That lion in England somewhere? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
May 2, 2008
A week or two ago there were reports down here about a lion that was seen and heard outside some little English village. A bit hard to believe but the police were taking it seriously and there appeared to be evidence to back it up. I wonder if any UK members could tell me if anything came of it?
A week or two ago there were reports down here about a lion that was seen and heard outside some little English village. A bit hard to believe but the police were taking it seriously and there appeared to be evidence to back it up. I wonder if any UK members could tell me if anything came of it?

I don't think it's too much of a stretch, given other stories I've seen about exotic cats that were apparently smuggled into the UK as pets and then either escaped or were released. I recall one of the cryptozoology series on the The History Channel once dealt with the topic. Though, the incident I can recall the best involved a black panther.

Well we get the occasional story down here too, usually the origin is of the escaped from circus type, but also former mascots, or their offspring, of US servicemen from WW2.

The US is easily the winner. There was that case from last year where that fellow shot himself, but only after releasing his collection of 33! tigers, lions and bears! Sadle they were all shot by police. I can recall another where several large cats escaped. Another story was the guy who had tiger and a crocodile in his apartment. I read somewhere it was estimated there were 5,000 tigers in private ownership in the US.
A week or two ago there were reports down here about a lion that was seen and heard outside some little English village. A bit hard to believe but the police were taking it seriously and there appeared to be evidence to back it up. I wonder if any UK members could tell me if anything came of it?

The story just kind of fizzled out with rumours of photo shopped pictures, on looking at pic again it did look a lot like a large House cat. However as Brad says above it is feasible as many big Cats were released into the wild over here in the seventies and eighties when owners could no longer meet with new tougher regulations.

Turned out it was just Rob out on his daily walk....{sm4}


hough, the incident I can recall the best involved a black panther.


A person's political affiliations should not be brought into it!{sm4}
hough, the incident I can recall the best involved a black panther.


A person's political affiliations should not be brought into it!{sm4}[/QUOTE] are getting worse, that is a shocker!!!!.........{sm3}{sm3}:rolleyes2:
A person's political affiliations should not be brought into it!{sm4} are getting worse, that is a shocker!!!!.........{sm3}{sm3}:rolleyes2:

Not a 'shocker', just one of my 'current' jokes!
The US is easily the winner. There was that case from last year where that fellow shot himself, but only after releasing his collection of 33! tigers, lions and bears! Sadle they were all shot by police. I can recall another where several large cats escaped. Another story was the guy who had tiger and a crocodile in his apartment. I read somewhere it was estimated there were 5,000 tigers in private ownership in the US.

A lot of people are just plain stupid when it comes to keeping exotic animals as pets. If you set up a preserve of some kind for larger mammals, that's one thing. But there are far more folks who get other animals, usually as young, and don't really think about what happens when the animal reaches adult size. Alligators and crocodiles, for examples, or larger constrictors. I just saw a photo of a female python found in Florida that was a foot in diameter, and it was loaded with eggs, too. Probably started as a pet that got too big to keep, or escaped. Classic example of failure to think a situation through.

A lot of people are just plain stupid when it comes to keeping exotic animals as pets. If you set up a preserve of some kind for larger mammals, that's one thing. But there are far more folks who get other animals, usually as young, and don't really think about what happens when the animal reaches adult size. Alligators and crocodiles, for examples, or larger constrictors. I just saw a photo of a female python found in Florida that was a foot in diameter, and it was loaded with eggs, too. Probably started as a pet that got too big to keep, or escaped. Classic example of failure to think a situation through.


I believe Florida has a big problem with Burmese Pythons, this can be traced back to a hurricane that destroyed an animal quarantine warehouse at an airport! This was covered in a documentary series "Inside Nature's Giants" where they carried out dissections on various large animals.


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