There is some potential for crossover from late Crusades to Early 100 years war, as the gap was only 46 years. While wealthier nobles and knights would want the latest armor, the poorer knights and men at arms would often use hand-me-down gear.
By Agincourt (1415) anything from the Crusades era would be 120+ years old and not only out of fashion but obsolete compared tothe then current state of military technology -- swords had undergone a major shift in design (narrower and more pointed) and armor, particularly for Mounted knights had gotten much heavier, thanks to the longbow and crossbow. Remember that only the French fought mounted at Agincourt (much to their regret) and they had learned the lesson from Crecy that the latest heavy plate was necessary to survive an English arrow storm. That is not to say that some really old helmets, swords and breast-plates might not have been used, particularly by the archers, but they would have been the exception, and very rare among the mounted knights.