums trying to find out as much info as I can. Thanks for sharing and looking out for the greater good. To some one who shelf displays it will probably not be that noticable but to others?
I posted this on the other forum.

"Some of these figures are almost 70mm high from the bottom of the base to the top of the hat. And they aren't even standing straight up. Given the base is 5 mm high that makes some of them 65mm ! The heads and bodies are also a lot heavier. Kind of comparing Hulk Hogan to Woody Allen. The exception in my view is the new mounted figure. I never said I didn't like the figures, they are nice, but Ray Charles could see the size differences. I own almost every Conte ACW set, and have been collecting from the first releases. I think we need a few other opinions, because in mine RC is not impartial."

My picture is not doctored in any way the white background is so the figures can be seen more clearly. My suggestion would be to buy a set or two and see for your self. I am just as disappointed as any of you with this new size. I have nothing to gain by posting negative info. I do not sell toy soldiers or manufacturer them. My business is 1:6 action figures. Any opinion I have about the new figures is a fellow collector.

well said TSB, i don't think any of us are trying to be negative or doing any company bashing, we are disussing what's going on with the SOS,
unfortunately it will be taken as negative comments toward Conte,

my personal Conte collection rivals that of Louis's k&c

so this would stand to reason that i like Conte, just dissapointed in this whole thing.

and let me apologize if you think i was accusing you of "doctoring" your picture, simply not the case, i only suggest an actual table top photo with all the sets side by side, seems simple enough

i have purchased the sets myself but am waiting for arrival, i will get to judge for myself but til than the anticipation is killing me :eek:
I'll post some pix of the SOS figures in one of my display/wargame/dioramas as soon as I can . I think they'll mix in fine.They are hefty.
But them again I mix KC with Britians , Frontline and painted plastics for my Napoleonics.Obvious size differances but I group them in seperate units across my table so they sizes mix in the BIG picture.

Also, I cant help but recall one of the best guys I ever knew, gone to his reward for some years but a Prince of a guy in our 19th Indiana group.Bill Cooper from Moses Lake WA. 6'6" and built like a bear.I called him son of KONG.I'm 6'2" and seldom have to look up at someones face.One of our Corporals was 5'6" and these 2 Marching together in their Frocks, Battered Hardee's and doublebagger knapsacks was quite a contrast!
I miss the group and Bill in particular as he left us so young.

I am an avid Conte plastic collector, and I avoided buying his metal sets for years. But about 2 years ago Conte announced new metal WW2 with some pics and I thought these look pretty good, I better get his older stuff.
So I went on a crusade and picked up all his origional WW2 sets, finally the new ones arrived and the painting I thought was bad plus the figures were larger. Then I got Contes new German sets and those figures were K&C size, not to mention just a horrible paint job.
Needless to say I'm thru buying Conte metal, and the bad part about it, the resale on Conte is virtually none.
RC has posted on Hobby Bunkers forumn that there is no difference in size between his Civil War sets. You certainly couldn,t convince me of that after seeing the comparison pictures in this thread.
As I always wind up with a Conte post, you have to give him his due, he has produced the best plastic figures ever made.
OK I got my hands on the figures at the shop. My inpressions ,still WOW! On their own as stand alone figures, most of them are pretty good. Forceful and intense. That said the bases are almost 3/16ths of an inch higher than the old bases. What to do . Either raise your existing figures or cut out parts of your diorama to fit. Or do the forced pespective that I descibed earlier. Also these figures are a lot more fuller than the others and the skin tone darker. Heighthwise with out the base problem they are close. But whoever heard of a stocky starving Confederate. Don't get me started on the horse. Conte has done much better in the past. I know I have plenty of them because I liked them. This horse looks like a great Dane Woof! Woof! I will admit that I am not a sculptor but then I have never tried either. A lot of work goes in to production. Something got lost in the translation here. In the Past Conte has done better. If these figures had come with a terrain base we might not even have had this thread.

My advise as always buy what you like and don't worry about resale.

Very Good - they look great together - but do they come out at night ????

Muhahahahahahahahahah :eek: :eek:

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