Sons of the South (5 Viewers)

OK I got my hands on the figures at the shop. My inpressions ,still WOW! On their own as stand alone figures, most of them are pretty good. Forceful and intense. That said the bases are almost 3/16ths of an inch higher than the old bases. What to do . Either raise your existing figures or cut out parts of your diorama to fit. Or do the forced pespective that I descibed earlier. Also these figures are a lot more fuller than the others and the skin tone darker. Heighthwise with out the base problem they are close. But whoever heard of a stocky starving Confederate. Don't get me started on the horse. Conte has done much better in the past. I know I have plenty of them because I liked them. This horse looks like a great Dane Woof! Woof! I will admit that I am not a sculptor but then I have never tried either. A lot of work goes in to production. Something got lost in the translation here. In the Past Conte has done better. If these figures had come with a terrain base we might not even have had this thread.

My advise as always buy what you like and don't worry about resale.

Great, glad to hear your opinion Vamp. still awaiting my troops arrival, but am very hopefull after what you have said, hopefully i will see soon enough myself,
correction though my friendly creature of the nite, i don't think anything was said about re-sale value in this instance (which is a bunch of hogwash anyway, if i want resale i'll buy stocks).
hope you had the curtains shut when you came out of the coffin to post, don't want anything like the lead/coffee mug to happen to ya ;)
Great, glad to hear your opinion Vamp. still awaiting my troops arrival, but am very hopefull after what you have said, hopefully i will see soon enough myself,
correction though my friendly creature of the nite, i don't think anything was said about re-sale value in this instance (which is a bunch of hogwash anyway, if i want resale i'll buy stocks).
hope you had the curtains shut when you came out of the coffin to post, don't want anything like the lead/coffee mug to happen to ya ;)

Read earlier posts about repainting. I wear spf 2000 when I come out during the day. Buying stocks can be a good thing. Buying soldiers for resale is not. The coffee cup thing is kind of an albatros. That is what becomes of being honest.
The coffee cup thing is kind of an albatros. That is what becomes of being honest.


It's nice to know that that sort of thing happens to others and not just yourself, so thanks for sharing.

Don't worry, that whole mug thing is forgotten about. Won't be mentioned ever again. Anyway, I'm off to make myself a nice warm cup of.....;)

Read earlier posts about repainting. I wear spf 2000 when I come out during the day. Buying stocks can be a good thing. Buying soldiers for resale is not. The coffee cup thing is kind of an albatros. That is what becomes of being honest.

lol, sorry about that, my attention span is that of a "peanut", guess you can never beat that horse enough (resale) and as for the ....... thing, was kinda new to me even if it is gettin old, i've got a few diddies myself that surpass that one by miles and miles, but i won't be as honest as you!
lol, sorry about that, my attention span is that of a "peanut", guess you can never beat that horse enough (resale) and as for the ....... thing, was kinda new to me even if it is gettin old, i've got a few diddies myself that surpass that one by miles and miles, but i won't be as honest as you!

Me too but everyone here already knows them. There is the one about the old guy that said I"....... a horse and I LOVED IT" out loud to a mixed group..
well, i jumped off the deep end with out thinking, and i should have known better,

anyone who was worried about the size issue or compatibility of the new SOS vs old Conte have no fear, take a look at HB's forum, great clear pictures showing the actual comparison, no doctoring no diorama, they even go with the new and old Britains,

i feel much better now after seeing these photo's as i am picking up my sets on Wednesday,

i apologize to anyone who cares for my irrational behaviour especially RC

keep up the great work over there in Conteland
Today is the day you get your sets Dog. Let us know how you really feel, once they are in your hands:)
you bet Vamp, have post office ticket in hand, as soon as i can get outa work i'm there, will update after that :D

that's a pretty good likeness, don't ya think? :p

those guy's have taken the forum back to "fun" i would say,

can't wait to see the reprisal :eek:
well, i jumped off the deep end with out thinking, and i should have known better,

anyone who was worried about the size issue or compatibility of the new SOS vs old Conte have no fear, take a look at HB's forum, great clear pictures showing the actual comparison, no doctoring no diorama, they even go with the new and old Britains,

i feel much better now after seeing these photo's as i am picking up my sets on Wednesday,

i apologize to anyone who cares for my irrational behaviour especially RC

keep up the great work over there in Conteland

Until you see the new figures side by side with the old, you just can't appreciate the size differences. It's almost impossible to see the size differences in a picture. Like I said before, the figures are nice, but they should have kept them more in scale with past releases, including the height of the bases. The photos and explanations on the other forum aren't exactly unbiased. One from a manufacturer, the other from a dealer. I'm looking at the new figures mixed in with the old, and the new SOS figs still stand out like a sore thumb. Just my opinion.
you bet Vamp, have post office ticket in hand, as soon as i can get outa work i'm there, will update after that :D

that's a pretty good likeness, don't ya think? :p

those guy's have taken the forum back to "fun" i would say,

can't wait to see the reprisal :eek:

The reprisal is in the planning session. A fishead Hussar seems doable. Tim I hope you are not allergic to scales! MUAHAHhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is getting good, did they not know they were messing with a metal caster. Can't wait to see what you scoop out. The SOS are fine, call him Hoss and the other two Adam and Little Joe. Mike:)
This is getting good, did they not know they were messing with a metal caster. Can't wait to see what you scoop out. The SOS are fine, call him Hoss and the other two Adam and Little Joe. Mike:)

Check out the casting section on Fishead revealed.

The sos are not sob's
I think these figures are over done. A soldier would never charge with a pipe in his mouth. He would need his mouth to tear open cartridges
Well, he is carrying a shotgun, not exactly sure how they were loaded back then, but I would think it wpould be different then a musket.
A shotgun was a calvary weopen, why would a dismounted calvalryman be in an infantry charge?
Primarily a cavalry weapon from what I have read, which leads me to believe that it was not exclusively, so in the realm of things, it is a possibility. However, I would guess most were muzzle loaders, so your first point could be valid.
It is true that if a confederate cavalrymens horse was shot from beneth him he was assigned to the infantry. However they would be given a rifled musket. A shotgun would be totally ineffectual on a civil war battlefield

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