Spare parts for old Lucotte (1 Viewer)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
A new job-lot arrived by Post this morning - and knock me down with a black banana - but among the 50 odd figures in need of a little TLC - there were six Lucotte figures. Yes - that's right LUCOTTE figures - in a job-lot of figures for repair!{sm2}

Now this is a bit out of my comfort zone - as regretably, not one has crossed my path before - and I don't know where to get any spare parts for Lucotte figures.

Here's a pic below - which shows my six figures in question. Now, they look like something from either WW1 - or maybe a bit before. I will be looking for some information about the identity of each figure first - and maybe where to look for the plug-in heads - and arms which are either holding what's left of weapons - or something else.

The top two - are in blue uniforms. Presumably the loose head with feathered hat plugs in to the left figure - whilst the next right looks lijke a marching infanjtryman - who needs a rifle replacing

The bottom row of four looks like (from L to R) another infantryman who needs a new rifle in left hand/arm - two figures with strange packs I've never seen before. One is holding what could have been the remains of a bugle - and has a lanyard from left shoulder across his chest. The next (third) figure could have been holding a rifle at the slope - but hand and weapon are missing. The last (far right) figure is missing his right arm - and has a pistol at his belt and a cross strap painted on his chest - so presume he's an officer.

Any information at all would be MOST welcome please - on age/identity of each figure - and MOST important of all - please, please, - any idea where I can get some spares to fix 'em up again? Thanks for looking - jb

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An intriguing project, John! As far as spare parts are concerned, my first thought is to contact Mignot at Au Plat d'Etain in Paris. I did a quick search and didn't find a website, but I did find a Facebook page:

I'll have to look in my references to see if I have a line on anyone else who made or makes replacement parts.

As for the identity of the figures, I don't have access to my reference library right now, so I can't look 'em up. The one head looks like it's a Bersaglieri, thought.

As for the identity of the figures, I don't have access to my reference library right now, so I can't look 'em up. The one head looks like it's a Bersaglieri, thought.


A good idea to contact the Paris shop Brad - I'll give it a go tomorrow - as it's late here now. And yes, I thought that head loooked like a Bersaglieri too. The running pose also looks about right.

However I'm right outside my comfort zone with these rather exotic creatures - I never thought I would ever own any of this marque - as they are usually a bit outside what I normally like to pay for TS. BUT.........I got 53 broken Toy Soldiers for around $10 US with this job-lot - which means these were pennies for each one!!! Yikes!!!

Clearly, the guy who sold them had no idea what they were - and neither did I until I looked up the name faintly embossed under the stands - which made me sit up rather quickly!{eek3}

I would be delighted if you did manage to ID them for me Brad. It might also help when I contact the Paris shop. I know they do restorations there - but you know me by now - I would like to restore them myself. Somebody MUST make spares - surely?

The hunt is on! Thanks for the tip Brad - jb
Hi John,

Here is a website which shows a lot of Lucotte sets. That may help in identification.

Rgds Victor

Thanks Vic. I had a look there yesterday - but the only things there, seem to be the more colourful (and highly expensive) sets that they are seeking to sell.

Mine appear to be the more ordinary foot soldiers - probably from WW1 ( or maybe earlier ) - which don't unfortunately appear in any of their four categories.

I will send them an e-mail - in my rusty French, and hope to get a positive response.

But thanks for the thought chum. jb
Johnny those are great! I am pretty sure you could match them up with Mignot parts. I have a pair of Mignot Bersaglieri that I got from a very small shop in Paris they are wonderful figures. I will see if I can find the address for the store she might have parts. But since Mignot took over Lucotte in the 1920s the figures should be compatible if you can find a place who carries parts.

Mignot's site:

I often find old Lucotte like yours in groups of Mignot I buy as they are easily misidentified.

The photo below is of one such example I obtained this week, a mounted WWI Officer (probably pre-1920 manufacture). On the right is a standard Mignot drum major for comparison. Note the huge scale compared to the Mignot. There is also the difference in eyes on the figures (Lucotte are distinctive with the white part painted). Note also the separately cast reigns on the horse, another Lucotte feature. This figure came in a lot of Mignot. It is unmarked but is Lucotte.

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Johnny those are great! I am pretty sure you could match them up with Mignot parts. I have a pair of Mignot Bersaglieri that I got from a very small shop in Paris they are wonderful figures. I will see if I can find the address for the store she might have parts. But since Mignot took over Lucotte in the 1920s the figures should be compatible if you can find a place who carries parts.


I have been thinking along similar lines Dave - as There are a few casting providers here in the UK who do SOME parts which might be acceptable - especially the parts that I will be after. Mine are 54mm by the way - whilst a lot of Mignot are smaller - at around 42mm.

I will need heads for four figures - probably wearing The WW1 French Adrian Helmet. I know several providers do such a head in the UK (e.g Irregular Miniatures and also Dorset model Soldiers). Looks like I may need arms with rifles - one with a Trumpet and maybe a sword for the Officer figure. This is really where I would prefer to have the genuine article - rather than a mismatched arm/weapon.

