The Clamshell Packs Have to go. (1 Viewer)

I Love the Britains Line of NEW Glossy and Matte. They have a great look to them and our well balanced and sculpted. Not to Bulky and seem to be the most anatomically correct. But the Clamshell packs have to go. It is really upsetting that they would package their product so it gets damaged by the inferior packing. The old Maroon boxes with foam were perfect. To many of my new figures have minor damage from the figure rubbing paint off on the clamshell. Am I right or is it only me? Does anyone else have this problem? Britains CHANGE YOUR PACKAGING OR YOU WILL LOSE CUSTOMERS.

I agree, I would rather pay little more and get an item not damaged.
I have been lucky that I have had very few damaged figures and the ones that was were in boxes with foam and not in the clamshells.
I have been lucky that I have had very few damaged figures and the ones that was were in boxes with foam and not in the clamshells.

Same here no damage with the clamshells, but I have had issues with foam inserts causing damage from every manufacturer. I own every ACW figure, building, and scenery item from Britain's so that would mean I have every figure released in a clamshell. I have never seen any paint chips, smears, or smudges on the inside of the plastic package. In fact do to quality issues I have have recently been experiencing from other manufactures I now only collect Britain's figures. It gets a little annoying having to repeatedly return figures that have issues.
I don't mind the clampshell as they keep the postage down {less bulky then a box}
As far paint I did notice on some ACW figs there was a spec of paint missing on the hat and bedroll...but I just touched that up.
Thank You Ragnar(Master Gunns),that is exactly what I am talking about. Shiny spots of metal showing through at pressure points. I collect Britains Gloss Zulu and Matte American Revolution. The problem started when they went from Maroon boxes to maroon window boxes where you could see the figure through the box encased in plastic. Many of my Zulu figures had paint damage at corner of base and also different pressure points depending on the figures with the window box.

Then they went to the Clamshell which has the same pressure point issues with paint wear. Never have I had paint damage from foam packed figures and I have bought some 10 year plus old figures packed in foam maroon boxes and paint was perfect.

As long as we collectors do not demand perfection from a toy soldier that cost $25-$50 they will continue to ship in cheap plastic holders and we will settle for compromised figures. I am sure the price of one figure pays a Chinese workers a weeks salary.

For those of you who touch up gloss and matte figures from damage what paint do you use? Ths matte will be easier to touch up than gloss. Please let me know what Brand of paint is correct.

I would like to hear from someone from W. Britains on this issue if they even care

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do you Hear Me)
When are you going to see that the vast majority here don't have problems,not saying that the next one I get may have damage.Could it be that you damage it when you take it out?
When are you going to see that the vast majority here don't have problems,not saying that the next one I get may have damage.Could it be that you damage it when you take it out?

Are you satisfied with the vast majority or should it be everyone? If your ever in Houston look me up so I can show you first hand many different figures with some form of damage and only from hard plastic shells.

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private (Do you Hear Me)
We would all like it to be 100% but nothing is.As I have said and so have many others I have had no damage in the clamshells,others have had a few but you seen to have an extraordinary large amount.I have had damaged figures but they were in boxes with foam and no I don't want the boxes banned.
We would all like it to be 100% but nothing is.As I have said and so have many others I have had no damage in the clamshells,others have had a few but you seen to have an extraordinary large amount.I have had damaged figures but they were in boxes with foam and no I don't want the boxes banned.

There has been 28 replys to this Thread. At least 3 are 4 our mine. That leaves approx 24 replys and some of those would be more than one reply so we can say that there has been about 20 people weigh in on the subject. Including myself there has been at least 4 people that have experienced problems. That my New Jersey friend is at least 20 percent. Down here in Texas we would be out of business with that high of a percent of customers with problems. Enough Said.

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do You Hear Me)
I am not sure the damage rate is 20%. Hopefully, Britains has contacted their dealers to determine if the clamshells are causing damage.
Out of how many thousands of clamshells and the others that had damage didn't say all that they received were bad.I think Dietz is right if there was a 20% damage rate I'm sure Britains would address it.
I do not think that the incident rate is 20 percent but if you are collecting a particular range of figures than the 20 percent becomes relevant when you look at the individual customers that have been affected. I just received a shipment of 10 more figures from Britains in Clamshells and I noticed that the new Continental Line have a sheet of plastic also inserted between the figure and the Clamshell on 3 different figures in all 5 packs.Curious that they would do that if they didn't think they had an issue. I have never seen that before.

I have not opened them up yet but when I do I will post on the results of any paint issues on thes figures. Has anyone noticed the extra sheet of plastic that was inserted between the figures and the clamshell on recent figures?

