Sunday, November 3, Is The Date of our 2013 Show! (1 Viewer)

William S. Grey

Private 2
Apr 28, 2007
The 31st Annual East Coast Toy Soldier Show & Sale is on for Sunday, November 3, 2013. Mark your calendars – Plan your vacations - and plan on attending the show. It’s going to be our largest show to date!

All 2012 Prepaid Admission Tickets for our 30th Annual Show will be honored for our 2013 Show. Hold onto your tickets. Staple them to your 2013 calendar, or put them in a safe place where you won’t forget them.

So who will be attending? This is always a great show. I got my hotel and tables booked and am really looking forward to it after lasts years hurricane.
The show is shaping up to be a big one. The front half of the hall as well as all wall spaces have been sold. Almost all tables in the rear portion of the hall have been sold. If you need a table we can still accommodate you up until Monday, October 28 when we confirm our revised table order with our table/chair provider. Check the Show's Facebook page for updates. Bill
I'll be there, I'm looking forward to it. Gotta feed the habit.

Long term weather forecast for Sunday, November 3 is favorable conditions with temps in the mid 50s.
I will be there with the Battleground Art Display.


AFV modifications etc.

Stop by and we will talk shop

The Show's Almost A Sell-Out, Thank You!

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helped support our show, by getting the word out and 'talking up the show' to newcomers. Thanks to all of you who mentioned the show on various Social Media sites. The show is almost a sell-out with 287 tables sold! Making it the largest show we've had in years. The weather man promises a cool, clear and sunny day. See you at the show. Bill
Did anyone take photos while attending the show......The Lt.
Did anyone take photos while attending the show......The Lt.

Thanks for asking Joe :salute:: I would love to see any pictures as well............especially the Trophy Big Box sets Brad mentioned :wink2:


Sorry Joe, I did not have time to take pictures; I did not take a breath from 9:00am till noon, it was non stop people, sale after sale after sale, had my top shelf assistant Larry with me, he did an incredible job, yet numerous people walked away as we could not get to them all.

What a show that was, wow is that a strong collecting area, a lot of great, passionate customers in the tri state area, thanks so much to all of them who showed up and supported me, a few who said they were coming either did not or could not get through the mob to say hello..........:wink2:
Sorry no photos from me as well but a few comments on the show itself.
A good assortment of established distributors (Minutemen, Hobby Bunker, Crown, Alsand, Tedtoy, Michigan, Aeroart, etc.) and smaller dealers
and specialty makers. No major releases or great finds for me but enough to make it a worthwhile show.
For Trophy collectors there were very few sets although I managed to pick up two sets (AWI and Napoleonic). I saw one Trophy "big box" set of
Zulus doing their war dance.
There were some nice accessories for Medieval collectors including siege equipment and buildings.
Saw some long retired K&C sets and vehicles and as always a bunch of older Britains sets.

Most of the talk was on the high prices and working within a budget. Small dealers were happy to negotiate prices and move inventory.
The traffic was strong in the early hours but I don't know how the afternoon went. Not too many young collectors which always concerns
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I didn't take any photos. It was way too crowded and for what I was looking for - Trophy and retired K & C - it was disappointing. I had made a huge purchase, soon to be revealed, at Jim Hillestadt's on Friday so I wasn't too perturbed.
I took some photos; I've uploaded them to Photobucket, but the site is undergoing maintenance right now, so I can't add them here yet. However, I took photos of very specific items, and not pics of every single table and display.

I was looking for other Treefroggers but didn't see anyone I recognize. I'll second Brad's comment, there was a good crowd, and it only thinned out a little towards 1 or so. I did get to spend time talking to old friends among the vendors and other collectors. I think that's what I like best about shows, catching up with everyone face-to-face.

OK, Photobucket's back up. Here are my photos from the show...

First up, these buildings caught my eye, and I thought that you'd be interested in them, for your displays:

The gentleman who makes these is named Mike, but his last name escapes me. He trades as "Volks International", but has no website or business cars. He deals through shows. Those photos are of his medieval or barbarian age buildings and war machines.

More Volks Intl to follow...
He also has a series of buildings for the Old West:

He also had some single artillery emplacements, that would work for any period from the French-and-Indian War up through the Civil War. My buddy Dennis was looking for the First Legion Russian battery, and he thought Mike's emplacement bases would be perfect for that kind of display.

More photos to follow...

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