St Petersburg Knight Identification (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Oct 17, 2009
Recently purchased what looks like Aeroart 3717.

To my knowledge this was only produced as Jean De Dillon with his standard of Red Lion/Dragon on long white flag with red plumage in the helmet.

This has a totally different flag and multi colored plumes - the border from the flag matches the border on the horse so it seems like it was the original flag for the figure.

The base indicates it was painted by Ania Novikova from the Ania studio and it seems to match her style though Thor's book lists as St. Petersburg Studio - anyone have any information / ideas - maybe a trial painted by Ania before they adopted it as Jean De Dillon?

Either way I thought it was a worthwhile addition

Be Well

I believe from talking with Thor that Ania was/is top painter under contract to him, hence the St. Petersburg Studios. Also, I have also found that the variants of each figure vary wildly. There are many different paint jobs for most figures believe it or not, it doesn't mean that Thor always accepted them! A lot of times they were prototypes or rejected as final run figures but they still may/were sold. That is the best help I can give but great looking piece!

I think it is probably a prototype that was never ultimately run as the production figure. I have numerous examples of that over many figures. Most unique one is one of the German WW2 guys holding a wine cup instead of the final run figure with a baton!

Thanks for the info Tom - wonder what other pieces are out there!
Thanks for the info Tom - wonder what other pieces are out there!

No kidding, I have found a lot of variants.  In the beginning, Thor didn't necessarily own the sculpts, so you had Granada(Grudsky), Arsenyev and Sineus putting out different figures (especially Grudsky).  So, they are all technically Aeroart as they were commissioned by Aeroart. Also, I think you had painters and sculptors who took a lot of liberty!   I also have a Greek who instead of holding the Horn , is holding a Chalice, again, prototype never approved by Aeroart. There was also an Asian type Pirate figure that I have seen in many different nuances.

The worst confusion though is when people claim they are fakes - they are NOT that.

The true fakes are the drop casts and repaints we see today on ebay of "older" figures. You also see some at shows. I am not going to get into the naming of these, but again those are the fakes, NOT the variants that came a long time ago. Additionally, the early early figures all had the label painted on the bottom OR they were thin wooden bases which in a lot of cases were lost over time. Trying to explain that to some buyers is an uphill battle. It cracks me up, everyone thinks they are getting ripped off! OR the other headache is "used" figures. As we all know, they may be a fleck, etc over time, I have actually had a few people put a figure under a magnifying glass looking for flecks, I kid you not. I always want to say - "there are pro painters" who can touch that up for schekels, some newer buyers don't understand how few and far between some of the older figures appear.

Just a few more than 2 cents!

Difficult to judge. I am not certain if a fox (as in the attached code of arms of the city of Pfaffenhofen) or a griffin is shown.
By the fashion and style I would dare to say it is a swiss, austrian or german knight. But I have no documents to proof it.


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