Spanish Civil War T-26 (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
I received the Spanish Civil War T-26 tank yesterday (a Russian tank but repainted in Nationalist colors) and it's absolutely brilliant. As with the other tanks John has made, the detail is quite amazing. One particular feature stands out: this was a tank captured from the Republican forces so the Nationalist colors was painted on the turret. John has replicated this so it seems as if the Nationalist flag was hastily painted on; it's quite a nifty detail. This tank has a little more heft than his previous Panzer Light tanks. Perhaps a Republican version will be in our future.

This is one of the best tanks out there ^&cool




Captured T-26 in action

T-26 at El Goloso Museo in Madrid
Some more photos.

Amazingly detailed trackwork



T-26 with Panzer 1A Light Tank
Fantastic looking tank, Brad. The detail is amazing. I am impressed with the MG next to the turret main gun. It obvious that it comes through the mantlet from behind and not just glued into a notch. Neat little detail. -- Al

Thanks. The detail is quite amazing on these tanks. The WW II AFV manufacturers better hope John never moves into WW II {eek3}
In my opinion, those 1/30 light tanks are the best detailed AFVs that you can get in this hobby...fortunately not much collectors know about them :)
I would buy them of the "tankers" we're first legion or better quality..
I have the Republican one, won some time ago in a Caption Contest and i love it!
I think it shows the craftsman that John is. He does his research very well. I totally agree that if John started to make WW2 tanks he would do very well. I have a few of the WW1 tanks John did and they are fantastic.

I received the Spanish Civil War T-26 tank yesterday (a Russian tank but repainted in Nationalist colors) and it's absolutely brilliant. As with the other tanks John has made, the detail is quite amazing. One particular feature stands out: this was a tank captured from the Republican forces so the Nationalist colors was painted on the turret. John has replicated this so it seems as if the Nationalist flag was hastily painted on; it's quite a nifty detail. This tank has a little more heft than his previous Panzer Light tanks. Perhaps a Republican version will be in our future.

This is one of the best tanks out there ^&cool

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Captured T-26 in action

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T-26 at El Goloso Museo in Madrid

Very nice tank! Thanks for posting

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