Streets of Old Hong Kong Diorama (1 Viewer)

Ok, that is definitely true - but come on, you did a great job!
Zach, This is one of the finest works I have scene. You sure give a person a level to raise the bar to. Absolutely great in ever way. I must start looking for some of the K&C house fronts. The Chinese Water Ox is cool. Where did you come by that figure? Is it K&C, I have not seen it before, Mike
He is part of one the K&C vietnam sets. I did see one on ebay a little while ago. I'm not sure if it sold yet.
A little John Jenkins infiltration of the Hong Kong dio! I think he is perfect with the K&C figures!

ZB Lang,

Nice dio! Yeah, I like that JJ piece and it seems to work good.

John from Texas

PS: I am still waiting to know if the rumors are true...that you have the Lebron App. Please clear this up.
Haha! What's a lebron app? If I don't have it, I might need it! :p

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