St. Lo (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 6, 2006
Figarti US troops moving onto St. Lo which had to be taken before the Allies could breakout and start their March to Germany.


Brilliant picture

Thanks Mitch

Now this is on of our types of scenes that are criticized for being too busy......and I agree it is......BUT............... This is St. Lo which was devistated, so in order to convey the proper setting we feel how we treated it was necessary. No the soldiers dont stand out, but the total scene conveys the devistation of St. Lo, therefore historical accuracy.

Comment as you see fit. Alex

I like these scenes you get several large buildings destroyed and your going to have a huge debris field upon which troops and AFV's have to navigate. You don't send in the dozers to clear a path then send in units so, for me, its a gritty picture of urban combat

When you develop the groundwork how deep is it? I use cut and shaped polystyrene as a bulk then add brick rubble etc as a fine layer. I have a friend who does large dio's like your self who builds up the level with real materials and uses masses of rubble etc. Just wondered what your method was
I agree you did a great job of depicting the destruction. Another awesome diorama {bravo}}

I like these scenes you get several large buildings destroyed and your going to have a huge debris field upon which troops and AFV's have to navigate. You don't send in the dozers to clear a path then send in units so, for me, its a gritty picture of urban combat

When you develop the groundwork how deep is it? I use cut and shaped polystyrene as a bulk then add brick rubble etc as a fine layer. I have a friend who does large dio's like your self who builds up the level with real materials and uses masses of rubble etc. Just wondered what your method was

Yes Mitch we shape the foam first then add a layer of rubble....We have done all rubble once and a while also. Alex

Cheers for that. You should consider doing a dio book along the lines of Richard Windrow et al on how to and do a work in progress from start to finish. I am sure it would be highly informative

Yes Mitch we shape the foam first then add a layer of rubble....We have done all rubble once and a while also. Alex
Infantry and Armour working together..............The rubble provided many well concealed ambush points for the Germans.

these are coming thick and fast. excellent as always
Devistation at St. Lo

BSP's depiction of a colorized WWII Photo

Great shot, awesome blend {bravo}}

Thanks again Frank both for your complement and your inspiration. This type of depiction takes things to a whole new level. I dont think I can go back to doing my own backdrops. We will still do our custom built foreground work, but the real backdrops knock it out of the ballpark.

We were against using backdrops, but I have to admit there is nothing better.

This technology has me very excited........ I also eagerly await your next work. Alex
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BSP's depiction of a colorized WWII Photo

OUT OF THE PARK MAN...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


Thanks Steve !!!!!!!!!!!

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