BUT - if needs must, then I'm prepared to get what I can - and at least make the figures whole again. With a bit of care in shaping and filing - the new parts don't have to look bad

Today, I contacted The Plat d'Etain shop in Paris - but was told that these figures are no longer in their catalogue - and they don't handle them any more ( which seemed pretty final!). They did however give me another address to inquire at. It's called "La Boite de Soldats (The box of soldiers). Off went another e-mail - and they replied that they will have a look for some parts - and will reply when they can.

So................looks like someone is having a look for me - and we will have to wait and see what they come up with. My back-up plan will be to use British re-cast parts that MAY get them to look somewhere like they really should. Apart from the missing bits - they are in pretty good nick - so fingers crossed.

The top 2 figures are WWI French, the separate head is that of an Italian Bersagliere. The bottom four figures could be several different nations involved in WWI.
I'm not sure about the 2 elongated backpacks....I'll have to check my references. Au Plat d'Etain is the Mignot outlet in Paris, they do handle new Lucotte. Your figures were
made during the 1930's. Regarding spare parts, I'm afraid you will have to find older Lucotes and "canibalize" them for parts. Lucotte does not nor will not make any individual parts
available for sale.
RVM....the mounted figure next to your Mignot figure is not Lucotte, it is a Mignot. The mounted figure should be 100mm tall, and was part of a range of Mignot figures that was called
"4e Grandeur" size. Figures in this range were 75mm for foot and 100mm for mounted.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I was looking at some photos I have of lucotte figures from WWI and I think the ones with the elongated back packs could be Russian or Serbian Marching Soldiers I found some photos in O’Brien’s book. As far as scale goes Johnny I think the heads from old hollow cast Britains might work but I can’t tell by the photos what scale these figures are can you post a comparison photo against a WB figure from before WWI if you have one

Call Ron at London Bridge Toy Soldiers . . . he has some Mignot parts that aren't listed in his catalog. Sorry but I don't have his phone number . . . he advertisse in several of the TS journals. He prefers to do business over the phone rather than by e-mail. (I've been working on some Mignot WW1 French cavalrymen for several months now . . . maybe I'll finish them one of these years!)

Bosun Al
Johnny I can check with London Bridge Toy Soldiers for you I have their phone number. Let me know and I will call them for you.

The top 2 figures are WWI French, the separate head is that of an Italian Bersagliere. The bottom four figures could be several different nations involved in WWI.
I'm not sure about the 2 elongated backpacks....I'll have to check my references. Au Plat d'Etain is the Mignot outlet in Paris, they do handle new Lucotte. Your figures were
made during the 1930's. Regarding spare parts, I'm afraid you will have to find older Lucotes and "canibalize" them for parts. Lucotte does not nor will not make any individual parts
available for sale.
RVM....the mounted figure next to your Mignot figure is not Lucotte, it is a Mignot. The mounted figure should be 100mm tall, and was part of a range of Mignot figures that was called
"4e Grandeur" size. Figures in this range were 75mm for foot and 100mm for mounted.
Let me know if you have any further questions.

Great stuff - many thanks for the information. So.....the Bersaglieri plug-in head is a red herring as far as these two are concerned. Many thanks - and into my spares box the head goes! What I therefore need is an Adrian helmet head. Good - I can source that here in the UK.

Yes - I have made contact with Au Plat d'Etain shop in Paris - and they have ceased supporting or selling these "Great War" figures - and seem uninterested in going any further. So, again you are right - I'll have to search elsewhere for suitable parts.

As for the others in Khaki uniforms - yes - could be almost any of the Nations that took part in WW1 - so will have to keep searching for information on those four - I have also never seen those elongated back-packs before - and one of them is almost certainly a trumpeter - as you can just make out what's left of it in his right hand. As for the Officer - I think he COULD make up into quite a nice French Officer - by giving him yet another Adrain helmeted head - and maybe a sword in one hand and a scabbard grafted on - of course.

Thanks for the information - every little extra piece helps enormously.
Johnny I can check with London Bridge Toy Soldiers for you I have their phone number. Let me know and I will call them for you.


I thought that they were just licensed Britains spares providers in the USA, Dave? Well - IF they do have a few spare parts for Lucottes - I'd be delighted if you could. Do you need any further pics of my six???

Many thanks chum - I'll return the favour...........somehow:D jb
Call Ron at London Bridge Toy Soldiers . . . he has some Mignot parts that aren't listed in his catalog. Sorry but I don't have his phone number . . . he advertisse in several of the TS journals. He prefers to do business over the phone rather than by e-mail. (I've been working on some Mignot WW1 French cavalrymen for several months now . . . maybe I'll finish them one of these years!)

Bosun Al

Cheers Al - much appreciated - jb
Just a quick thankyou to everybody who has contributed to the information in this thread - which is a bit like solving a jigsaw puzzle - without the picture on the box! :salute:: jb
I was looking at some photos I have of lucotte figures from WWI and I think the ones with the elongated back packs could be Russian or Serbian Marching Soldiers I found some photos in O’Brien’s book. As far as scale goes Johnny I think the heads from old hollow cast Britains might work but I can’t tell by the photos what scale these figures are can you post a comparison photo against a WB figure from before WWI if you have one


Sounds good Dave. Any chance of a pic or two??? What sort of heads/helmets are they wearing????? jb

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