Hi Guys,
When it comes to tanks (or anything else for that matter) it’s impossible to do everything… everyone wants… all at the same time.
KX1A laments about the lack of a Firefly… me too… But there’s also no Josef Stalin tank… or a Jagd Tiger… or a Cromwell… or a hundred (at least) other military vehicles that all of us would like to see.
What there is already… is an amazing variety of other stuff made by Figarti… Honour Bound… and modestly K&C that provides more than has ever been available in the world of toy soldiers.
And don’t forget 21 Century and Forces of Valor.
All companies (K&C included) produce what we believe will sell. In our own case we’ll continue to produce variations of the Tiger… Panther… Sherman because they sell. Fortunately for us that allows us to still produce less popular (or perhaps less well-known) types such as the Vickers Mk VI… that strange little Panzer I… or the recent 8 wheel Austrian Armoured Car.
One day, I hope, in the not-too-distant future you will see a British Firefly. So don’t despair… just try and be little more patient.
Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.