The Camels have bolted! (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2006
These guys weren't around long were they. I think they were very colorful and would add some nice color to any Afrika Korps display.

In fact I had considered buying one or two camels but was put off by the fact they were polystone not metal, and the riders were Vichy French rather than classic desert Arabs with flowing robes, beards etc.

Personally I hope they come back in metal and Arab form.
I'm wondering if they were not big sellers, which was why they were retired so soon, e.g. Andy decided not to invest any more in additional production. At any rate, I've purchased the two I didn't have. Hadn't planned on the expense, but there it is.
I'm sure they would have sold better with Arab guys, but then the Hummel was retired fast and I believe it sold ok - go figure :confused:
I agree, i hadn't planned on getting them just yet either,but was shocked by their early retirement so got my order in quick.Tony said yesterday they are selling like hot cakes.As things are often retired for new versions maybe we will get some Arabs as Oz suggested.

Prediction................these will be worth a lot on the secondary market in the future.

Its often the strange but likable that go higher second time asround.

we sold five sets of yesterday after the retirement news!!

I guess one of the reasons they are going is to make room for more stuff,the AK range is really thriving,Tony would you say its one of your biggest sellers?

If there are no more WWII Camels in sight maybe we could get some in the WWI range when K & C get to the African theatre.

Just imagine: Lawrence of Arabia, Arabs, K & C Palm Trees, Rolls Royce Armored cars, Australian Light Horse, Turks etc :D

And of course WWI Arabs on Camels would also fit in with the WWII EA and AK ranges as they didn't change their appearance much.
Great idea,that would finally push me into starting a WW1 line without a doubt.(and i'd hold you responsible Oz:D).

I also really like the dio from way back in which the camels were joined by the Storch/Armd Car etc,i'm still hoping the Storch will arrive at some point.

I guess it has been mentioned before but Lawrence of Arabia was a huge hit and would be an ideal theme.

Of course there would be copyright issues with copying actual actors. What about a figure that looks like Lawrence on a camel a la the look alike General Patton inspecting the sandbagged Sherman :D
I guess one of the reasons they are going is to make room for more stuff,the AK range is really thriving,Tony would you say its one of your biggest sellers?



From our perspective!!!............No. not a major one. market garden is the front runner at the moment with MG01 out selling everything followed by MG10.

LAH is still the best range selling wise, orders for this evryday! and in multiples. LRDG is a good one and then general WWII. NAPS are a very close 2nd and again when they sell they sell in multiples.

Dont get me wrong AK is good and sells well just not the best seller of the WWII bunch.

The camels will be one of those i wish i had got them ones!

The rapid sale of the Camel Corps figures yesterday suggests that their retirement was premature.

Thing is polar you have to go buy the historic sales patterns not the if they retire they will sell pattern as a general rule i would say that they have not been big sellers..................

Thing is polar you have to go buy the historic sales patterns not the if they retire they will sell pattern as a general rule i would say that they have not been big sellers..................


Anyhow I made a mad dash and got the last one of the series I needed yesterday. It was your post about them "flying off the shelves" that made me contact my dealer immediately. I think they are a great set and we are lucky that K&C took the trouble to make them.

The camel corps were made by polystone, a lot lighter than the metal cavalry sets.

Why polystone? Is it much cheaper in production costs? But I find that the price of the camel corp is on par with the metal cavalry.

If production cost is lower for polystone, would you guys prefer all figures made in polystone vs. metal?
...If production cost is lower for polystone, would you guys prefer all figures made in polystone vs. metal?

Metal. I did not buy the Camel Corps because they were in polystone. They are in no way comparable to figure SR010 (Camel Pack) which is a beauty.

Also, I was very disappointed when I received set IC029 (Chinese horse and carriage) and discovered that the horse was in polystone. Fortunately, in set BR054 (Supply wagon), horse is in metal.

At last, I guess it's a question of preferences.

Metal. I did not buy the Camel Corps because they were in polystone. They are in no way comparable to figure SR010 (Camel Pack) which is a beauty.

Also, I was very disappointed when I received set IC029 (Chinese horse and carriage) and discovered that the horse was in polystone. Fortunately, in set BR054 (Supply wagon), horse is in metal.

At last, I guess it's a question of preferences.


Hi Pierre,
yup, I also was bitterly disappointed when I found that IC029 included a polystone horse. It still looks good IMO - but I would have preferred metal.
I believe the cost of the metal alloy used in figures have tripled in the last year. Using polystone where practical allows K&C to get prices from increasing too much.:)
I believe the cost of the metal alloy used in figures have tripled in the last year. Using polystone where practical allows K&C to get prices from increasing too much.:)

Hi Steven-

No doubts that this is the explanation but I would have paid 95,00$ each for the Vichy Camels in metal.

Can't wait to get mine,will get the first two at the show in London.Got to keep some money back for all the other lovely stuff Tony is going to tempt me with though.


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