The Army of Frederick the Great (7 Viewers)

Yes, Rylit was run by Ursula Litterscheidt, and she closed the business down about a year ago. I found out when I tried to visit the website and found it was gone.

I asked in the German Figure-Mad Forum, and got a reply confirming that Frau Litterscheidt closed the business. But apparently another vendor acquired the catalog. He maintains the figure museum, "Historicum", website is Contact info is on that page. I have not yet tried to contact him.

And yes, John Eden has some of the figures available in his catalog. Beside the Prussian artillery crew, he has a good selection of the figures depicting camp life-soldiers eating, drinking, some hussars dancing around a campfire with the Marketenderinnen, etc.

Regarding John, his website is defunct, because his Internet service provider shut down. He trades through his eBay store (seller ID roseminiatures) and through his Facebook page, Rose Miniatures. I've had nice chats with him through PMs on Facebook.


Thanks for the link to that Museum in Germany, I'd love to go there is I every go back that way.

These are some pics of those figures that John Eden has has for sale on Ebay over the past few years.......

ry camp.jpg
ry tavern.jpg
ry group.jpg

And I think there are others ???

Yes, Rylit was run by Ursula Litterscheidt, and she closed the business down about a year ago. I found out when I tried to visit the website and found it was gone.

I asked in the German Figure-Mad Forum, and got a reply confirming that Frau Litterscheidt closed the business. But apparently another vendor acquired the catalog. He maintains the figure museum, "Historicum", website is Contact info is on that page. I have not yet tried to contact him.

And yes, John Eden has some of the figures available in his catalog. Beside the Prussian artillery crew, he has a good selection of the figures depicting camp life-soldiers eating, drinking, some hussars dancing around a campfire with the Marketenderinnen, etc.

Regarding John, his website is defunct, because his Internet service provider shut down. He trades through his eBay store (seller ID roseminiatures) and through his Facebook page, Rose Miniatures. I've had nice chats with him through PMs on Facebook.


Great to see John and Brad back on the forum talking about the Seven Years War!
Such a pity they don't support my team. But Beggars can't be choosers!

I have been lucky in that I have a good (but not great) collection of Rylit 7YW Austrians, which I am slowly working my way through. Might be able to put some pics up on the forum, one day. Unfortunately, there don't appear to be any new 7YW Austrians being produced, and the old ones are getting harder to find.
Keep up the good work, lads!
Happy Collecting,

Oberstinhaber 1
A tremendous thread. Didn't notice that there were so many recent postings of finished figures with excellent painting.

Rgds Victor
I managed to get another set of each of the 6 Tradition of London Potsdam Giant Grenadiers kits on ebay recently from an interstate seller, and luckily I was the only bidder and so got them at a VERY reasonable price.

I didn't want a second officer, so he has been repainted as one of Fredrick the Great's officer, see a previous post in this thread, but the other 5 have been added to this earlier period, the 1730's Potsdam Grenadier Guards of Frederick's father.


They sure make a nice line up now, and seeing that most of them were painted by me about 15 years ago, it's good to see I haven't lost 'my touch' and that HUMBROL is still making the same paint colours :)

A superb presentation John!

And to maintain quality control, better stockpile those humbrol paints. I read that the Euro fanatics are working out guidelines to ban meko containing stuff, incl humbrols….😀😀😀

rgds Victor
A superb presentation John!

And to maintain quality control, better stockpile those humbrol paints. I read that the Euro fanatics are working out guidelines to ban meko containing stuff, incl humbrols….😀😀😀

rgds Victor

Oh dear, that could be a problem for me ...... I've been using Humbrol since I was was kid, so that's about 60 years (SCARY !!!)

My local supplier is having troubles getting this paint in and checking around our city, it is the same. I sometime get them in from interstate too, but I think all of the country is suffering with shipping problems for all goods.

I see that Humbrol does make acrylic in many of the same colours so there is hope there IF we can get it imported.

As far a costs go ... well that worldwide, but if I am doing work for other, I'll just have to pass that cost on to them.

We shall see ......... ???

But with Brexit we no longer need to worry about the Eurofanatics right??A superb presentation John!

And to maintain quality control, better stockpile those humbrol paints. I read that the Euro fanatics are working out guidelines to ban meko containing stuff, incl humbrols….😀😀😀

rgds Victor
An Ebay purchase arrived today and this is what was in the box, 10 x Stadden 7YW Prussians, well almost 3 Tradition of London model soldier kits.

10 stadden.jpg

As you can see the top row is a musketeer, a fusilier NCO, a musketeer drummer and a grenadier drummer.
Next row are Potsdam Giant Grenadiers, an NCO, 2 x drummers and an African flautist.
Last is a musketeer and NCO , but seems they were in the listed as Hessian/Brunswick by Stadden but can pass for Prussians.

You can also see that there has been some 'damage' caused by the post from Europe, but nothing that I cannot fix with 'gentle persuasion' and the addition of a few missing sword scabbards

The 3 Tradition model casting kits are an officer and 2 Potsdam Giant Grenadiers.

This is a great batch of figures that I will be sure wanting to give it my 'lick of paint' in the coming months, and I'll be showing them off in this thread, so keep a lookout.

An Ebay purchase arrived today and this is what was in the box...

Ach, so! You dropped the hammer on what's-his-name's auction, as we say! Yeah, it was a good collection-the Napoleonics, too.
I have so many in my grey army already, so I passed on them. I'm trying to get through that stash, and finish more figures than I acquire. I'm almost even...

Over the past month I have managed to give the Potsdam Grenadiers their 'lick of paint' and I can now show them off in their full glory.

The officer and two Grenadiers are Tradition of London Model figures, while the NCO, two drummers and Negro flautist are Stadden.


I hope to 'attack' the remaining figures in the coming months but still need to decide on which regiments to paint them as, but it they will add extra troops to my existing Stadden 7YW Prussian Infantry figures, so keep checking on that.

These 3 Stadden figures are the latest I have painted......


Musketeer, NCO and drummer from the 1st Infantry Regiment.

From the last batch of unpainted figures I purchased (SEE BELOW) there are still 3 more to come and they will be painted to fit in with others in my collection, so keep a lookout posted here !!!

They are nice looking figures, and a very colourful choice for the Dragoon with lemon yellow facings for the 11th or Stechow Dragoons.

I do like the additional figures for other European countries form the 7 years Was, like Bavaria, Austria and Saxony, and I hope that you will be increasing that as time goes on.

Well done,

Some beautiful work there Bruce for the SYW. Thanks for sharing your miniature figurines and brushwork.
I've just finished another trio of Frederick the Great's Infantry,

this time Fusiliers of the 42nd Regiment (Markgraf von Brandenburg-Schwedt)


As usual there was some fine line painting required for the zig-zag orange lines on the white lace, but at least this regiment didn't have chevrons on the arms !!

I still have a couple more castings to paint, so watch out again in the New Year for them.

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Another set of figures from before this period are shown here.


These are all model figures by Tradition of London and show King Frederick William 1 of Prussia, Fredrick the Great's father,
inspecting a couple of his Potsdam Giant Grenadiers with one of their officers.

In my collection I have few more Stadden figures and also a glossy set of toy soldiers.

Love the figures Bruce. Excellent modelling, proportions are great and the dragoon pose for both horse and rider is just right in that they could be standing or just starting the trot forward. I have been admiring your range for a little while mainly, to repeat an often repeated plea, hoping that at some point you might create and sell some French cavalry from this period. Other than one very expensive model from Eastern Europe I have yet to discover any 54mm French SYW cavalry..a huge hole in the available ranges.

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