Hi Johnny I will scan the photos and see how they look. If they come out I will post them here.
Hi Johnny
I forgot to mention the heads of the Russian and Serbian are in soft caps not helmets the Serbian looks like an Overseas cap the Russian one looks odd like a Sailors cap. I will scan them later today after kids soccer games. The French soldiers I saw were in Adrian Helmets that like a lot like the ones WBritains did on their French and Belgian Soldiers of this era.
The unusual backpacks are definitely not Serb, those figures were given the "standard" Lucotte backpack.
I agree with Dave about those headless bodies. My reference is O'Brien's books, and I saw photos of figures with what looks like that body, but depicting soldiers of various other armies. Also, it makes sense if the Bersaglieri's head is Lucotte's rather than CBG-Mignot's; Mignot produced Bersaglieri, but the plumes were sculpted to be longer and fuller than what we see in the photo. Of course, it could have been longer when it was new, and it's now worn away.
That Russian cap that Dave mentions sounds like the old Tsarist field cap. It was similar to the old Prussian/Imperial German cap, except that it's crown was bigger and flared out more, to form a flat top.
Regarding London Bridge, yes, Ron is an authorized Britain's dealer and vendor of Britain's replacement parts, but he's also worked with other makers, and over time, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of anything he may have in his stash.
I look forward to hearing how you make out, John!
The O'Briens book would not scan on my system but I managed to get the Rose book to scan and here is the picture of the French Soldiers. Note the different back packs. I will try another method to get the Obrien photo on here.
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That is sort of the cap only it is more flared on the Lucotte version in the photo in O’Brien’s book I also took a quick look at Roses Book and he had some very nice color photos so I will look at some of the other books I have and see what I can scan.
I will check with London Bridge here and see if he has arms and heads for these guys the Russians will be more difficult to source but maybe the Mignot collected we have here can help. More soon
Dorset Castings list.Johnny I got a hold of them and they have some parts but if you can get heads and arms that fit the old Britains hollowcasts they will fit you guys the Russian figure was identified to me as Pavlov Grenadiers if that helps. I recommend using Dorset figures parts