Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry (3 Viewers)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
A dozen years or so ago I got tired of waiting for new set releases. I had hear about the trick of cutting up guys and replacing parts by melting them together. Thought I would give it a go. Since I had an abundance of Timpo guys that I bought cheap from A to Z hobby as they were going out of business I figured to use them. The plastic did not cut easily but it melted back together easily and sturdily with an electric woodburning blade/ knife thingy. Between butchering these guys and just a paint job I was able to make a variety of unit types to fill my giant setup needs.
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The first thing I needed was Austrian cuirassiers. And since they had to have buglers I called the Jean Hoeffler buglers to active duty.
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By painting the front of the uniform with a glossy black paint it passed the 6 foot by 6 foot rule.
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These were simple arm rotations. I figured I could do better so I continued on the next page.
Next I needed someone to scout out the enemy dispositions for the Emperor. Timpo French chaussers to the rescue.100_1447 (800x599) (800x599).jpg100_1448 (800x599) (800x599).jpg
I immediately realized that one pose of these guys was not going to do it for me so I looked over my stash and continued on the next page.
I then noticed that I had an abundance of Jean Hoeffler guys that I would probably never use. So I hacked off the tops of them and added the Timpo Prussian infantry bodies to them.
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Again pressing Jean into service as buglers I added a Marx arm with musket to add variety.
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The Jean lowers had the right tails and the Timpo Infantry had the right jacket. So what did I do next? Check the next page.
Now I was getting carried away with it all. I needed to go back to the basics. the Russians were complaining that they were constantly being overrun by French light cavalry and could I do something about that. Why not.
I pulled out the Timpo British life guards and simply clipped off the flowing plume and after a paint job I had Russian cuirassiers.100_1426 (800x599) (800x599).jpg
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Again, as with the Austrians, a glossy black to the front and also the back, and we were in business.
With those successes behind me other toy commanders demanded attention to their armies as well. First up the Dutch red lancers from Timpo French lancers.
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I was stumped as to what to use for a lance since Timpo only provided a jousting lance from the knights set. Finallt at the local high end restaurant my wife ordered a drink and the cherries came skewered on a little spear. Covertly I slipped the spears into the cuff of my shirt sleeve. At last I had found a possible weapon worthy of a plastic hero. I coaxed a few more of these drinks into my wife. That would pay off in more than one way. Arriving home I washed and rinsed the spears before letting them near my weaponless lancers. I took a deep breath and held it. Would they be the right length? Would they fit into the ring hand of the lancer? Would I ever get to the end of this post? YES!! Yes on all accounts. Then I ran out of steam and never got around to painting and pennoning them up anyway.
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I'm going to use the Dulcop lancers as my Polish lancers.
Now I was still stuck with all those Napoleons, Wellingtons, and Bluchers. What to do, What to do. Flipping through the big Wagram book I found in the back pictures of the Saxons. I had already use the Accurate AWI infantry for the infantry and artillery sooooo... I noticed the cavalry was unlike most other cavalry of the time. In fact the cuirassiers looked almost just very much like the Wellington figure and if you did a head swap between the Life guard and the Blucher it would be another Saxon heavy cavalry.
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I still had a bucket of Timpo left so now I started looking closer. I had what I thought were a bunch of wasted guys but in reality I had a treasure trove of untapped potential.
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These three guys are Timpo British hussars painted as French horse artillery, and elite troopers from the 9th and 5th hussars.
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The Prussian hussar was used as a.... wait for it.....wait for it...... A PRUSSIAN HUSSAR!!! Go figure.
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love the figures you have created

these Timpo figures also fit well on top of Deetail horses. You may have to cut off the lugs on the inside of the troopers legs and maybe drill a hole under the pants to fit onto the spike on the top of the Deetail horse?

I then noticed that I had an abundance of Jean Hoeffler guys that I would probably never use. So I hacked off the tops of them and added the Timpo Prussian infantry bodies to them.
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Again pressing Jean into service as buglers I added a Marx arm with musket to add variety.
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The Jean lowers had the right tails and the Timpo Infantry had the right jacket. So what did I do next? Check the next page.

Wow, really impressed with these conversions! I think that grenade thrower could even be turned into a standard-bearer. Good job!

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