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do You Hear Me)
Yes I have noticed that.Howard I'm not jumping on you for being upset.If it was only one out of 500 you still had to pay for it and the hassle of getting in contact with your dealer and getting a undamaged item.Sometimes the dealers act a little funny when this issue comes up.I'm just saying I think they are few and far between.
Hi Guys,

While I haven't had an issue yet I am sure there will be a first time eventually especially with how our Apo seems to handle boxes...

That said if you have experienced an issue you should not only talk to your dealer but take the time to document it via photos and get in touch with W Britains directly. They are very responsive to direct discussion at least in my case they have been, so don't just discuss it here take the time to let them know directly.

I do not think that the incident rate is 20 percent but if you are collecting a particular range of figures than the 20 percent becomes relevant when you look at the individual customers that have been affected. I just received a shipment of 10 more figures from Britains in Clamshells and I noticed that the new Continental Line have a sheet of plastic also inserted between the figure and the Clamshell on 3 different figures in all 5 packs.Curious that they would do that if they didn't think they had an issue. I have never seen that before.

I have not opened them up yet but when I do I will post on the results of any paint issues on thes figures. Has anyone noticed the extra sheet of plastic that was inserted between the figures and the clamshell on recent figures?

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do You Hear Me)

You seem to have been having this problem for quite some time. If it is such a major issue for you have you ever phoned or written to Britains to raise this issue with them ?
There has been 28 replys (sic) to this Thread. At least 3 are 4 our mine. That leaves approx 24 replys (sic) and some of those would be more than one reply so we can say that there has been about 20 people weigh in on the subject. Including myself there has been at least 4 people that have experienced problems. That my New Jersey friend is at least 20 percent. Down here in Texas we would be out of business with that high of a percent of customers with problems. Enough Said.

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do You Hear Me)

That's 20% of replies to a thread on one forum, which suggests that this sampling isn't yet something we can call representative. I think that Dave has given the best advice and that's to let W. Britain know about your dissatisfaction. I'm sure that if enough customers complain, they will do something about it. But it sounds at this point that out of the hundreds of individual pieces packaged and shipped in the clamshell package, a very small percentage have been reported to have been damaged in some way.

Now, full disclosure, I like the classic boxes rather than plastic packages, but I'm nostalgic.

I have to agree with Brads post......

I have almost 150 sets/figures from Britains and not a single damaged piece, this also includes the AZW horse limber set. I was actually scared to open it for fear of it being broken, but nothing!! was sent through regular post as well.

If you have as many sets that are damaged because of the packaging why do you continue to buy from them? As others have said have you contacted them? They can't fix it if they don't know there is a problem.
I have to agree with Brads post......

I have almost 150 sets/figures from Britains and not a single damaged piece, this also includes the AZW horse limber set. I was actually scared to open it for fear of it being broken, but nothing!! was sent through regular post as well.

If you have as many sets that are damaged because of the packaging why do you continue to buy from them? As others have said have you contacted them? They can't fix it if they don't know there is a problem.

Well I started collecting the range when it was in foam packed boxes and had quite a lot of figures. I probably have more than 150 figures and the early packaging was 100 percent excellent.The problems arose when they changed packaging and it is now not at 100 percent satisfaction. I did chage to K&C for the Hessians and they come foam packed and perfect. They are just a little bit larger and not a perfect scale fit but the look great.

I sitll love the figures just not crazy about the clamshells. I am fairly new to this forum and I thought that Britains may reply to the concerns if I posted it here because I see they have replied before. Also I wanted to see if anyone else was as dissatisfied with the packaging as I was. I have just received 20 figures and I will inspect them when I open them and post any concerns I have with them.

As I said they must know there is a problem because they started putting extra plastic sheet inside the clamshell to protect the figure from the hard plastic in the newer releases.

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private(Do You Hear Me)
As I said they must know there is a problem because they started putting extra plastic sheet inside the clamshell to protect the figure from the hard plastic in the newer releases.

They started adding the plastic sheets after I contacted their then General Manger, Richard Walker about the problem (as I stated earlier in the thread) about a year ago. I found that the black felt behind the figure caused the paint to come off when the figure moved against it.
...I thought that Britains may reply to the concerns if I posted it here because I see they have replied before...

Hi, Howard, not necessarily. Britain's previous and current managers are both members of the forum, and they do check in from time to time, but you're better off contacting Britain's directly with your complaint. That's not to say you can't vent about it in this forum, we all do, I'm merely thinking of the odds of getting a reply.


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