South American Glossy (1 Viewer)

Aug 21, 2007
For many years I have been looking for glossy toy soldiers covering the XIX th century South American conflicts, but whatever I was able to find (very little indeed) was of very poor manufacture and also very inaccurate in details.

For that reason I made up my mind to do them by myself and finaly I came up with a first set.

I chose the Pacific War of 1879-1884 because of the colorful uniforms and the importance of that conflict which involved Chile, Peru and Bolivia. One of the first obstacle that I deal with, and still dealing, is the lack of information on uniforms' details, but little by little all the pieces of the puzzles come up togheter.

The first set represents the Bolivian Battalion Aroma at 1881

I am now working in finishing a set for Chilean Infantry at the Lima's Campaign.

Also have on the workbench a Peruvian cavalry trooper which is progressing at a slow by steady pace.

Hope you enjoy them

That is a superb looking set. Thank you for widening our knowledge of this subject. We look forward to more of your fine work.
Well done! I would be great if you could add an officer figure to this set.
I am working on an officer, the issue is that there is few reliable documentation but future sets will have them.

Thanks for suggesting it.
This is a picture of the "paint in progress" of the Batallon Valparaiso set at the paint bench.

Buttons, hair an kepi insignia is still pending to paint.

Hope to finish it soon.

I've been lurking around this forum for a while now and have enjoyed the discussion, information, ranting and raving so much that I finally decided to join in. Thought this would be a great place for my first post. I've been meaing to say something nice about those Bolivians since you first posted them back in June and now I can compliment you on the Chileans too. Both are really wonderful sets. I too have long been interested in Latin American military history, and find the War of the Pacific particularly fascinating. Look forward to seeing some Peruvians in due course.
I've been lurking around this forum for a while now and have enjoyed the discussion, information, ranting and raving so much that I finally decided to join in. Thought this would be a great place for my first post. I've been meaing to say something nice about those Bolivians since you first posted them back in June and now I can compliment you on the Chileans too. Both are really wonderful sets. I too have long been interested in Latin American military history, and find the War of the Pacific particularly fascinating. Look forward to seeing some Peruvians in due course.

Hi Cowan,

Welcome to the Treefrog Forum! I am glad you decided to join our forum. Active membership and direct participation in the forum has many benefits, not the least of which is making new friends who share similar passions regarding our hobby.

If you have Latin American military figures in your collection, I would very much enjoy viewing them. Also, I would enjoy reading any contributions you can make regarding Latin American Military History. When you have time, please share with us more information regarding your collecting interests.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I just came across this old thread which I had not seen before. For some reason, the photos that were originally posted are not there anymore. In any case, I thought I would post some photos of Uruguay's Hiriart toy soldiers who does have a number of South American units from the 19th Century in its catalog. The first is set number 1287 REGIMIENTO DE INFANTERIA NO. 1, "LOS COLORADOS'" BOLIVIA.


  • 100_1855.JPG
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  • 1287 Batallon Los Colorados Bolivia.JPG
    1287 Batallon Los Colorados Bolivia.JPG
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Another set is number 1186 REGIMIENTO DE PATRICIOS, ARGENTINA.


  • 1186 Regimiento de Patricios Argentina.JPG
    1186 Regimiento de Patricios Argentina.JPG
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Hiriart also made a special, non-catalog band set of the Patricios.


  • 1186 BAND.JPG
    1186 BAND.JPG
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Here is Hiriart's set number 1218 BATALLON DE INFANTERIA NO. ! "FLORIDA," URUGUAY.


  • 1218   Batallon Florida Uruguay.JPG
    1218 Batallon Florida Uruguay.JPG
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  • 1218 FLAG.JPG
    1218 FLAG.JPG
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Another Hiriart set is number 1157 BLANDENGUES DE ARTIGAS LANCEROS, URUGUAY.


  • 1157 Blandengues de Artigas Uruguay.JPG
    1157 Blandengues de Artigas Uruguay.JPG
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Those are a gorgeous set of cavalry, some of the most colorful I have seen. -- Al
Those are a gorgeous set of cavalry, some of the most colorful I have seen. -- Al

Thanks Al, I agree. I originally ordered them sight unseen, since there wasn't a stock photo available. I was blown away at how beautiful the set turned out to be. Bob Walker also ordered the set plus a five figure add-on set which really makes an impressive display.
Here is Hiriart's take on the Uruguayan Navy in the 19th Century. It is a special, non-catalog set URUGUAYAN NAVY IN HISTORIC DRESS.


  • Uruguayan Navy Historic Dress 2.JPG
    Uruguayan Navy Historic Dress 2.JPG
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This is another of Hiriart's special, non-catalog sets. It is GRANADEROS DE TARQUI, ECUADOR.


  • Granaderos de Tarqui ECUADOR.JPG
    Granaderos de Tarqui ECUADOR.JPG
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Hiriart also made a band version of this 19th Century unit, the GRANADEROS DE TARQUI, ECUADOR.


  • Granaderos Tarqui Band.JPG
    Granaderos Tarqui Band.JPG
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