I'd like to see them make new and better figures, they were nice but I think they can and will do better figures down the road for the same theme. I'd hate to see them waste precious factory time just rehashing the same thing over and over.
They should, including the Stugs.
I got see TC008 @ one of the shows, the facial sculpt was awful!! It's face was so thin, it looks like someone squished it!! Now that is what a call a waste of factory time!
During the latter part of WW II the panzerwaffe in Jagdpanzer and Panzerjager units wore either black or grey uniforms depending upon what was available. Should I choose to use a Grey uniformed Panzerwaffe figure with a Panther G or Tiger I, I would apply a bit of black acrylic paint to resolve the issue. Several very nice figures from various manufacturers have used inaccurate camo uniforms or trousers. A problem also easily corrected with flat black acrylic.
Do you have any information you could provide to support your statement regarding uniform color change towards the latter part of WWII ? I'm always interested in learning.
Also could you provide me the code numbers of the FL figures you consider to have inaccurate camo uniforms or trousers ?
Thanks Gebhard
Their is an excellent website on Panzerwaffe uniforms which I will try to relocate; the link is now dead. Panzergrenader and Waffen SS Jagdpanzer and Panzerjager units wore Black. The directives as to uniform color changed several times during the war. The late war Panzerwaffe wore whatever was available due to shortages. Herr Artillery units wore Grey typically; but Stugs and Nashorns attached to Panzerjager Abt. wore Black. A Google search of Panzerjager and Jagdpanzer WW II images will show crew in Black uniforms in many instances.
The figures I was referring to that had inaccurate camo patterns were not First Legion figures. One was K&C and the other was the Figarti Panther G Kommander; which came with tan trousers. I repainted the trousers black on both figures and I also repainted the Binoculars black. Tan Binoculars are strange; even if they were that color originaly they would soon darken due to handling.
Panzergrenader units were mechanized infantry and were issued with infantry model uniforms, and never issued uniforms in black period. In fact there was never any model of Tunic used by the infantry of the Germany army during WWII that was issued in black except for models specifically issued for crews known as wraps which are of a totally different cut and tunic.
I would be careful using google images which have no context. An image showing a crew standing next to anything doesn't even mean they were the crew.
I don't use google to do research. If you could provide a directive number mentioning the changes you reference that would be helpful.
And you were not making reference to FL figures regarding camo patterns or trouser mistakes ... Thanks Gebhard
They should, including the Stugs.
I agree Panzergrenaders were mechanized infantry; however the Grossduetschland PG Division included integral Panzer and Panzerjager units that wore black uniforms..